Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1233: Former Kande.

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Qian Xing once again hit the time stop trick.

It's really too late to dodge at this moment.

Watching the large silver ray, just wrapped myself in this way!

Oops, this time is definitely not a good thing!

This blond monk wearing a crown must have seen how his companion turned to ashes under Qian Xing's means.

Therefore, he will never be so stupid to use the same or similar methods to deal with money luck.

If so, it would be synonymous with suicide.

The one used at this moment is definitely a must-kill trick.

Between mind and electricity.

The oily yellow light has collided firmly with the silver light!

In an instant, Qian Xing felt it.

In the oily yellow light of the fusion of the innate rules of the earth and the innate rules of the wood.

The speed of those flowers, grasses and trees growing, blooming, and bearing fruit has greatly accelerated.

Two times faster growth!

Four times faster growth!

Even, growth six times, eight times faster!

Ten times faster growth!

After the blink of an eye.

The growth rate of these trees, woods, flowers, and grasses has reached twenty times the speed!

"This is time acceleration!"

Qian Xing screamed!

There was indescribable panic in his voice.

In the legend, time acceleration is one of the most terrifying killings.

There is a famous saying that nothing can compete with time!

The most important thing is that Golden Core monks like Qian Xing have a limited life span.

Although Qian Xing's condensed Jindan is of higher grade.

However, at best, Qian Xing's life span will not exceed two thousand years.

Even ordinary god-level masters have a limited lifespan. Unlike ordinary people imagined, once they become a "God"-level master, they can enjoy immortal blessings forever.

Therefore, the power of this time acceleration comes out.

In the entire oily yellow light that envelopes Qian Xing, it can also be said that the oily yellow field moves at a speed dozens of times faster than before. In a short time, this field full of harvest and vitality has appeared. Chaos fluctuations!

Because this oily yellow field contains the innate rules of thousands of different plants.

Originally, the flowers and fruits of these plants were all under unified control.

However, as soon as the power of time acceleration swept, the plants, transformed by various innate rules, grew rapidly according to their original growth cycle!

In the oily yellow light field.

The originally neat, endless field is Qian Xing’s preference, and he deliberately made this field look like this.

Now it has become a lot of trees growing wildly, clumps of grass. Taller than people.

Moreover, this crazy growth shows no signs of stopping.

However, Qian Xing no longer cared about changes in his field.

Although this composite field of soil and wood bought Qian Xing time, it delayed the progress of the silver light that could accelerate time.

Qian Xing's heart was already full of fear.

That is, once this silver light hits himself, he will age like those scenes in the movie, and his life span of nearly two thousand years will also quickly pass away.

Once the life span of these two thousand years is completely lost, I will be completely weathered into a pair of dust like a dried orange peel!

At least, for Qian Xing, this is a change that no power or spell can resist.

Qian Xing is also a human being, to put it bluntly, a human being whose power greatly surpasses ordinary people.

In fact, even those primordial cultivators, even Mahayana cultivators, and even the legendary main gods, why not do that?

Usually, Qian Xing is full of self-confidence, because this self-confidence comes from his strength.

Among the golden core monks, except for a handful of existences at the top of the pyramid, Qian Xing is no longer afraid of the methods of most golden core monks.

The trick of "Life and Death Seals the World" is the origin of Qian Xing's confidence.

But now, Qian Xing is facing the power of time!

Eternal time, eternal mystery!

Don't say that Qian Xing is a golden core monk, even those Nascent Soul monks, **** transformation monks, and monks in the rebirth period are helpless and can only let this eternal time slaughter!

Do you think Qian Xing is in a hurry?

However, a philosopher once said, what is the use of being anxious?

Therefore, Qian Xing watched the silver-white acceleration of time, surpassed the area where the oil-yellow Earth Element and the Wood Element innate rules were mixed, and rushed toward him!


Qian Xing gave a loud roar!

I can't die!

A huge object suddenly appeared in front of Qian Xing!

A blue-and-white pond, a piece of small land in the middle, and a big three-color tree in the middle of the pond is standing proudly!

The roots of the three-color tree are surrounded by a circle of purple soil.

The soul is dispatched!

Even the oil-yellow field where the Civil Engineering Second System's innate rules merged could not stop the power of time acceleration.

Ordinary protection spells are even more useless.

Therefore, the primordial spirit is the biggest defense for the old money.

Of course, there is also to spit out the Golden Core of Earth Element!

However, the Yuanshen was missing a piece, and Qian Xing could easily repair it.

If the golden core exploded under the influence of time acceleration, Qian Xingke would really want to cry without tears!


The silver-white light swept across the pools, islands and trees without hesitation.

But at the same time ~www.readwn.com~ Qian Xing's body has several big flowers blooming instantly.

A few small figures, like a tiger descending a mountain, jumped out of these flowers!

Instantly become life-size.

Towards the golden crowned figure on the opposite side, he rushed fiercely!

The shadow of the golden fruit of the earth type, the shadow of the golden fruit of the fire type, the shadow of the golden fruit of the water type, the shadow of the golden fruit of the ice type, and the shadow of the golden fruit using the Great Sun Sword Art are all dispatched!

A circle of deep yellow light burst out from the body of the earth-type golden fruit shadow instantly!

In the blink of an eye, it expanded hundreds of meters away and instantly circled the opponent into this deep yellow light!

Variant gravity mystery!

Another killer trick of Qian Xing!

Since the innate golden core of the earth system has successfully condensed.

The gravity mystery that Qian Xing cultivated has also changed.

It has become a "suction force" that means innate power!

The shadow of the golden fruit, which originally used gravity mystery and eight-sided golden mace, was also merged by the shadow of the golden fruit of the earth system.

At this time, Qian Xing was ready to make a move to survive from the dead!


The blond monk immediately felt the deep yellow aperture under his feet, and there was a majestic force.

His whole body immediately stopped.

Five silhouettes, holding up the weapons in their hands, and at the same time, with majestic power fluctuations, they slayed viciously towards themselves!


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