Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 26 Chapter 2389: The end of the step: night? Brother??/a>

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"The wind erodes the heart, the stars wear the clouds, and the stars shine against the sword. The sun is shining, the miles are going, the sword is not flat."

Two paragraphs -


Black Snow's silver hair was replaced with a blackish color, but this did not return to its original appearance, but was transparent. It itself produced a black luster due to the darkness of the darkness of the class, outside this transparent outline. Shining to sublimate to the essence of the general seven-light! !

At this moment, she has been detached from another aspect of the world. No matter how Accord Stewart accelerates, she can't touch her clothes. The beautiful butterfly wing is more awkward, like the world-famous luxury gem. .

"How can it be!"

Constantine Stewart stopped accelerating, and no matter how the sniper touched the body of Black Snow Ji, he obviously felt the sniper!

"In the Nordic legend, there is a sword that is both a sword of creation and a sword of destruction. It bears witness to the origin of Norse mythology, and also witnesses the dusk of the gods, but also destroys the world.

Nordic mythology is a special myth. In this myth, even God will have fate of death and failure, including the end of everything, invincibility can not be permanent, but only it is an experience that has never failed. ——


At the end of the twilight of the Nordic gods, the flame giant Surtr waved it to dance, and the heavens, the earth, and the nine continents were filled with flames.

Even the tree of life, yggdrasil (the world tree), is turned into ashes, and the flames are burning the golden palaces of the gods. The earth becomes a scorched earth, and the water in the ocean evaporates.

The fire that was ignited by the sword of Revotin burned out everything in the air, land, and meditation, and the good and the evil. The earth's burnt black is broken, slowly sinking into the boiling sea water, and the whole world is finally destroyed in the decaying inflammation of Levertin! ”

The star of Black Snow Ji opened slightly, slowly pulling out the sickle, and then, a transcendent will will be released -

"The ultimate sword: Revotin!"

There is no sound, but the space like the broken boundary has been fragmented, and the knife that can break the broken line! ! !

Constantine Stewart changed into the state of the gem dragon in time, but even this did not prevent his own collapse, the solid dragon body appeared a crack, from which endless flames, frost, lightning and phantom emerged...

His broken body like glass has an artistic rupture, and the smooth rupture even makes people think that this is a broken mirror.


There is also a trace of blood in the mouth of Black Snow Ji. If it is not the second paragraph, the death tyrants will be strengthened. I am afraid she will be the same as Konstantin Stewart.

The power of Revotin is not really detached from this dimension, just stepping into that level, relying on absolute will, splitting the dimension, yes, splitting the dimension!

Compared with the spatiotemporal and temporal rupture of time and space, Revotin splits the existence of the dimension, and the fault is also part of the Dimension of the Death World, which can naturally be split.

So Constance Stewart lost at the beginning. The acceleration of Black Snow Ji is different from his acceleration. Constance Stewart only promoted the acceleration of time and space to the limit, but the acceleration of Hei Xueji However, it is detached from this dimension, and her will has reached the limit of this dimension.

Nothing in Norse mythology is immortal, but only Levittin has never lost. It is both part of the world and part of the rules of the world.

Even if the world can be broken, Revotin is the symbol that Black Snow Ji has reached a level farther than this dimension.

After experiencing the acceleration of the overclocking of the world and the acceleration of the world of death, she has already surpassed itself in almost endless time.

"Great... Look at your powerful share, I will tell you a secret, my Constance Stewart admits that I have failed, I am already your hand several times, so as a loser allow me to provide some Useful things.

If I am really dead, I don't have to describe anything to you, but because I use the power of blackmail, this failure is not glamorous!

You didn't defeat Zhu Rong and didn't beat me. It's not that you lost to me and Zhu Rong, but you lost to Lilith.

Do you know why I and Zhu Rong will come out to fight at the beginning?

Because this is a substitute! ! !

It’s a pity that you use your combat power. It’s a pity that you can’t fight with the wind and rain. The reincarnation of Fuxi Dasheng really wants to play against it, but I don’t even want you to be close to him.

But I still want to compliment one sentence, girl, you are very strong, not the strength, but the will, in the acceleration of my defeat orally.

So you can be willing to do it~www.readwn.com~ The power used by Lilith is -

[The city of nightingale].

The specific ability I have is not very clear here.

However, it can be judged that her power can completely copy a person's power, remembering that it is completely copied, so death is a false death and we will be resurrected, so that you have to fight again to win.

Also, her ability is flawed, and after every death, the power of the replica will drop a lot.

Of course, this will also fall into endless chain battles.

The key is not copying, but the power of dreams.

Unlike the illusion, unlike the blue-stained mirror, the power of Lilith is even more difficult to be blue-stained. She is the real witch. At this moment, I think everyone is already in her dreams. Among them. 8± wonderful (.*) pen 8±阁 8±, o

We are not being noticed by her because it is in the midst of a break, otherwise I will definitely not disclose these things to you.

In short, you need to find a way to get rid of Lilith's Nightingale City, because there are still more difficult people to deal with after her, Jiuyin, when the legendary figure who can stand side by side with Fuxi, Lilith is powerful, but Jiuyin is more powerful. I guess Lilith and Jiuyin should be joined together, so even if you break the night city, you should not neglect...

All that can be said is that my consciousness is going to disappear..."

Constantine Stewart calmly told Hu Xueji about important information.


Black Snow Ji does not know if he should believe in Constantine Stewart.

But if this is true then it will be very difficult, and there is no escape from the night city, they will never reach the Night Palace.

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