Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1231: Time Stop Assault

Suddenly, everyone's movements slowed down.

The outstretched hand, trying to grasp the invisible invisible golden sword light, the magic trick, everything is like slow motion in the movie, slowly unfolding

In their surprised eyes, the actions of themselves, their partners, and the entire tens of thousands of troops slowed down in an instant.

At this time, the collection of no Birkins had just been carried out for about two quarters of an hour.

There is not much collected non-phase gold at all.

"The power of time!"

Qian Xing yelled in horror.

At the same time, he immediately felt that he could pass hundreds of miles away at this moment, like a slow wave, flowing in the air. Slowly to the target he wants to spread, Second Young Master Su, Jin Gu, Fan Wu Young Master and others.

And the three of them were also yelling.

Looking at their mouth shapes, what they want to shout is the same word as Qian Xing's mouth...the power of time!

The faces of the three people no longer have the graceful aristocratic demeanor that they used to be.

Qian Xing reads only despair in their eyes \\\'!

It should be the same look in his own eyes.

Qian Xing thought.

More than 700 years later, Qian Xing recalled that moment, that was, the time for bribing outside became very slow.

However, he has been practicing for more than a hundred years. Including the bits and pieces spent in the Colosseum to condense the training space.

I didn’t pull the ground at all, passing by.

I really thought I was done at that moment

The power of time, in front of it, there is no power to resist.


A monk from Su’s family exploded into a cloud of blood, like a huge blood-colored flower.

This huge blood-colored flower is still slowly opening up in slow motion.

However, immediately after \\\', a monk in front of \\\'he\\\' exploded equally brilliantly.

Although the exploded blood flower, the movement is the same slow.

However, from the explosion of the master in the front to the explosion of the one behind, the speed is extremely fast, and the slow pace that fills dozens of miles is completely unmatched.

"Peng, Peng, Peng..." A series of? Beautiful and cruel blood flower. In the wind exploded into a garden-like sky in the air, it suddenly became more beautiful. "Fortunately, they didn't break through from the side of Peach Blossom Valley. Many years later, the old Qian said that. "The strength of the strong guys in Peach Trees is among the four, the thinnest. This saves me.

Because of being weak, he won the chance to survive. "

Many people describe the expression on the face of the saint ancestor when he said this sentence, which can be described as an indecency of escaping from the dead.

It is like bushes planted with flowers on both sides of a straight avenue. The blood-colored flowers first opened a bright and red road in the Su family's team. The Su family’s team, on one side is the monk army of Peach Blossom Valley, and on the other side is the Jin family

Compared to the Jin family's monk army \\\' team. The army of monks in Peach Blossom Valley is small in number and powerful

Therefore, another bright and red avenue bloomed immediately from the Jin family’s army, "following \\\', opening up brilliantly.

Brilliantly "block, kill,,,

The Second Young Master Su, and Jin Nai-gu, gave orders almost simultaneously.

Before they issued the order, all the monks before the two red blood drops had already put together their whole body's strength and made a full shot!

However, once you reach the level above the golden core, a shot error of one thousandth of a second is the end of life and death!

Piece by piece, groups of monks. While their strongest attack was still condensed in their hands, they had completely burst into a splendid blood mist.

The strongest attack not only failed to damage the enemy, but instead made the blood-colored flowers exploded from itself, even more dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, the two roads paved with blood have rushed to Su Er Gongyu and Jin Gu.

For the attacker, it was just a blink of an eye.

But -, for Second Young Master Su and Jin Gu, it seemed as long as one hundred thousand years had passed. Following the road composed of two scarlet flowers rushed up in the camps on both sides. It is conservatively estimated that the subordinates who turned into gorgeous and splendid blood-colored flowers, whether it is the Su family or the loss, are close to 4,000 people. In other words, such a surprise attack. The two families lost a total of about 8,000 people! These are both the Su family and the Jin family, and they are the monks trained after countless hard work! Seeing the two young masters Su and Jin Gu, they are simply heartbroken. Seeing that his subordinates were harvested in rows like wheat, but he could only wait to die. This situation, no matter who it is, will not feel better.

Seeing the two leaders of the Su’s and Jin’s families, they are going to be so finished.


Like a spring breeze blowing

The second son of Su disappeared -.

At the original position of the second son of Su', a black peony with thousands of layers appeared.

Jin Gu also disappeared at the same time.

In his original position, countless golden tulips appeared.

Although only a few tens of meters away, this golden tulip seems to have thousands of flowers!

The second son of Su and Jin Nai-gu, at the critical moment of life and death, simultaneously used their strongest magic weapon!

Yes, the strongest magic weapon!

Although the passage of time was controlled to slow down a lot.

Qian Xing is still-from Su’s Second Young Master and Jin Gu, he feels that two strands do not belong to them

His own, extremely powerful force burst out.

This should be their magic weapon to save their lives~www.readwn.com~ Qian Xing thought in his heart, and at the same time, he expressed 10,000 points of gratitude to the two great masters of Su Er and Jingu.

Because Qian Xing's whole body' has been wrapped in a greasy yellow light.

In the oily yellow light \\\', the square and square four-legged emperor's tripod hung above Qian Xing's head.

It can be said that Qian Xing's strongest defense has been used. Of course, Jin Guozhi: Shadow, but none was released. It's not that these two big, strong, powerful subordinates attracted firepower for themselves. Can I have this opportunity to release my strongest skills with all my strength? "Turtle, you stay away!" Once the self-protection reaches the strongest level, Old Qian first shouted at the turtle!

At the critical moment, Qian Xing still hoped that Turtle, Stone, Big Head, and Quinn would be safer from his old brothers.

In the end, Qian Xingbi\\\' is actually a nostalgic person. "Boom!" Jian Duo's black peony exploded. Thousands of \\\'pieces of \\\'peony consumes its petals;!) It is difficult to capture the lasing. In a blink of an eye, the Su family cultivator surrounding the surrounding area was shot and wounded again!

At that time, with this earth-shattering explosion, Qian Xingna was already about to jump to his throat and let go of the rain!

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