Unknown Prey
Chapter 440 - 440 Shopping Complete, Night of Unrest
"Now you are on board. Then you will get both?" Yuki folds the first one in her arms and takes the second one as Kitty hands it back to her.
"Since you are insisting, I will get both. It is not like I will gain too much weight by the time the real wedding happens." After getting dressed, Kitty leaves the change room and goes to Brielle, who has the garters laid out. I see that you guys have some options. Which ones have you narrowed it down to?"
Brielle holds up two different designs from the ones that she brought over. "We took a vote on the ones that I chose, and these are the options that we settled on."
Looking at the two, Kitty takes the one that she likes best. Can you get me two sets of this? If we are going to be doing this as a practice run, then we shall have Leo fling the one he takes off at the guys." Already planning, she smirks.
Brielle walked over to the area and grabbed a second set. "Is there anything else that you will need?"
"I need a pair of stockings to match the pale baby blue set that Mother has picked out for me." Kitty waved at Yuki, who held the lingerie to make sure that Kitty did not put it back. Yuki shows off the pale blue outfit.
Cindy rushes to the stockings and pulls out the pair that matched and showed it to the girls. "Wha5t do you think? It goes well with the lingerie set and the garter!" Covering her mouth, she yawns out loud.
"Perfect. Thank you for helping me convince this one to get all of this. There is no way that I would've been able to convince Kitty on my own. It must be time to rest. I can see that Cindy and Brielle are fading fast. Did you have to do a lot of late nights lately, Brielle?" Yuki places the items at the cashier and looks concerned at the girls.
"Since Leo took over, there have been a lot of new things and quite a few missions that I had to do back to back, but I really don't mind." Brielle tried to smile, but she caught Cindy's yawn.
Kitty giggled at the girls. "I feel good, but I think that is because I am shifting over. I should try to rest." Kitty saw the total and shrugged. "Why don't we hit up the chocolate store so that Brielle can get a box, and then we can head over to the hotel room. I want everyone to be well-rested for the commercial." She turns and leaves the store and stands next to Michelle. "You know that Yuki will ask you to be on guard duty with her, correct?"
"Yeah, never a dull moment from family." Michelle shrugs and pats Yuki on the shoulder.
"Wait… what? Michelle is family with Yuki, but how are you related?" Brielle turns her head sharply and looks at the three that were standing close together.
"Oh, that is right, not everyone knows. Michelle is my cousin. My blood is the purest of all the vampires, but Michelle is still family." Yuki shrugs this off and starts to walk walking leading the group back to the chocolate shop.
Brielle follows but takes a moment to digest that information. "I did not know that you were closely related. It does explain your closeness to Kitty and Yuki. I knew that Cindy was one of Kitty's people. Thank you for trusting me with this information." She walks into the chocolate store and looks at all the intense selections.
"You guys are back. I thought that you would've gotten enough the first time… ah, but there is a new person." The store owner looked at the human and shook her head. "The hunter association should have more faith in the supernaturals."
"It is true that I am to watch this group, but I was not forewarned that it would be Kitty's party. I accepted the job, thinking that it would be a shitty guarding evening. As it is with friends, I am more at ease. I think that there are supernaturals that are not bad and would rather have peace. I agree with that statement." Brielle stood up to the owner while thinking about the chocolates that she could get.
"I like this one. She is feisty and follows her own tune. Welcome to my store!" The shop owner smiles happily at the girl and waves her to look around.
"I do not want to waste your time, so can I have something that is sweet with no salt. I do not understand the appeal of sweet and salty chocolates." Brielle looks around but sets her eyes back on the owner.
The owner turned and grabbed two mixed boxes that didn't contain salted chocolates. "I have these two boxes."
Perfect, we'll get both and be on our way." Yuki tossed the card over and signed the receipt. At the same time, the owner placed the chocolates in a royal blue colour bag.
Brielle took the bag, and the group heads towards the hotel room. "Thank you for the chocolates. You didn't have to pay for everything that you did tonight."
Yuki stopped and covered Brielle's mouth, making the shhhh sound. "Not another peep on this matter. My husband and I are the ones that should've paid for everything that Kitty wanted, and that would include her guests. If Linda were alive, she would tell you the same thing. So please don't worry about it."
"Yuki is right. Mother would've paid for all this, even if it was for a commercial. She would always say, now Kitty; you can't half-ass anything. If you do, then you are showing your sincerity." Kitty pulled her key and opened the hotel room. "Cindy, if you and Brielle want, you can go to your hotel room to sleep. Yuki, Michelle and I will hang out here until I get tired or tipsy. Whatever comes first."
