Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 6 Chapter 363: The reunion of fate: Queen's restraint (below)

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Essex's ice cone quickly attacked the body of a super-hazardous species, but did not cause much damage to it, and the defense was quite powerful.

Month step! !

The body of the wind and rain instantly broke away from the ground, and then stepped into the void step by step. Then one turned over and the body fell on the head of the super-hazardous species. A huge sword of frost appeared in the hand, and it will be super in a flash. The man on the huge dangerous seed slammed into two halves. As the sniper was completed, the huge dangerous species suddenly fell on the ground...

"Not bad, quite fierce attack and speed, it is worthy of praise..." Acedes nodded and admired.

Just as the wind and rain and Essex thought that the super-hazardous species had died, the huge dangerous species that suddenly fell on the ground suddenly stood up and stood up...

"This time I am coming, let it disappear completely!!!!"

Essex snorted, and a super huge hail suddenly fell from the sky! !

Hagel-ursprung! !


The huge hill-like hail suddenly pressed the super huge dangerous kind on the ground, and the whole island shook with it. After doing all this, Acedes still looks like nothing, as if it does not consume any strength. .

So strong!

The wind and rain suddenly took a cold sweat on the face. This queen is definitely not an ordinary existence. It is the strongest history of the Emperor, such a big hail. Like the existence of an iceberg. The wind and rain will definitely not be produced. His energy is all made out, and it is enough to make such a big hail. Even if it is made, after all the energy is lost, other infinite skills can't be used. Especially, it is enough to see Ace. How bad the physical strength of this guy is.

"Well, then is the time for two people..." Esdston pressed the wind and rain under his body. It was a strong kiss and he was going to continue the thing just...

You guy...

The wind and rain suddenly shook his head helplessly, his hands began to fade the clothes on Essex, and he disappeared for a few days. He also missed some of his hands. The hands covered the softness of Essex and gently prepaid. stand up.


Essex squinted softly, and the feeling of this body seemed to melt and let her stop, and tightly holding the body of the wind and rain, as if to be integrated with him...


Night attack on the new base.

Cher is sitting on the stool. Said: "Probably this is the case, do not blame me. It is the sudden emergence of the man who sent him and the queen of Essex, used as a space-type emperor."

"In this way, it seems that there has been another variable. Well, in short, the new types of dangerous species have been eliminated. This is the completion of our initial purpose. Then, when the rainstorm returns, let us plan again. During this time, the intelligence activities are mainly for the time being, and it is estimated that he will return soon," Najta said.

"Isn't there any danger? That guy?" Chelsea said a little worried. "That's the strongest person, Essex is not a normal opponent, even if he is..."

"It doesn't matter, that guy should be in honeymoon with Austers now, but the two are good old guys..." Lei O'Neill waved his hand and said, "Before the emperor's rumored Acedes' boyfriend should be him. Nothing wrong..."

"Well, but I can't conclude that the guy at Acedes is very tough. If you know that it is an enemy, it will be hard to say anything, so... even if he doesn't come back, we will still be ready to fight. As long as Acedes is back, she will lead the hunters and we will fight," Najta said.

"Don't worry, he should be back. He is not strong." Tiantongmu knows more about the strength of the storm. It is not an easy thing to let him die. The guy has not yet opened it. State -

That state is the bloodthirsty state of the wind and rain, that is his strongest fighting mode. Once you enter that state, the strength, speed, etc. of the wind and rain will almost rise straight, and the fierceness and ruthlessness of the shot is absolutely The general existence of the demon king, Aistus's frost has no way to take the wind and rain, so even if Esdes is strong enough, it is not an easy task to defeat the storm.

"Meat...meat...meat..." Akasaka was on the table, and both hands boring against the table.

"If the sister wants to eat..." Blackbird walked out of the stormy room with a bag of candy and said to Akasaka, "I can give you a little bit..."


Everyone looks at these two cute sisters, do you not worry about your boyfriend?


After a lingering affair, the wind and rain and Essex embraced each other's body and refused to let go.

"Will you be with me? As long as you are by my side, you can do whatever I want..." Aistus said in the ear of the wind and rain with a warm aroma~www.readwn.com~ I am a night attack, this identity will not change, I have already decided at the beginning..." The wind and rain looked at the sky filled with stars, and at the beginning of the world, his camp had already decided, and he It is clear that what is evil and justice, although he is not a good old man, but he is still intolerable when he tramples on the decaying empire of life.

"Why? Why don't you stay for me, I can give everything to you, I will give you what you want, why can't you for me..." Acedes pressed the wind and rain on the ground Said, the mood is somewhat volatile.

"If you like me, why can't you destroy this decaying empire with me? You have the absolute idea of ​​'powerfulness,' but the world is not completely speaking with power, you think you The strength is strong enough to allow me to stay?" The wind and rain know that I can't convince Acedes, so he won't convince him. Next time, use strength to speak on the battlefield.

"You..." Acedes never felt that the psychology was so uncomfortable. A man turned his heart out of his heart and even thought about listening to him. He felt that as long as he had everything, there was no problem, but she had her own Faith, she wants to use her power to let this man surrender and conquer him!! (To be continued.)

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