Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1232: The beginning of the epic

Amid the earth-shattering explosion, Qian Xing felt the breath of the second son of Su.

Compared with just now. The blood is obviously weaker, but. Still breathing heavily...gasps after being seriously injured.

Just now when the black peony with thousands of layers of petals bloomed.

Qian Xing immediately clearly felt the basic protective ability of this black peony with thousands of layers and tens of thousands of petals.

Once he used the trick of "Life and Death Sealing Heaven and Earth", he would definitely be able to break the defense of this black peony, and the second Young Master Su inside was definitely dead or alive.

This attacker. With a single blow, he was not able to destroy the Second Young Master Su.

Doesn't that mean. His cultivation is not enough to contend with Qian Xing's life and death seal world?

Qian Xingyi figured this out. There was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

In that case, how could he have the trick to slow down time in such a long period of time?

This point made Qian Xinggang's ecstatic mood and extremely puzzled!

just. I thought of the natural supernatural power of the green water bird that I had caught.

Green Jiao. Everyone can have this kind of talent and magical powers, even though the time to stop time is just that instant, it can't be compared with these attackers.

It is not surprising that these attackers can possess such supernatural powers.

Wait" Have such supernatural powers?

Suddenly, in Qian Xing's mind, a thought passed by like lightning and thunder.

Could it be that they have some magic weapon to stop time?

How could a monk who couldn't kill the Second Young Master Su stay so long?

The power of time, what a mysterious power!

Qian Xing now shuttles freely in space, but with the power of time. But I can't touch it at all!

"Hey, he didn't die!

Black peony? You are a member of the Su family under Lord Furong!

Haha, what a pity

A tall figure. He finally emerged from the road paved by the flower of blood, behind him. A large figure of people appeared faintly.

Long silver hair. Dancing among the flowers of blood mist, it's so a bit hideous


Originally, it's a pity that what comes next should be: Even if it is a member of the Su family, he still has to die!

The breath of Second Young Master Su. But after showing it for a while. Completely disappeared, disappearing in the black petals that have turned into billions.

at this point. Fortunately, Qian is quite appreciated.

However, Qian Xing soon discovered that it was not a good thing for him to be able to hide his second son so perfectly.

because. The man who came here didn’t finish speaking completely, he was cut by the oily yellow light.

Perhaps, it should be said that it is an oily flame!

The strong are always quite sensitive to power.

Especially the strength of the opponent.

The selected opponent has obviously been hit hard, and in this level of battle, the difference in microseconds is enough to kill.

Once severely injured, escape is still possible.

but. Want to come back. Unless there is a magic weapon against the sky, otherwise, there is no


Qian Xing immediately urged the power of the soil and wood elements to the limit, and immediately became the target of the opponent's attention!

Calling the unlucky old money secretly, seeing his opponent's hand bend slightly, he was already like a white speedboat in a sea of ​​blood, among the brawny peach trees, Li Xuan broke a bright blood trail!

This voyage "track. Come straight to yourself!"

"Come on! Fortunately, you are not a horrible existence like transforming gods and refining the void!"

Qian Xing said nothing, as if time was slow and restrained. It doesn't seem to disappear completely.

However, since the innate rules of the soil and wood elements were combined into one, he felt his own speed of movement. Vaguely faster than the brawny peach tree next to him.

of course. Even if it is a few points faster, it can't play any role in this level of duel.

So, the money didn't move!

Watching the rows of peach-tree brawny men turn into rows of blood mist!

In an instant, in the blood mist that hundreds of peach trees had turned into, a bright and pure lightning blasted heavily on the oily yellow light!

"Damn it! It's another member of the Guangming Lord God!"

Old money's heart. Lightning generally passes through the opponent's identity determination.

Pure and extremely holy power. Extremely brilliant light.

Compared to any opponent that Old Qian met on the plane of the Lord of Justice. Must be pure and extremely holy power!

The opponent's silver hair, that cold rock-like face. Finally revealed

What about extreme strength?

Under the time stop function of the time sacred artifacts he held. I'm not allowed to kill myself

However, he immediately felt that the pure and extremely sacred light of destruction he blasted out did not seem to hit a monk.

But bombarding in an endless sea!

In this endless sea, there are countless flowers, grasses, trees, and woods that grow, flourish, germinate, and bloom at the same time. result.

It bears countless fruits, overwhelming!

Let this sea, full of harvest, the address of this site has been changed to: Except Gu, please log in to read!

