Unknown Prey
Chapter 436 - 436
~No problem. If I didn't know any better I wouldn't understand everything that is going on but since I am, I noticed the vibes between them.~ Leo smirked and looked at the guys in the room. "Come on you know that I had to connect to Kitty."
"Don't worry I was in the conversation as well. We were talking about my fool of a Son. He is too kind-hearted and that is why he refuses to take back his powers." Cedric blows the smoke to the ceiling, "but that is for another time. Right now we need to celebrate the fact that Kitsune chose a mate, and it is one that is strong."
Leo laughs and looks at Cedric, "I do not think t6hat it is a big deal but now that I have learned so much over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that it is an insanely big deal."
"Father, I know that you always wanted me to call you that and at first I was concerned that you would not like it and I refused to call you it. Now that you are with Mother, and you have a baby together do you think it will do okay?" Luke looked at Charlette then at Leo.
Leo was so happy that he stopped. He got up and placed the cigar on the ashtray and went to Luke. "I would never have a problem with it. I always wanted you to call me, Father. I would never get upset over a name." He patted Luke on the shoulder and Charlette grabbed onto Leo's suit coat cuff link.
Luke smiled and started crying a little. "Sorry, for crying. I am feeling a little emotional right now, and I know that you are too. Congratulations on becoming a father and to be married soon. I think that it is time for Charlette and I head to sleep. It is getting rather late, and I am very tired."
"Go ahead to bed then. We will see you in the morning. Remember the plan." Leo stood up and watched as Luke left the room with Charlette. "Cedric are you able to teleport the bassinet to Luke's bedroom?"
"Sure. That is easy enough to do." Cedric closed his eyes and the bassinet disappeared from downstairs. "All done. I seriously do not know how you are pulling this off, but I like it all the same. The girls are keeping Kitty entertained so that she does not come to the area."
Leo starts laughing and goes to the cupboard. He pulls out a deep coloured wooden box. After unclasping the hook he opens the box. Inside is an Old Rip Van Winkle twenty-five-year-old bourbon. He pours some into a glass with a round ice cube for everyone and hands it out. "I have been saving this bottle for many years I bought it when it was two thousand dollars and not the price is way too much for one bottle. To new beginnings." He holds the glass up.
Everyone joins in and takes a sip of the bourbon. Claude smiles and takes another sip. "I can see why this is so expensive. It is so smooth and very delicious."
Carlos smiled at the glass and drank some. "I must say that I remember you bought that bottle for when you found Kitsune. Now that you have her and a baby I think that is time for a great celebration."
Cedric picked up a box that was darker wood colour from the box that Leo had opened and handed it to Leo. "This is a celebration gift. We can drink all of this tonight, and you can savour your bourbon."
Leo took the box and opened it up. Leo looked up at Cedric sharply. "Are you sure this is okay just to drink?" He pulled out the bottle and placed it on the counter.
"Oh! That is the good stuff. Pour us that one Leo. Cedric made that bourbon a long a.s.s time ago, and he has so many more bottles. Although to test it out he sold only thirty bottles to the humans, and it was a huge hit." Claude smiles as he looks at Cedric. ~You are going to make him so drunk.~
Leo shrugs then starts to pour the bourbon in the glasses. "If that is what you say then thank you." He got around the room and lifted the glass up. "To new friends with better booze."
~Damn right I am. I need him to sleep so that he looks amazing in the morning.~ Cedric toasts the group, and they all drink the bourbon. Leo, and Carlos both pass out after drinking the bourbon. Cedric teleports them to their bedrooms.
Peter and Stella came inside and looked at the group that was left. Stella sniffed the air and frowned. "That is some potent stuff."
Cedric laughed and poured another glass. "Yeah but only for the young ones."
Yuki shook her head and looked at Kitty. "Leo is now sleeping. Cedric gave him some of the special bourbon that he made. The one that not very many can stay awake after drinking."
"Mama, Tiana is getting tired. Will Tiana be able to sleep soon?" She looks at Kitty with sleepy eyes.
Cindy picked up Tiana. "I will take her back to the room and stay with her. You guys continue but bring me back goodies."
Michelle smiles and watches as they leave. "It is hard for a child to stay awake so late in the evening, but she did a good job fighting it."
Kitty watched at Cindy left and turned to Yuki who was getting up. "That was the only way to make that man sleep. Goodness, he does not rest for even a moment. I will have to thank Father for his kindness. I will get the same flavour as you."