"I will go to Tiana. I will sleep next to her on the king-size bed, and Brielle, you can have the other bed. Come with me so that we can be rested for the morning." Cindy took Brielle's hand and dragged her to their room.
Yuki went to the fridge, pulled out a champagne bottle, and passed it to Michelle to open. "I will leave the honours to you. While I lecture my Daughter." Yuki pushed Kitty onto the couch and placed her hand over Kitty's heart. "When did the next seal weaken?"
"When I started to give the water element to its new owner. Can you seal it, or is it a lost cause?" Kitty looked at Yuki, and her breathing became more profound.
Yuki allowed her hand to sink into Kitty's body and her fingers touched Kitty's heart. All that was heard in the room was chanting from Yuki as she tried to reinforce the seal.
Ketan and Cedric felt the shift and went to Yuki's side. "Mother, just what do you think you are doing?" Ketan was about to pull Yuki off of Kitty when Michelle restrained him.
Cedric went to Yuki and saw the seal, and he added some of his powers. Slowly the bind becomes more stable. Cedric helped Yuki get off Kitty, then laid her down on one of the hotel beds. He kissed her forehead before leaving. "Kitsune, you need to warn us sooner than moments before the seal will break."
Ketan cut his wrist and started to feed Kitty his blood and essence. "Father, do you think that this a good time to be lecturing Kitsune?" Ketan looked up at Cedric with his 0eyes glaring at him in a deep red hatred.
Kitty took what she needed and pushed Ketan away. "It was my fault. Was Leo awake when you guys left? You know that if he were, there would be a pull, and he will try to get to me. Father, I am sorry I didn't notice right away; I gave three runes in a matter of a few days. I meant to spread them out… the leaders granted the transfer."
"Ah, that will do that. I will go and keep that son-in-law away." Cedric disappeared from their sights and appeared in front of Leo's bedroom door.
Leo woke up with a fright and felt the pull to Kitty. 'She needs me.' He quickly climbs out of bed and silently opened his bedroom door, and ran right into Cedric. "Ah, ha ha ha. Let me go. She needs me, Cedric."
"She is doing vigorous. Ketan gave her the essence already. It is convent that you can not teleport because it would be a f.u.c.k.i.n.g pain in the a.s.s if you could leave when I needed you to stay here." Cedric placed his hand on Leo's shoulder and gave him the memory of what happened to Kitty on the couch. "As you can see, she is safe."
While Leo watched the memory, he slumped to the ground. "Why am I not of any use to the love of my life, Cedric? I want to be the one that helps keep her safe."
"Since you are insisting, I will get both. It is not like I will gain too much weight by the time the real wedding happens." After getting dressed, Kitty leaves the change room and goes to Brielle, who has the garters laid out. I see that you guys have some options. Which ones have you narrowed it down to?"
Brielle holds up two different designs from the ones that she brought over. "We took a vote on the ones that I chose, and these are the options that we settled on."
Looking at the two, Kitty takes the one that she likes best. Can you get me two sets of this? If we are going to be doing this as a practice run, then we shall have Leo fling the one he takes off at the guys." Already planning, she smirks.
Brielle walked over to the area and grabbed a second set. "Is there anything else that you will need?"
"I need a pair of stockings to match the pale baby blue set that Mother has picked out for me." Kitty waved at Yuki, who held the lingerie to make sure that Kitty did not put it back. Yuki shows off the pale blue outfit.
Cindy rushes to the stockings and pulls out the pair that matched and showed it to the girls. "Wha5t do you think? It goes well with the lingerie set and the garter!" Covering her mouth, she yawns out loud.
"Perfect. Thank you for helping me convince this one to get all of this. There is no way that I would've been able to convince Kitty on my own. It must be time to rest. I can see that Cindy and Brielle are fading fast. Did you have to do a lot of late nights lately, Brielle?" Yuki places the items at the cashier and looks concerned at the girls.
"Since Leo took over, there have been a lot of new things and quite a few missions that I had to do back to back, but I really don't mind." Brielle tried to smile, but she caught Cindy's yawn.
Kitty giggled at the girls. "I feel good, but I think that is because I am shifting over. I should try to rest." Kitty saw the total and shrugged. "Why don't we hit up the chocolate store so that Brielle can get a box, and then we can head over to the hotel room. I want everyone to be well-rested for the commercial." She turns and leaves the store and stands next to Michelle. "You know that Yuki will ask you to be on guard duty with her, correct?"
"Yeah, never a dull moment from family." Michelle shrugs and pats Yuki on the shoulder.
"Wait… what? Michelle is family with Yuki, but how are you related?" Brielle turns her head sharply and looks at the three that were standing close together.
"Oh, that is right, not everyone knows. Michelle is my cousin. My blood is the purest of all the vampires, but Michelle is still family." Yuki shrugs this off and starts to walk walking leading the group back to the chocolate shop.
