Unknown Prey

Chapter 371 - 371 New Installments

"Yes and no, Kitty is a strange one, to begin with. I was surprised that she knew so many people but I have gotten used to it and with the way that she uses her magic it is amazing. I never thought that I would fall for a supernatural but the pull to her was so strong that I wanted to monopolize everything about her. I am now used to everything but there are some things I was not expecting. I have bought her paintings and I always wanted to meet her." Leo kept emptying the desk while shaking his head. 

"Ah, yes her paintings are to die for. I love the way she paints. It is not every day that you get to see art that looks like it is real and not just a painting. I own a painting by her. Not that she knows who I am. I purchased it at a charity auction under a pseudonym." Rex closed the box and started a second one. 

"Rex are you free on Friday by any chance?" Leo looked at Rex with a mischievous playful look in his eyes. 

"Depends on what you need. I could free my torture schedule for the right reason." Rex lifted one of his browns in suspicion. 

"You will like this. I am planning something for Kitty and I am trying to get all the right people together. We are shooting a commercial. I thought of something that would be fun." Leo smiled and waited to hear what Rex would say about a surprise

Rex walked up to Leo and touched his shoulder and stood there for a moment. "Boy, your mind is like an open book but I like what you have planned out. I will join in on the fun." Rex smirked and looked at Leo. 

"Thank you for agreeing. I am still learning all of this but in this case, it was a good thing that you could read my mind is it not?" Leo smiled and finished getting everything out of the drawers. He pushed a few buttons and a fingerprint scanner appeared. Leo placed his thumb down, the scanner whirled, before flashing green, and the hidden compartments around the room opened up.

"For pete's sake. I did not know that the rooms had these. I have been working here for how long?" Rex stared as all the compartments on the walls opened. 

"It is set up in your office or at least I think that it is. If you want we can go ahead and look at it later. I want to finish packing up first. I will leave the moving of the items to Ketan and Jenna." Leo looked inside the compartments and pulled out the case that was stored in the wall and packed each weapon from the wall inside. 

Rex pulled out another suitcase and packed it all up. "Although I agree with you that these need to be moved I am not comfortable leaving them unattended." 

"The weapons are going to be placed in my office as when those two return I will need to rest their rooms and make sure that they have access to the weapons vault in their new rooms as is what I will do for you." Leo closed and locked the case.

"Fingerprint cases as well. Damn," Rex whistles, "we really have some fancy tech." He finished packing the case but did not dare close it. 

"Yeah, it was a good idea to shift to this system. You must have been away on a shadow mission for a while and that is how you were missed. The switch took several months." Leo came over, closed the case, and armed it. "I was the one the set most of the rooms. I think I set everything up in your room and now that I think about it, I set it up to my fingerprint so that when you came back we could set it up but every time you came back I have not been in the office. I cursed every time I missed you. So I decided if you were to come back when I was back I would hunt you down to get it done but I missed you all the time and then I started hunting for my girl. So everything that did not pertain to her got lost in my obsessed brain. We finished that set up nine months ago." 

"Nine months, is not all that bad. I think I have been back to the office four times before today in the last ten months so it is not like you really missed a lot of opportunities to register my fingerprint. I will say that I noticed that someone was in my office but you left me a note saying that you were here updating some things and if I was here to seek you out. I didn't have time to seek you out and I forgot as well, so whatever." Rex looked around the compartments and saw that some were already empty. 

Leo let out and sigh and closed all the empty compartments. "I am glad that you are so understanding about this. I know that the case that you use is something that you like so I got a specially made one that matched." Leo looked at the two cases and picked one up and left the room. 

Rex grabbed the other case and followed Leo back to the office and placed the suitcase like box down next to the one Leo placed down. "I am curious, Leo, what about your old office, do you not need to pack up everything in there?"

"There are some things that need to come here. Brielle's things will not be unpacked before I get everything moved." Leo looked at the suitcases and left the room and went to his old office. He unlocked the room with his fingerprint and opened the desk and started entering a code to bring out the fingerprint scanner. Once it came out Leo scanned his thumb and the room shifted and a staircase opened up. Leo went down and looked at the walls. "This is closer to what you have in your office."

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