Unknown Prey

Chapter 439 - 439 Shoes and More

The girl quickly rings in the dresses and wraps them up. She placed each one in a bag and handed them to the group. She swiped the card and then rang in the signed dress and swiped the dress. "Here you are, the receipts."

Yuki took the one for the dress and wrote a message on the receipt. Thank you for your fantastic service. Enjoy my gift for our group. Then added a heart and signature. "There you go. Enjoy your dress."  ​​

Kitty leads the way out and takes them to a shoe store that was next to the suit store. "You guys go in and see if there is anything that would match the dresses. I just don't want Michelle to think that we ran off on her." Kitty stepped into the suit store and saw Michelle in a suit. "Hmmmm, I think a grey one would look better than that colour." 

"Okay, if that is what you think, then I will follow that guideline. I'm assuming the dresses are all picked out?" Michelle smiled at Kitty.

"That they are all picked out. We even did a good deed and got a dress for the cashier." Kitty walks around and looks at the suits and sees one that was to her liking and pulled it out. "Michelle, this one. What do you think?" 

Michelle walked over to Kitty and looked at the suit, and nodded his head. "That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for coming in and helping me choose." Taking the grey suit, he went to the change room, changed into the suit, and came back out. "Yup, this is the one for me."

Kitty patted Michelle and walked out of the store back to the group. "Mother, we are going to get shoes now, and I told Michelle that we are just next door." 

Yuki looked up at Kitty and hugged her. "You are amazing. I never thought that I would see him in a suit again… but then again, you are life itself. Thank you, and let's get looking as we will need shoes that will match that dress you picked out. Oh, and while we are on the subject, I will have Cedric make it so that if you pick out heels that you will not sink into the ground."

Cindy was looking at a royal blue pair of one-inch heels that had a simple design. It had a clasp that went around the ankle and a thick band to go over below her toes. "I will get these." 

Kitty nodded at the shoes and let out a sigh. "I had hoped that you would be adventurous, but that will suit your dress." She walked to the shelf and started to grab shoes. "Bree, wear these. They will go with the dress that I picked out.

Brielle took the heels and looked at Kitty. "Do you want me to break my ankle? I never wear stiletto heels. As she says this, she sits down and unzips the zipper and tries on the royal blue heels. There was a looped pattern and was made of stretchy bands. Some fake gems were embedding on all the straps. She tries to stand on them and holds onto Kitty's arm.

"Oh, come on. With the way you move on the job, you cannot tell me that you cannot handle some heels." Kitty looks at Brielle, giving her a look. 

"Oh, fine, you can't blame me for trying. I will wear these for you." Sighing, Brielle lets go of Kitty's arm and walks away with no issues. "You do have good taste."

"But of course! That is why I have so many fans worldwide." Kitty flipped her hair behind her head and looked at the shoes. She found some shoes for Stella and set them to the side while thinking about what size was needed. In her mind, the size matched what she had chosen. Kitty turns to Yuki, looking at the shoes that she was looking at. 

Yuki held out a pair of stilettos that had strings that would wrap up her leg. In the same royal blue as the other girls' shoes. "These will go well with the dress. It really will drive Cedric wild." She starts laughing.

"They are perfect!" Kitty looked on the shelf and saw a baby blue pair that also laced up the legs and was a wedge platform. She touched the shoes.

Michelle sneaked up behind Kitty and grabbed the shoes, and ran to the counter. "You might as well wear the shoes that you want." He ran with them to the cashier.

Yuki followed Michelle and placed the showers that she found on the counter. "Michelle is right. Kitty thinks of this as a dress rehearsal for the real deal. Besides, Cedric will be upset that I do not take you to get something other than chocolates on his card. Dinner does not count either. You should know that Cedric expects a lot of money to be gone, but we have barely touched anything." 

Cindy added her shoes and sighed, shaking her head. "If it were not for the fact that you have more money than you will ever be able to burn through, I would be confused." 

Brielle placed her shoes down, "the hardest part of tomorrow will be keeping Leo away from you while we get you dressed up and ready for him." Sighing, she looked at Yuki. "Is there anything that can be done about that?"

"There is, but it will require cooperation from Kitty." Yuki looked at Kitty and handed the black card to the cashier. "Will you cooperate?" 

Sighing drastically, Kitty shakes her head, "even if I said no, you would try… so I will just agree. Father will be in charge of Leo, and you will be in charge of me." Kitty watches the total go up, and the card gets swiped. 

Quickly grabbing the pen, Yuki signs the receipt and walks away with a bag that contained three pairs of shoes. "Michelle, will you be changing your name back soon?" Yuki starts walking towards a novelty shop. 

"Mmmmm hmmmm, I think that its time. I will change after the commercial. It will be easier since I will no longer be in the fashion line of work. What type of work shall I get into is the next question. If you girls are going into that store, I will wait out here. There is no need for me to go in." Michelle points to the store. 

Kitty looks at the store and turns around, and tries to walk away. Anticipating that Kitty would run, Yuki, clasped her hand on Kitty's wrist and then dragged her into the store. "Yes, you are going to go into that store. It would be best if you gave Leo a surprise under that dress, don't you think?" as she asks, her right eyebrow lifts.

Defeated, Kitty lets Yuki drag her into the store with the girls following in behind. Once in the store, Kitty looks at the different lingerie. "This is not really something I have to worry about, is it? It is just a dress rehearsal… isn't it?" she starts to glare at everyone.

"Even if it is a rehearsal, you should be dressed to the nines, and that includes u.n.d.e.r.g.a.r.m.e.n.ts." Yuki skips to the bridal section and starts humming. "Do you want a  pure white one, or would you prefer a pale baby blue one?" she starts to pick up the sets to Kitty's body.

Cindy giggles at Kitty's defeated and wandered around. She was browsing for nothing in particular. 

Brielle walked to the garters and started to pull out sets that would match the colour that Yuki mentions. "If that is the case, then I think you will also need to pick one of these as well. She carries six boxes and lays them on the seat that was next to Kitty. 

Kitty looks at the lingerie first. "Mother, don't you think that white one is a bit too revealing?" the set sees a pale blue one as well. "I don't know if I can wear either of those." 

Laughing, Yuki holds the two that Kitty was eyeing suspiciously. She pulled Kitty up and took her into the bigger change room, and held out the white one to her. "You will try this one on and then the blue one. I will get you both since they are going to look amazing on you. You should dress up for Leo like this under the wedding dress. As you know, he will be the one taking that dress off you even though it is just a rehearsal." Giving Kitty a stern look until she hears the defeated sigh come from Kitty.

Taking the white one, she changes into it with ease and looks in the mirror. "The pros to this one is that it is unembellished, and with my dress, it would not be seen by others at all. I could see myself wearing this underneath the dress. The cons with this would be that Leo would destroy it." Taking off the white one, she puts on the blue one and looks at the garter straps dangling. "This one is not one that I could wear with the dress, and it requires stockings. So maybe this would be better to use during the honeymoon?"

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