Brielle follows but takes a moment to digest that information. "I did not know that you were closely related. It does explain your closeness to Kitty and Yuki. I knew that Cindy was one of Kitty's people. Thank you for trusting me with this information." She walks into the chocolate store and looks at all the intense selections.
"You guys are back. I thought that you would've gotten enough the first time… ah, but there is a new person." The store owner looked at the human and shook her head. "The hunter association should have more faith in the supernaturals."
"It is true that I am to watch this group, but I was not forewarned that it would be Kitty's party. I accepted the job, thinking that it would be a shitty guarding evening. As it is with friends, I am more at ease. I think that there are supernaturals that are not bad and would rather have peace. I agree with that statement." Brielle stood up to the owner while thinking about the chocolates that she could get.
"I like this one. She is feisty and follows her own tune. Welcome to my store!" The shop owner smiles happily at the girl and waves her to look around.
"I do not want to waste your time, so can I have something that is sweet with no salt. I do not understand the appeal of sweet and salty chocolates." Brielle looks around but sets her eyes back on the owner.
The owner turned and grabbed two mixed boxes that didn't contain salted chocolates. "I have these two boxes."
Perfect, we'll get both and be on our way." Yuki tossed the card over and signed the receipt. At the same time, the owner placed the chocolates in a royal blue colour bag.
Brielle took the bag, and the group heads towards the hotel room. "Thank you for the chocolates. You didn't have to pay for everything that you did tonight."
Yuki stopped and covered Brielle's mouth, making the shhhh sound. "Not another peep on this matter. My husband and I are the ones that should've paid for everything that Kitty wanted, and that would include her guests. If Linda were alive, she would tell you the same thing. So please don't worry about it."
"Yuki is right. Mother would've paid for all this, even if it was for a commercial. She would always say, now Kitty; you can't half-ass anything. If you do, then you are showing your sincerity." Kitty pulled her key and opened the hotel room. "Cindy, if you and Brielle want, you can go to your hotel room to sleep. Yuki, Michelle and I will hang out here until I get tired or tipsy. Whatever comes first."
"I will go to Tiana. I will sleep next to her on the king-size bed, and Brielle, you can have the other bed. Come with me so that we can be rested for the morning." Cindy took Brielle's hand and dragged her to their room.
Yuki went to the fridge, pulled out a champagne bottle, and passed it to Michelle to open. "I will leave the honours to you. While I lecture my Daughter." Yuki pushed Kitty onto the couch and placed her hand over Kitty's heart. "When did the next seal weaken?"
"When I started to give the water element to its new owner. Can you seal it, or is it a lost cause?" Kitty looked at Yuki, and her breathing became more profound.
Yuki allowed her hand to sink into Kitty's body and her fingers touched Kitty's heart. All that was heard in the room was chanting from Yuki as she tried to reinforce the seal.
Ketan and Cedric felt the shift and went to Yuki's side. "Mother, just what do you think you are doing?" Ketan was about to pull Yuki off of Kitty when Michelle restrained him.
Cedric went to Yuki and saw the seal, and he added some of his powers. Slowly the bind becomes more stable. Cedric helped Yuki get off Kitty, then laid her down on one of the hotel beds. He kissed her forehead before leaving. "Kitsune, you need to warn us sooner than moments before the seal will break."
Ketan cut his wrist and started to feed Kitty his blood and essence. "Father, do you think that this a good time to be lecturing Kitsune?" Ketan looked up at Cedric with his 0eyes glaring at him in a deep red hatred.
Kitty took what she needed and pushed Ketan away. "It was my fault. Was Leo awake when you guys left? You know that if he were, there would be a pull, and he will try to get to me. Father, I am sorry I didn't notice right away; I gave three runes in a matter of a few days. I meant to spread them out… the leaders granted the transfer."
"Ah, that will do that. I will go and keep that son-in-law away." Cedric disappeared from their sights and appeared in front of Leo's bedroom door.
Leo woke up with a fright and felt the pull to Kitty. 'She needs me.' He quickly climbs out of bed and silently opened his bedroom door, and ran right into Cedric. "Ah, ha ha ha. Let me go. She needs me, Cedric."
"She is doing vigorous. Ketan gave her the essence already. It is convent that you can not teleport because it would be a f.u.c.k.i.n.g pain in the a.s.s if you could leave when I needed you to stay here." Cedric placed his hand on Leo's shoulder and gave him the memory of what happened to Kitty on the couch. "As you can see, she is safe."
While Leo watched the memory, he slumped to the ground. "Why am I not of any use to the love of my life, Cedric? I want to be the one that helps keep her safe."
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