Unknown Prey

Chapter 435 - 435

"I think that I can understand that. I felt hungry when she was feeding form you, but I was not able to eat and that faded as she drank your essence. I felt the connection between you two, but I kinda figured that was going to happen. You and her both are the same yet different. I know that you get what I am saying when I say that. Ketan will you choose a bearer or will you wait?" Leo looked at the guys and started to ask more questions. "Cedric when did you pick a guardian??

"That is a question that is easy to answer. I never needed a guardian during the beginning process, but I am different from others. As I do not need to worry as much as I didn't crave the essence with the demon living inside my body it was something that I just lived with and well I chose to make Claude's mate as my bearer so that they could stay together. I did sometimes need the essence but not as much as Yuki." Cedric shrugged and looked at Claude.

"I was chosen when I was already fifty-five years old and yes, I know that I do not look a day thirty, but that is because of the way werewolves age. Luke, you will stop aging around twenty-five. You are becoming a bearer not a guardian." Claude smiled and looked at the baby in his arms. I was grateful to Cedric to allow my mate to stay with me, I would not be as happy as I am without her in my life." 

"That is the thing. I would not allow you to suffer without your mate. I know what that means to a werewolf. Likewise, I wouldn't want to live without Yuki either. There is a fact I know well and that is I know that you will treat Kitsune well. Ahriman when will you bring a girl for me to see? I will not stand for you to stay single much longer. It doesn't even matter if it is just a fling just something please." Cedric glared at his son. 

"Oh I think that he has someone in his mind now." Leo looked at Cedric then at Ketan.

"LEO, YOU BASTARD. I WILL NOT SUBJECT HER TO THIS LIFE!" Ketan bursts out and looks at Leo with menacing eyes. "I didn't know who you were, I would kill you for what you just said." His eyes zeroed in on Leo and his breathing got heavier. 

Claude stood up and walked to Ketan's side. "So you found your mate? I know what it is like to fight the bond, but you will not be able to do that." 

"I will not turn her, I will not bring her any more misery. She has suffered enough." Ketan closed his eyes and took deep breaths and was about to disappear from the males sights but found that he was unable to move.

Cedric patted Charlette on her head. "And just where did you think you were going to go? I want to hear everything that you are now hiding from me." Cedric locked his gaze with Ketan. 

Charlette kicked her little feet happily not reading the dark atmosphere. She cooed and squealed like nothing had happened. 

Ketan threw himself into the chair and glared at the two. "There is not a lot to tell you. I have not made a move, but I feel a deep attraction to a girl and I sometimes go to see her when the feeling of being apart is too much, but that is all that this will come to." 

"Well this is a first. I was hoping that it would happen. For now, I will let it be, but I want to see the girl that has your heart wrapped around your finger even if it is from afar." Cedric declares.

"That will not be too hard. She will be here in the morning for the wedding. It is not like she is blind to the supernaturals. She is after all a hunter. That is probably why he does not want to mention his undying love for her. Ketan I am changing things do you not think you should give her a chance to choose the life she wants?" Leo looks at Ketan smiling. 

Sighing Cedric looks at Ketan. "You are free to do as you like now. I will not stop you this time. Thank you for at least giving me an explanation." Cedric waved his hand and watched as Ketan left their sights. "Sorry about that. He is such a pain in my a.s.s, but he is still my son, so I do want what is best for him." 

"Naw it's fine. Kitty has been trying to push them together. I do not think that he will be able to resist her forever. She has suffered a lot though, so I do worry about Breille. That is her name. She loves Charlette and wishes for a shield but at this time it is not possible. At least since she got in the car crash." Leo shook his head sadly.

"Procreation is not a worry I am concerned about. If that was the case I could ask Yuki for another child. I just want my children to find happiness, that is all.' Cedric looked at Claude and Leo. ~Love, our son has found love finally.~

Claude sat up and nodded his head. "Sephira and I had more than enough children in the beginning. I only felt complete with her by my side. So I cannot imagine why he is fighting this as hard as he is. Then again after what you said Leo I think I get it. Always so complicated that child." 

Yuki herald Cedric ad looked at Kitty sharply, "Kitty is it true that Ketan has found love?!?!" 

Kitty started giggling. "It is true, but that idiot is fighting it. Don't worry, in the end I will prevail. Did Father just find out?" Seeing Yuki nod Kitty started giggling harder. "Ketan must be panicking right now. Just leave this to me for now. We are all down here so how about we go to food court? I am hungry." 

Yuki got up and walked to Kitty. "Daughter, you are right. I will leave this issue in your care. My stupid son will f.u.c.k things up if it was left to him." She got dressed and smiled. "Tiana never repeat that bad word Grandma just said." 

"Tiana will not repeat the naughty word Grandma. Tiana is also feeling hungry. The lollipop was good but not filling." She looked at Yuki smiling. 

Kitty got up and waved and everyone was dressed in their clothing. "I feel so much lighter after the massage. Let's go and get some food." She follows behind everyone sensing Ketan had come to her. She stopped and stepped away and went to Ketan. "Ketan, you are not supposed to be here." 

"Kitty they found out. What am I to do? I do not want to lie but at the same time she is my life." Ketan pulled her into a hallway then teleported them to the cave.

"Ketan, I know why you are fighting this, but you need to think about the other party. Think about what Brielle has said to you and how she acts around you. Do you think that she is like that with just anyone?" Kitty pats Ketan on the shoulder. 

"I am scared. I can not bring her to my side. I do not know if she will become whole, and you know what she d.e.s.i.r.es." Ketan sits on the sofa. 

Walking to his side Kitty covers his eyes. "Sleep, Ahriman. You will wake up in five hours." She watches as he passes out and lets out a sigh before going back to the hallway and makes her way back to the group. They were all sitting together with food and Kitty smiled and went to stand in a line-up. She grabbed the food and sat down with the group. "Sorry about that. I had an unexpected visitor." 

Tiana was eating with a fork. She happily was eating chow mein noodles. "Mommy the food here is so good." 

Kitty sits down and starts to eat her food smiling. ~It was Ketan. He has a lot of concerns.~ She connects with Yuki, Cedric, and Leo.

~I thought so. With everything that has happened to Brielle I can't exactly blame him but at the same time she is not a delicate flower that she would break from everything.~ Leo says this while smoking the cigar still. 

Cedric was circulating the air so that Luke and Charlette were not smoked out. ~That boy needs a chill pill or a long a.s.s nap. I swear if it was not for Leo saying anything we would be left in the dark.~ 

~I would've told you Father. It was more of a matter of getting your hopes up as you know how stubborn he is.~ Kitty tool d a bite of the noodle son her plate and sighed happily. "This is perfect." 

Yuki was eating the human food and sighed in relief. "It can be hard to find a place as good as this in a food court, but this mall never leaves me unsatisfied." She nods to Kitty. ~I appreciate it. I know that you two would do what is right, my Daughter and son-in-law.~

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