Unknown Prey

Chapter 372 - 372 Brielle's Call

Rex followed Leo and saw that there was not a lot left in the room. "You are like me. You keep more on you then in storage. Although, I must say I really do like this." 

Leo picked up the only suitcase left and packed some of the items inside. "I wanted those that were my chosen helpers to have all the room that they needed. You never know when you will need the extra room and you are a lot like me. We both do not need a lot but you still store what you can. I am sure that I have had some of the things here for six years now. Not that it matters anymore. I rarely will do any hunting and I prefer it that way. I will have you, my shadow, kill when it is necessary."

"I am your shadow until you do not need me anymore or unless I die. I am a rare creature and the fear still fuels me. I am glad that you are going to be my grandson in law." Rex stood up and looked at Leo, "you were given a name I will ask you later when we are with my grandbaby." 

"That is a good idea, I do not mind telling you." Leo picked up the case and went back upstairs. 

Ketan popped into the room with a few boxes and saw Leo coming out of the staircase. "That is a neat feature. I would've never thought that these rooms were set up like this." He stops talking when he sees Rex.

"Hey, boy! Did you miss me?" Rex had altered his appearance before but stopped when he found out who Leo really was. 

"You-you, tricked me! I thought that you finally died but no you are still alive and kicking. What are you doing here?" Ketan glares at Rex.

"Working child. I am after all a hunter and I enjoy the fear that is given to me from killing those that deserve it. I should introduce you to someone that would be interesting." Rex looked at Ketan as if he was the prey.

"NOOOOOOOO. Osiris, please no. I have never and will never hurt your grandbaby." Ketan got down on the ground and bowed. 

"Osiris, that is an interesting name but not your true name is it?" Leo watched the interaction and chuckled. "Does Kitty know you by that name?" 

"Osiris is not my true name but when supernaturals hear that name it does strike fear into the heart of others. Kitty will know the name, Rex. She will also know my name Osiris. Not that it matters all I care about is her being safe. Get up Ketan." Rex looked at Ketan. 

"Sorry." Ketan scrambled to his feet and stood there looking at Leo and Rex, "even your new look is intimidating. I finally picked a partner but I know that you can feed off the fear here but does that mean you will let me not do it?"

"Depends on who the lucky girl is. I will stand in your way if she is not into you though. I do not condone unwanted attention." Rex glared at Ketan.

"Then before you decide on that you should talk to the other party before you decide. Rex, I still want you to work as my shadow. I don't give two f*cks that you are actually a supernatural. You are a great worker that has helped me out numerous times." Leo patted Rex on the shoulder and placed his thumb on the scanner and the stairs started to disappear. 

"I knew that you would say that Leo and yes, I really do not care what others think about me. I really just want to feed my urges and kill those that really deserve it. Ketan if she chooses you then I will not care." Rex's eyes changed to an ebony color. 

Leo's phone rang. He picked up the call, "hey Brielle. How's it going?"

Brielle heard Leo greet her, "you sound like you are listening to something amusing on your end."

"Mmmmmhmmmmm, I am." Leo simply replied.

"Rex is back! That is the only reason you would be so amused. I am willing to bet that he met Ketan and threatened him but you don't think that Rex would kill him do you?" Brielle started to panic.

"Do not worry. The most that Rex would do is beat him up. I don't think that he wants to see you cry again. That is not exactly something that is pleasant to see. The last time you cried it took five of us to stop Rex." Leo stated this and looked at Rex.

"Give me the phone, fox." Rex held out his hand and waited for the phone. 

Leo chuckled and handed the phone over to Rex. "Good luck Brielle."

Rex gave Leo a look and held the phone up to his ear. "Hello, Brielle." 

"Rex it really is you. I thought that you would not come back for a while. I am glad that you will be there until tomorrow, right?" Brielle bit her lip.

"Stop biting your lip. I will not be going anywhere for a while. I am going to help on the guard mission but from the shadows. You know how hard my work can be but that is enough about me. How are you and what is this I hear that you might like someone?" Rex pulled out a chocolate cigar and started to eat it.

"Oh, that is right. Please do not hurt Ketan. I have decided that I will become his. He has saved me a few times and I broke down and cried in front of him and he calmed me down. I think that I am making the right choice. I am finally happy for once, Teacher." Brielle's voice softened as she spoke about Ketan.

"Okay, I will do as you ask but if anything ever happens I will make that boy regret it for the rest of his life. I will give the phone back to Leo now." Rex glared at Ketan before handing the phone back.

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