"I will go and get the orders now. I placed it before we ate, and they made sure that it was set aside. The werewolves will be coming here soon and will gobble it all up before we get any." Yuki walked to the ice cream place and waved. A tray was handed to her, and she came back. The two that have lids on top is for Cindy and Tiana. I am going to port it to the freezer." She touches them and they appear i the freezer.
~Cindy there is ice cream in the freezer for you and Tiana. I will make sure that you are not forgotten.~ Kitty takes the one and a spoon and starts to eat it.
Michelle takes one and sighs. "You know I have always had a weakness for ice cream but candy apple is just so amazing. No wonder you get this, Yuki."
"It is a wonderful treat that I do enjoy when I am able to get it." Yuki eats the ice cream happily.
Kitty lifts her head up and Brielle rushes towards her. "I just knew that it was you. What in the world are you doing here?" Brielle looks at the group and sees the ice cream.
"Bree! It should be me asking you why you are here. It is not every day that you come to the mall, but the night shopping isn't easy to get into. Do you want some ice cream?" Kitty asks and watches Brielle.
"I will grab some and sit down with you. That is if you do not mind?" Brielle looks at the party and sees that everyone is welcoming her. She takes off to the ice cream shop and comes back with the carmel apple one as well. She sits down looking at the group. "Hello I am Brielle."
Yuki looks at the girl and tries to get a read on her but instead of supernatural powers she gets a whiff of Ketan form her. "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. I am Yuki and I think that you have already met some of my family members already."
"Hi, I am Michelle. I think that you know that I am a vampire already." Michelle smiles and gives a little wave.
"Yuki before you go all one thousand questions this is the one that Ketan is attracted to." Kitty smiles and hugs Brielle. "Brielle this is Ketan's Mother."
"Oh! That explains why I could sense that you were a powerful vampire. If you do not mind waiting until tomorrow I would like to sit down and chat with you. Only if that is what you want." Brielle smiled and waited for a reply.
"Yes, I would like that very much. Now what brings you here to the mall?" Yuki smiles and waits.
"OH, that is right. I was asked to come and help with a group of supernaturals that would be going around the mall, but I told them that I would be a bit late as I was busy with my work crap. I never even thought that it would be your party going around. Is Cindy not coming with us?" Brielle asks as she doesn't see her in the group.
"Don't worry I was in the conversation as well. We were talking about my fool of a Son. He is too kind-hearted and that is why he refuses to take back his powers." Cedric blows the smoke to the ceiling, "but that is for another time. Right now we need to celebrate the fact that Kitsune chose a mate, and it is one that is strong."
Leo laughs and looks at Cedric, "I do not think t6hat it is a big deal but now that I have learned so much over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that it is an insanely big deal."
"Father, I know that you always wanted me to call you that and at first I was concerned that you would not like it and I refused to call you it. Now that you are with Mother, and you have a baby together do you think it will do okay?" Luke looked at Charlette then at Leo.
Leo was so happy that he stopped. He got up and placed the cigar on the ashtray and went to Luke. "I would never have a problem with it. I always wanted you to call me, Father. I would never get upset over a name." He patted Luke on the shoulder and Charlette grabbed onto Leo's suit coat cuff link.
Luke smiled and started crying a little. "Sorry, for crying. I am feeling a little emotional right now, and I know that you are too. Congratulations on becoming a father and to be married soon. I think that it is time for Charlette and I head to sleep. It is getting rather late, and I am very tired."
"Go ahead to bed then. We will see you in the morning. Remember the plan." Leo stood up and watched as Luke left the room with Charlette. "Cedric are you able to teleport the bassinet to Luke's bedroom?"
"Sure. That is easy enough to do." Cedric closed his eyes and the bassinet disappeared from downstairs. "All done. I seriously do not know how you are pulling this off, but I like it all the same. The girls are keeping Kitty entertained so that she does not come to the area."
Leo starts laughing and goes to the cupboard. He pulls out a deep coloured wooden box. After unclasping the hook he opens the box. Inside is an Old Rip Van Winkle twenty-five-year-old bourbon. He pours some into a glass with a round ice cube for everyone and hands it out. "I have been saving this bottle for many years I bought it when it was two thousand dollars and not the price is way too much for one bottle. To new beginnings." He holds the glass up.
Everyone joins in and takes a sip of the bourbon. Claude smiles and takes another sip. "I can see why this is so expensive. It is so smooth and very delicious."
