Unknown Prey

Chapter 438 - 438 Bridesmaid Dresses

Leo looked over at Ketan, a little surprised. "I never thought about it in that sense. You found a partner now, or are you worried that she will say no?" Leo watched Ketan for a reaction. 

"It is not that he is worried, but being a vampire is a lonely life. Without someone to share that loneliness, it is difficult. Yuki went through a lot before I found her again. The loneliness eats away at the soul, causing the vampire to slowly lose his mind. We made sure to keep an eye on that one, but he is a strong soul." Cedric finished the bourbon and got up. Ketan show me where Yuki and I are staying. Good evening, everyone." 

Ketan stood up and went to his father. "I will take you there now." He finished the cup and placed it down. "I will see you all in the morning." The two disappear from sight. 

"It is true that a vampire will slowly lose their mind if their partner is not found before one hundred. I found mine before I was one hundred, but at the same, I was not allowed to see my partner. It hurt so much. I loved Peter and knew that he was destined to be mine but not being able to keep him near me made me slowly start to lose my mind. It eats away at you. So to fight against the instincts is difficult as hell. I do not know how he is so sound of mind." Stella looked at Peter. 

"Even as a turned Vampire, I could feel the pull. I would try to sneak cover to see Stella, but it didn't always work. Life was rough for us, but we made it through it. I am the happiest I have ever been in my pitiful life. I would like to suggest that every get a good night's sleep so that you don't look exhausted for tomorrow." Peter hugged Stella while looking at the group. 

"The room is slightly spinning, but my body feels warm and fuzzy. Is that how it feels to be intoxicated?" Luke broke the silence with his chatter. "Father I want to ask you can I choose Charlette to be mine. I am not related by blood to you. Holding her makes me feel like I am holding my future." 

Leo looked at Luke and lifted the teenager up, and climbed the stairs. "It will depend on how she feels about you. I will not force her, and neither will you." Opening the bedroom door, he placed Luke on the bed. 

"Thank you, Father, for at least considering it. I will be there for you tomorrow." Luke closed his eyes and started to lightly snore. 

Leo didn't bother going back downstairs and went into the bedroom that he shared with Kitty. He laid face down on her pillow. "It smells like you here. I wish you were home with me, but it won't be long until you are fully mine." Leo pulled the pillow into a hug, and he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Kitty went into the sixth store and looked around until she found what she was looking for. She pulled the dresses off the rack and started holding them up to the girls. "Here, go and try this on. I want you all to look your best for tomorrow. Should I grab something for Stella?" She started to give the dresses to each person. 

Brielle went to the change room and changed into the dress. "Kitty there is no way that I can wear this dress out in public." 

Kitty went to the curtain and pulled it to the side. : Why not you have a stellar body, and you look seductive in that dress. I picked it out for you to gain more confidence. You need it, and I want you to capture his attention. You must know that he is still fighting the bond." she whispered the last part in Brielle's ear. Slowly she gathers Brielle's hair. "Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you not want to be that storing women that doesn't need a weapon to make things happen?"

Looking at her reflection. Brielle lifts a hand up and touches that mirror. "Are you sure you want me to wear something like this to your photoshoot?" 

"Absolutely! Michelle, what do you think?" Kitty called Michelle over. 

Michelle over and took over, holding her. We are going to work with that dress. It looks like it was made for you, and your figure fills it out in all the right place." Michelle let's Brielle's hair fall down and steps out of the change room. 

Kitty closes the curtain. She walked to Yuki's room and went in. "Hmmm, that is wonderful. Something that will drive Father wild with d.e.s.i.r.e. I think that I will be having a lot of fun teasing everyone." Kitty kissed Yuki's cheek. 

"You should know that Cedric has seen thousands of dresses on me, but his reaction never gets old." Yuki kissed Kitty's cheeks. "I know exactly what you are trying to do. His control is weak, and you want to push him, don't you?" 

"Wait until you see her tomorrow. Then you will understand why I am doing this. Sorry to make things complicated for you." Kitty hugged Yuki.

"You never cause more problems than that boy. Go and check up on Cindy." Yuki pushed Kitty out of the room while laughing. 

Laughing with Yuki, Kitty walks to the change room, "Knock knock. Cindy, can I come in?" Kitty puts her hand in and gets pulled into the room. "Wow look at how s.e.xy you look, Cindy." 

"Kitty, you know that I am too old for something like this… Don't you?" Cindy looks at the dress then at Kitty in desperation. 

"Why not. You look like you are my age. There is nothing that would not look good on you., I want you to wear that and promise me that you stay with him. I know it is complicated due to age, but you deserve happiness." Kitty kisses Cindy's face then wipes the tears away. "I did not mean to make you cry. I just want for your happiness." 

Cindy nods her head and looks in the mirror, and stops crying. "I will wear this, and I will do what you have suggested." She turned and hugged Kitty. "Okay I will change back now." 

Kitty stepped out and looked at the last dress and thought about Stella, then nodded her head. "Do you think I would need to get something for the girls?" Kitty was standing next to Michelle. 

"Naw, I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure that Ricardo already started on making something. You just need to worry about getting all dolled up and make your man fall for you all over again." Michelle smiled and slowly looked across the way and saw the suits. "I would like to wear a suit tomorrow. Do you mind?" 

"Wear whatever you what. Go over there and pick out something that will make you handsome." Kitty patted him on the back and watched as Michelle left the store. Kitty leaned against the wall and looked at all the dresses. 'That one is one of the ones I modelled a year ago. To think that is still in style is amazing.'

Yuki walked over, carrying the dress. She placed it on the counter. "I will be paying for all the dresses. No arguments." She took out the black card and placed it on the counter. "Wrap the dresses and place them in separate bags." Brielle and Cindy both came out holding their dresses, blushing. "You two are too cute. I am willing to bet that you looked amazing but argued with Kitty about it." 

The cashier looks at Kitty, then at the picture that she had, then back at Kitty. "Oh my goddess. It really is you. That stance is the "I'm waiting" and is one of my favourite poses that you do. I am your biggest fan, and I follow your whole career, even the overseas one. Would you sign this for me?" 

Kitty looks at the girl, startled and placed a finger over her mouth. "Shhhhh, don't let anyone else know who I am. I want to shop in peace." Kitty took the picture and pen and quickly signed it. "I will sign something else for you." She took the dress she was handed and signed it for the girl. 

"I'll even pay for you to have that dress." Yuki smiled at the girl.

"You are amazing. I was going to have to pay a small fortune to pay for that dress, but it would be worth it." The girl was beaming with happiness. 

"You can place it on a separate bill. I will sign the receipt that way. No one thinks that you are stealing the dress." Yuki took the two other dresses and placed them on the counter. "And with this, we just need shoes and jewellery, then we will be done."

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