This pure and extremely ruinous light of my own is like a river flowing into the sea


In this sea, it didn't last long, and it disappeared completely in this sea of ​​life.

Vitality and destruction!

It just happens to be the natural opponent!

be cheated! The address of this site has been changed to: Chugu, please log in to read!

His face is as steady as a rock. Caiwang showed a trace of fear and surprise.

I saw the grimace on the opponent's face, spit out two words..."Death Bar".

So close. Qian Xing can count clearly this time.

Peach tree brawny, more than five hundred died at once!

If you look for this speed, casualties go on. I'm afraid there are not a few of these ten thousand peach tree spirits left.

How did this make him explain to Tao Yuanming.

There was only a piece of light in front of me, an extremely pure oily yellow light!

Before this light. Heaven and earth no longer exist in general.

He only felt unusually warm and alive.

It's like looking at the mountains and forests when I was young. The feeling that it brings

This is his last feeling!

Others only saw an oily yellow light rising into the sky, instantly dazzling the world.

The originally bizarre world of Baoquan Mountain instantly appeared dim and dull in front of this oily yellow light rising into the sky.

Because, in this oily yellow light, he no longer exists. There was only a golden light with the size of a palm, scraping an arc. Flew far away dozens of miles away!

Even the brawny peach trees nearby were under this oily yellow light. There were nearly a hundred casualties in an instant.

magic weapon!

The blood of the old money rushed to Tianling Gai.

A magic weapon that can be safe and sound under his own "life and death seal world" trick!

actual. Adding up all the magic weapons of Lao Qian's body, even after being tempered by the fluctuations of the gold net, under the premise that Lao Qian is doing his best to use the trick of "Life and Death", it will only turn to ashes.


Could it stop time. This is what the treasure contained in this golden light does.

More importantly, with Qian Xing's gaze at this time, I couldn't see through it, what kind of treasure is in this golden light!

This gives Qian Xing the feeling, just like when Su Yan Bingshan was put in his hands, even though Su Yan Bingshan was placed in his palm. It just gave Qian Xing a feeling of being covered by clouds, unable to see through Su Yan Bingberg.

This only means one situation. The priest of this magic weapon, and Qian Xing's cultivation level. Great difference!

I didn't even care about the heavy casualties of the brawny peach trees.

Qian Xing's body grows long!

Has turned into a cyan long rainbow. A distance of tens of miles has been crossed in an instant.

Seeing that the golden light will be captured in the hand.

"Want to seize the sacred artifact? Don't think about it!"

The extremely cold voice reached Qian Xing's ears.

Of course, this shout is for Qian Xing. There is no lethality.

The point is, seeing this golden treasure, grabbing the money in his hand, but feeling the time of the whole body slow down!

"Time stops!"

Qian Xing was shocked. It is simply unparalleled!

Unexpectedly, there was a second person on the scene to resort to this trick.

A silhouette of a human body charged with silver light, and in a flash, it had reached out to grab the golden light.

This figure has a golden crown with a crown on top of it. A pair of eyes slightly


Looking at Qian Xing's eyes, he was full of bitter hatred!

Obviously, the person who had been "life and death stamped on the world just now. The person who was gasified had a lot to do with him."

Fortunately, these two people didn't shoot at the same time just now~www.readwn.com~ if they both shoot at the same time. I'm really dead.

Old Qian passed the joy of escaping in his heart.

A horizontal right palm, like a sword like a sword, slashed at the opponent!

Dao oily yellow blade light appeared from his palm, instantly transforming into ten, ten into one hundred, and one hundred into one thousand.

But in an instant, all the opponent's escape routes have been firmly sealed!

The power of time is to delay the action of the old money.

But the speed of the knife mang. It can reach hundreds of miles in an instant.

Within such a short distance, even the power of time can delay time. If this blonde man with a silver crown does not let go, inevitably, the oily yellow sword will slash him, the distance is too close!

The blonde who has witnessed the power of the oily yellow light will naturally not let himself be hit by the oily yellow light!

He has another time sacred artifact!

How can you fight this brash fellow?


Several rays of light slashed above the golden light at the same time, the golden light swirled and flew out for miles!

The figure of a blonde. But it flashed left and right, flashed twice, already out of the scope of this overwhelming oily yellow light!

"Die, turn to dust!"

The fiery blond monk. He stretched out his hand and pointed it at Qian Xing. In his hand, a silver plate-like thing immediately emitted a silver light, and the old money that could not be dodged was firmly enveloped!

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