Carlos smiled at the glass and drank some. "I must say that I remember you bought that bottle for when you found Kitsune. Now that you have her and a baby I think that is time for a great celebration."
Cedric picked up a box that was darker wood colour from the box that Leo had opened and handed it to Leo. "This is a celebration gift. We can drink all of this tonight, and you can savour your bourbon."
Leo took the box and opened it up. Leo looked up at Cedric sharply. "Are you sure this is okay just to drink?" He pulled out the bottle and placed it on the counter.
"Oh! That is the good stuff. Pour us that one Leo. Cedric made that bourbon a long a.s.s time ago, and he has so many more bottles. Although to test it out he sold only thirty bottles to the humans, and it was a huge hit." Claude smiles as he looks at Cedric. ~You are going to make him so drunk.~
Leo shrugs then starts to pour the bourbon in the glasses. "If that is what you say then thank you." He got around the room and lifted the glass up. "To new friends with better booze."
~Damn right I am. I need him to sleep so that he looks amazing in the morning.~ Cedric toasts the group, and they all drink the bourbon. Leo, and Carlos both pass out after drinking the bourbon. Cedric teleports them to their bedrooms.
Peter and Stella came inside and looked at the group that was left. Stella sniffed the air and frowned. "That is some potent stuff."
Cedric laughed and poured another glass. "Yeah but only for the young ones."
Yuki shook her head and looked at Kitty. "Leo is now sleeping. Cedric gave him some of the special bourbon that he made. The one that not very many can stay awake after drinking."
"Mama, Tiana is getting tired. Will Tiana be able to sleep soon?" She looks at Kitty with sleepy eyes.
Cindy picked up Tiana. "I will take her back to the room and stay with her. You guys continue but bring me back goodies."
Michelle smiles and watches as they leave. "It is hard for a child to stay awake so late in the evening, but she did a good job fighting it."
Kitty watched at Cindy left and turned to Yuki who was getting up. "That was the only way to make that man sleep. Goodness, he does not rest for even a moment. I will have to thank Father for his kindness. I will get the same flavour as you."
"I will go and get the orders now. I placed it before we ate, and they made sure that it was set aside. The werewolves will be coming here soon and will gobble it all up before we get any." Yuki walked to the ice cream place and waved. A tray was handed to her, and she came back. The two that have lids on top is for Cindy and Tiana. I am going to port it to the freezer." She touches them and they appear i the freezer.
~Cindy there is ice cream in the freezer for you and Tiana. I will make sure that you are not forgotten.~ Kitty takes the one and a spoon and starts to eat it.
Michelle takes one and sighs. "You know I have always had a weakness for ice cream but candy apple is just so amazing. No wonder you get this, Yuki."
"It is a wonderful treat that I do enjoy when I am able to get it." Yuki eats the ice cream happily.
Kitty lifts her head up and Brielle rushes towards her. "I just knew that it was you. What in the world are you doing here?" Brielle looks at the group and sees the ice cream.
"Bree! It should be me asking you why you are here. It is not every day that you come to the mall, but the night shopping isn't easy to get into. Do you want some ice cream?" Kitty asks and watches Brielle.
"I will grab some and sit down with you. That is if you do not mind?" Brielle looks at the party and sees that everyone is welcoming her. She takes off to the ice cream shop and comes back with the carmel apple one as well. She sits down looking at the group. "Hello I am Brielle."
Yuki looks at the girl and tries to get a read on her but instead of supernatural powers she gets a whiff of Ketan form her. "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. I am Yuki and I think that you have already met some of my family members already."
"Hi, I am Michelle. I think that you know that I am a vampire already." Michelle smiles and gives a little wave.
"Yuki before you go all one thousand questions this is the one that Ketan is attracted to." Kitty smiles and hugs Brielle. "Brielle this is Ketan's Mother."
"Oh! That explains why I could sense that you were a powerful vampire. If you do not mind waiting until tomorrow I would like to sit down and chat with you. Only if that is what you want." Brielle smiled and waited for a reply.
"Yes, I would like that very much. Now what brings you here to the mall?" Yuki smiles and waits.
"OH, that is right. I was asked to come and help with a group of supernaturals that would be going around the mall, but I told them that I would be a bit late as I was busy with my work crap. I never even thought that it would be your party going around. Is Cindy not coming with us?" Brielle asks as she doesn't see her in the group.
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