Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 6 Chapter 364: Queen ♂ happiness

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The wind and rain looked at Estes's beautiful face and gently soothed on her face.

"When you meet again, use strength to conquer each other. If I lose to you, I will listen to you. Of course, if you lose to me, just be my little woman, listen to me, how is this?" Chen said.

"Speak with strength?" Acedes said scornfully. "You won't be my opponent!"

"That's not necessarily, your body has already succumbed to me..."

The wind and rain smiled and squeezed it **** the softness of Acedes.


Essex’s blushing fingers smashed the wind and said: “That’s not the same, you are getting worse...”

"Don't like my bad?" The wind and rain slammed his eyes and said.

Essex squatted on the face of the wind and rain, closed his eyes and said: "Like..."

"Well, find something to eat, it has been so good..." The wind and rain patted Essex's beautiful buttocks, sat up, put on clothes and prepared to hunt.

"I am with you, now I don't think that anything exists. When I meet next time, use power to conquer each other. Can such a good date be wasted?" Acedes put on clothes, followed by On the wind and rain, hugged his arm and left all the troubles behind him. Now I appreciate the sweetness of this date. Others don't want to think about it.


The wind and rain did not want to destroy the dating time that two people could hardly get.


"Essex, found a fat rabbit, I think it will be delicious..." The wind and rain saw a hare in the grass and immediately chased it up.

"Oh, look at me..."

Essex said that the long sword in his hand was thrown out and the rabbit was nailed to the ground in an instant.


The rabbit struggled for two times and did not move.

"Well, this is almost enough for us to eat. I pick a few fruits to quench my thirst..." said the wind and rain. I handed the rabbit to Acedes, and then climbed the tree and picked a few coconuts. It is very good to quench the thirst.

"Right, is it possible to change the title? I always think that Aistus is too rigid?" Acedes suddenly said, she called the rainy day as Yuchen, or sometimes called Gray, close, But is Essex's words too long?


"A lot of people call me this name, it's too ordinary, you are different, a name that belongs directly to you..." Acedes said. I think the title should be more intimate, and there must be a name that only the wind and rain know.

"Essex is very good..." The wind and rain felt that there was nothing. The name seems to be a German-style name. On the earth, Aesdes is a German name, and the names of the Germans are Some are rigid. German is a rigid language, and the Germans are relatively rigid.

"No, you are called the storm, but I still like to call you Gray, we use the special name to call the other party, only the names we personally use..." Acedes said.

"Then you are called Alutina..." The wind and rain said casually, anyway, it was the queen. This is no problem, right?

"Alutina... Alutina... This is not bad, well, it is decided, you will call me Alutina later..." Acedes suddenly laughed.

"Not a name, but the important thing is people, let's go. Grilled meat, let you **** craft, very good..." The wind and rain did not know why Acedes suddenly had such an idea.


Essex listened to her hand Lan (a member of the stalker, using a flying type of emperor), saying that male and female lovers would use some more intimate titles to call each other. Only two people know the title, and Aesdes, who is in his heart, naturally wants to have more intimate titles with the wind and rain, only the title of both of them.

Then the wind and rain began to barbecue, Acedes came to help, but sometimes there were some minor problems, but there was a little warmth, and both people liked the atmosphere very much. Finally, barbecue Still finished, although some places in the 'help' of Essex are scorched, but the good craftsmanship of the wind and rain makes the rabbit meat play a perfect taste.

"How? Is it delicious?" The wind and rain reached out and squeezed a piece of minced meat from the mouth of Acedes into his mouth.

Looking at the intimate move of the storm, Acedes nodded and said: "Super delicious, this is the best I have ever eaten, I want to eat for a lifetime, can I?"

"Yes, the next time we fight, no matter who wins or loses, we will not be separated, okay?" The wind and rain will say Essex in his arms.

"This is natural. If you win, I will listen to you. In fact, I am looking forward to defeating me. After all, how can my man lose to me? Doesn't that mean that my vision is too bad?" Acedes nodded and said.

"Well, come, drink coconut juice..."

The wind and rain nodded, and two straws made of frost were inserted into the coconut.


Essex opened his blushing mouth and sucked up the straw and sucked it up~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, the sucking rain was almost stuck with her face, which made her feel more intimate.

In the world, the wind and rain saw a lot of men and women couples sucking a glass of juice like this. He also wanted to do it, but there was no chance. There was no girlfriend in the future. Later, after having a donkey and a small pray, they were not able to think of doing it. Now, here, I enjoy this sweet way with Acedes.

The small face of Essex is gradually blushing like a peach. When sucking the juice, I can breathe the breath of the wind and rain. The two breaths are mixed together. It really makes her heart beat faster, and I feel love. Things are sweet things. At this time, her heart is more certain about one thing. She has conquered countless existences and found that love is a more exciting experience, and she will only be with the wind and rain. With such happiness, she defines it in her own heart - her happiness is a storm, and if there is anything in the world that I want to get the most, it is him.

The so-called war enjoyment, the command of the empire, the joy of conquest, completely disappeared in the heart of Essex at this time, she only thought of him - the wind and rain.


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