Unknown Prey

Chapter 329 - 329 When the Timing is Right

Leo chuckles and leads her to where Ketan and Luke are standing. "Sorry for the wait. We are all heading back to the house but we decided to not fast travel back into the house in order to not cause alarm." Leo was walking beside Kitty who wasn't showing the pain from the wound mending.

"If that is what you decided to do then I will not fight you but you will fast travel from here to the opening where you changed. It would take a very long time to walk from here to the house. Luke ran so he got here rather fast. When the others see how much blood is on you they will freak out anyways." Ketan touched everyone's shoulder and took them back to the clearing. 

Leo held on to Kitty when they got to the clearing and started to guide her towards the house. 

Luke looked at Kitty worried and moved to the other side of her body and patted her arm. "You look a little out of it, Mother." 

"Sorry, the fast travel was a little hard since I lost blood but Ketan is right we were quite the distance away from the house and it would've taken a while to get home. I promise you that I will recover soon enough." Kitty smiled at everyone and then started to walk towards the house. 

Leo walked beside her and watched her footing in case she got light-headed from the travel. "If you say so then you will be okay but didn't you say earlier that you would recover in an hour?" 

"That is my fault. I fast traveled because I didn't want everyone to walk back as it would take more time but in doing so I made it so that it would delay the healing process. My blood is working its magic but by traveling I delayed the effects a slight bit." Ketan walked behind everyone and was calm. 

"I see, well that makes sense. I did not know that there were things that could delay the healing process. I need to be careful and watch her more closely. I am sorry love but I do not like you getting injured nor do I like the fact that you had to protect our son." Leo watched her closely. 

"I too am sorry. I did not mean for this to happen." Luke covered his mouth and walked beside Kitty quietly.

Kitty glared at Ketan in her mind and looked at Leo. "There is really nothing to be worried about. I can not die and neither can Ketan. It is almost impossible for us to die. An injury to me is better than losing another loved one. I do not want to lose anyone else. I can not handle all the losses that I have suffered but that is also a way of life. I will only feel more once I have shifted to my rightful element." She looked up at Leo and then over at Luke.

Ketan stared at her and listened to her and opened a one-way connection so that no one else could hear. ~You know that it is still dangerous for you to deal with the loss suffered. I know that you are slowly coming into your powers as I am getting mine back at the same time. I am glad that you have made a choice. As one of the ones bound to take care of you, I know that I have a different type of attachment to you. Like with the way, my parents treat you like their own daughter. I wonder what is going to happen after the battle? Will you tell them?~

Leo looked at Kitty and saw that she was starting to look a little better. "I will trust your words."

~Not at this time. I have told Leo some things but there is not a way to tell them what might come. I will wait and see how the battle goes first. I do not want that weighing on anyone's mind. I will teleport Leo to see the area but I will not say anything until after the fact. I will not die, Ketan.~ Kitty saw the house and turned and glared at Ketan.

~You can not know for sure but if that is what you wish then I will follow your choice as I am your guardian until the end of the contract.~ Ketan stopped walking and bowed towards Kitty.

Leo stopped and looked at the two. "Is everything okay?" 

Luke looked between the two and was surprised that Kitty was just glaring at Ketan as no words were said out loud.

~Remember what you just said.~ Kitty turned and started walking again. "Don't worry about what just happened; it is something that is rather complicated and is not easy to understand. I will explain it later but right now I want to shower." 

"If you say so love then I have no issues with going along with what you say. I would like to learn about it soon though." Leo caught up to her and looked at the blood that was now dried on her beautiful face. "It is uncomfortable to have dried blood on the skin."

Luke rushed and opened the door and glanced back at Ketan. 'I wonder if I make the choice would I feel the same as Ketan. I want to ask him about it later.'

"Thank you, Luke. I will come downstairs once I am presentable so can you keep the others in the living room for now?" Kitty patted his shoulder and heard his thoughts. 'Interesting I think that is a good idea. Maybe Ketan can explain the feelings better than I could. As I am the one that they need.' 

Leo followed her inside and then picked her up and carried her up the stairs while everyone was still in the living room. "Let me do this much since we will not be seen by the others. I know that you are worried but I will make sure that you are are not seen. I know that you want to put on a brave face but you did get shot. So let me help you out to the best of my ability."

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