Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 26 Chapter 2388: 2 paragraphs?d solution: the ultimate sword Revotin

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The battle of time and space attributes is staged between Black Snow and the mask of the Dragon.

The time that Black Snow Ji has experienced in overclocking and the time spent in the breakout has long exceeded the age of her appearance.

In the world of overclocking acceleration, the ratio to real time is 1000:1. That is, in the past one second, the overclocking world has passed 1000 seconds. Because the submersible is consciousness, the only thing that accelerates is consciousness, but the time of the body cannot catch up. Awareness, which makes Black Xueji into the overclocking world, the psychological age has seriously exceeded the physical age.

In the boundary of the break, the ratio of time to reality is 2000:1, that is, one second in the past, and 2000 seconds in the broken world. Only the soul of Black Snow Ji accelerates in the boundary.

The sense of time experienced by the Dragon Mask is equally long, but it is different from Black Snow Ji. The Dragon has a system similar to animal hibernation. A sleep is an endless time.

Of course, the existence of the dominant world except the dominant has a fixed life, but there are always some special existences to break this rule.

The dragon mask is one of them.

However, this is not the same as acceleration. It is better to slow down. It is only a winter in the hands of animals. However, the time of hibernation in the mask of the dragon is not just a winter, it may be hundreds or even thousands. winter.

In the long time, Black Snow Ji experienced all the real and effective time. She did not waste any of these accelerated time, and the dragon mask was different. His time was stagnant forever during hibernation until he woke up. It only started at the moment of coming.

Of course, this is not reasonable. The hibernation of the Dragon Mask is not a simple sleep, but the power of self-enhancement. The energy in each breath of hibernation will increase by one point, although the actual combat experience will not increase, but Can add other aspects, their own strength and the density of the soul, etc...

But the consciousness and soul of Black Snow Ji accelerates is a real combat experience.

"Of course, your body age is a lot bigger than I am. The life of the competition is naturally beyond the legendary creatures of yours. Then the human being is weak, the body is strong, but the soul is infinite. In fantasy, the human soul has accelerated the realm that no speciality can match.

As the king of black who accelerates the Dark Nebula () army of the world -

[]. Now I have to break into a butterfly from the crouching, give a notice of hell, break the illusory fantasy, fight, the butterfly of **** will fly! ”

Black Snow Ji stretched out his slender fingers, and looked at the dragon of the gem without shaking. The death of the butterfly on the body was in the dark whirlpool of the wind, and it was filled with endless confidence. The stardust that shines in the darkness, in this darkness, she is the darkness of the darkness, but it is also the eternal darkness that can release the light.

Deep and dark, but dazzling, as if collecting thousands of beautiful in one.

"If this is the case, then report it to my name -

Constantine Stewart.

I am different from Zhu Rong. In the era of Fuxi, I was only the unnamed generation who was born, but after I saw a battle of Fuxi Dasheng, my heart burned the flame of chase. I have a dream. I want to speed up to be born with Fuxi, and compare with him at that time.

You guys will never understand the stalwart of Fuxi Dasheng, the will that can't be tempered by the eternal sorrow, and you can't help but throw away the blood, but the legend is legend. Fuxi Dasheng will not accept the help of any low-minded person. He is alone. You can pass through the sky...

It is a pity that it is a short-lived, in the end, it is a dream in the water. I don't understand why there is such a result.

You may not be able to understand more than you, but I will disclose it to you because of the will of [acceleration].

My wish is to accelerate, the area where the state of acceleration is accelerated is the hour and minute hands, then the words of the hour and the second hand!

With nearly 3,600 seconds of time and space acceleration, can you cope with it? ”

The dragon mask is changed from the dragon shape to the human form, and the extracted sickle is across the chest -

"Understanding -

The heart of time! ”

With the liberation of Constantine Stewart, the disappearance of the sickle in his hand eventually turned into a myriad of broken clocks that covered the entire dark space of the whirlpool.

These broken clocks come in a variety of styles, such as sundial, hourglass, mechanical clock, quartz clock, and so on.

Then his figure disappeared, and at this moment he completed 3600 times of acceleration! ! !

Then use the instantaneous step above the 3600 times acceleration, no one can chase this speed! !

Even the night of the corpse of the corpse is just an accelerated child in front of him. The ability to understand is undoubtedly very powerful. This simple acceleration and resolution is difficult to deal with unless it is destroyed...

Or is it similar to the blue-stained mirror flower water illusion, or the nine-month reading like the rain and the moon to eliminate the pressure.

But even a special scammer or shielded scorpion can't beat this acceleration, at most it invalidates it, accelerates to 3,600 times the instantaneous step, even if he has the ability to beat him, he can't catch him!


However, what is strange is that Black Snow Ji has stopped every attack of Constance Stewart! ! !

It’s like a cloud-like wind, and even the eyes are not moving!

"In the beginning, you understand the power of wrong time and space. My time and space sniper is for the world, and your acceleration does not accelerate the world. It just speeds up your own time, and your The sickle has a serious flaw, although it is very small for others, but it is fatal to you if it is put on me!!

Know why I stayed to deal with you?

It’s not about fighting for time, it’s not about abandoning the car, but I can really beat you. When I invaded the soul world, I analyzed your ability~www.readwn.com~ Of course, my time and space The kind of power just can't be attacked by you. After all, time and space have been smashed. We are now in the turbulent flow of time and space. It is equivalent to the broken boundary. The power to break the broken boundary is I can't reach it, and then, unfortunately, I have the power to understand it. In the whole corpse, I don't think anyone can reach this level.

Two paragraphs above the annotation!

It is not an ordinary superposition, but a completely different realm.

Another remedy on top of the solution -"

Black Snow Ji once again started to pull the knife and squat -

"The wind erodes the heart, the stars wear the clouds, and the stars shine against the sword. The sun is shining, the miles are going, the sword is not flat."

Two paragraphs -


"The Ultimate Sword: Revotin!" (To be continued.)

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