Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1236: Missed

Two spaces. Qian Xing's "Feng Yang Realm" was the space around the Yuanshen who Qian Xing left behind.

The two parties. It's like two quagmire with great attraction. Put the silver plate-shaped time sacristy The silver-white acceleration of time is swallowed in!

suddenly. Gain the power of time acceleration.

Let the space of these two places shake again for a while!

It was originally a mess of scenery, even more chaotic.

The flowers, plants and trees in the "field of abundant soil" have tricolor roots. The herbs and trees planted on the small island in the blue and white water pool immediately began to fight again, rushing to grow up.

The old money felt extremely depressed.

These two places. Has fallen into chaos completely out of control!

However, the primordial spirit and the "field of rich soil" are not separated from themselves, and they can still use them to defeat the enemy.

This feeling, for Qian Xing, is simply terrible!

Despite the constant fighting, Qian Qian's bearing capacity has become very strong, and his face has become the color of pig liver. The address of this site has been changed to: Fangxin, please log in to read!

However, the two reliances that I am most proud of are completely out of control. Still let him finally tear off his elegant mask.

He yelled: "If you lose your ancestor, kill it if you want to kill it, or kill it if you want it. You're at this level, don't come out to offer treasures!"

The blond monk's face also became the color of pig liver.

After anyone's best trick fails, his face is definitely worse than this one!

He also has blood.

Under full urge. The silver plate is golden and bright!

The domain of time pause once again covers the domain originally covered by the domain of time acceleration!

immediately. Behind this blond real person, two golden wings of light rose.

watch carefully. These golden wings of light are like two large golden knives!

One of these two golden knives. Suddenly broke away from the body and turned into a golden sword light!

A piece of golden sword light is like a golden thundercloud rising from the distant sky. Rushing wildly. In a flash. It will become oily yellow and golden. Silver mixed together. It became a gorgeous and peculiar color, and the "field of abundant soil" covered it all over.

Qian Xing, who was covered by the time pause domain again, had to watch tens of thousands of attacks. Fell on the periphery of his body.

However, this time was even more strange than the last time.

Thousands of times of golden sword light, like a raging wave, turned out to be completely cut in an empty space, even a ripple. Never aroused!


The old Qian's mood instantly changed from depression to joy, as if riding a roller coaster.

The "field of abundant soil" has become chaotic, and it has become stronger.

Anyway, this is also a good thing for yourself, isn't it?


Blond monk. Cried furiously!

"kill him!"

"Smash him into pieces!"

Crazy roar. Accompanied by thousands of sword lights, like thousands of rumbling rainbows!

Thousands of rumbling rainbows carry the violent and hatred that destroys everything. Enough to destroy one

Has blasted towards the blonde monk!

Even Qian Xing and his five avatars, including the wreckage of the Healing Golden Fruit Shadow of the Fire Element, are also covered by hundreds of sword lights!

The large army of the Hundred Eyes Lord God who struck, under the frenzied and bloodthirsty counterattack of the Quartet army, most of the people had already stepped on their opponent's previous footsteps, and only two or three kittens escaped.

The object of their attack immediately shifted to this blond monk who mastered the power of time.

no doubt. The two monks who have mastered the time sacred tools are the ones who let the Quartet army. In such a short period of time, the culprit who suffered such heavy casualties!

Chaos! Is this helping me or hurting me! "

Seeing that he and the shadow of Jin Guo were also within Jianguang's attack range, Old Qian was about to swear!

I know that your anger rushes straight into your forehead, but it's not like this kind of rush.

Although the body is in a pause, but. Qian Xing immediately distinguished it.

There are thousands of sword lights, most of which are the sword lights of the other three.

Among the hundreds of sword lights that rushed toward him, all were issued by the other three, and none of them were issued by the brawny peach trees.

accidental injury? Make it clear that it is not! "

Qian Xing's mood. At that moment, the ancient well became waveless.

This shows that it is to eradicate dissidents by attacking the enemy.

The airspace where he and the blonde monk were fighting and stalemate was far away from the large forces in the four directions. Less than six miles away.

In such a short distance, it is impossible to emit sword light. Such a large angle of deviation, such a long distance!

Qian Xing, who was stopped by time and stopped in mid-air.

Looking at the hundred sword lights indifferently, they surrounded themselves.

Even Qian Xing himself could not grasp the changes in the "field of abundant soil".

It just so happened, with the sword light from these hundreds of bombardments, to see how this "field of abundant soil" has become.

As for the hundred sword lights, can they break through the realm of rich soil and smash themselves into pieces.

Qian Xing has a certainty in his heart, that is, absolutely not!

Despite this rich land. Qian Xing himself also lost some control. Old, rich soil! The realm seems to be connected to Qian Xing's flesh and blood, giving Qian a kind of feeling for the heart!

These hundred swordsmanships will never break the defense of the Pong soil field!

You know, this is the sword of Baidao!

Even Qian Zhuo's physical strength. Has been tempered by the fluctuation of the gold net, reaching nine times the strength of the ordinary gold armor corpse!

But let alone being bombarded by hundreds of sword lights!

It was directly hit by dozens of sword lights, waiting for Qian Xing, but also crushed, Yuan Shen and Jin Dan, fleeing at the same time.

The strength reaches nine times the strength of the golden armor corpse, and it is only used in single-player battles, and at most it is also in a few-player battles.

Hundreds of sword lights were poisoned together. Just kidding, although Qian Xing cultivates the Golden Net Lingyun Art, at least he is not a real King Kong!


Hundreds of sword lights hit Qian Xing at the same time.

Qian Xing, together with his oily yellow rich soil, was completely gone!

Tuan's brilliant glow completely submerged Qian Xing's location!

And the more than nine hundred sword lights that blasted towards the blond monk, after a pale golden light flashed, it was almost like more than nine hundred streamers. Moving slowly in the air.

The blond cultivator glanced around with bitterness, his figure flashed, he was plunged into the torrent of light unique to Baoquan Mountain!

And the sacred artifact of time that exudes a pale golden light, under the premise that no one collects it in time, it has also fallen into the torrent of light that is rolling and endlessly flowing in Baoquan Mountain.

Once a small object falls into the torrent of light of Baoquan Mountain, unless you are lucky, the possibility of finding it is basically zero!

This is also the reason why the blond monk is extremely resentful.

Four thousand people died, and he would not be punished too much when he returned.

Lost a time sacred artifact!

Even if this time holy artifact was not lost by him.

After he returned, the punishment he faced was unimaginably cruel!

Therefore, the golden time sacred artifact could not be retrieved, which meant that he would also become a member of the casual cultivator." Basically, he could not return it!

No matter who it is, as long as there is a treasure such as the time holy artifact in his hand, he will not suffer the torture of birth than death.

"Boom" boom one... boom..."

The long aftermath of the explosion echoed slowly in the air.

Tuan oil butter yellow light. Hover over the original location.

It seems that since Henggu, this oily yellow light exists in its original position, as if nothing has happened. "

The sound of a piece of cold breathing sounded in the Quartet!

The eyes of the brawny peach trees have become excited and enthusiastic!

At the same time, this excited and enthusiastic vision looked at the other three armies with hatred!

"*, you are blind! The enemy is no longer the same!"

The brawny peach tree yelled first.

"You are at this level? Let's take the Zaoban's house to eat milk!"

Tao Jinzhang also cursed with a flushed face.

As a peach tree spirit who has lived for thousands of years, in the Peach Blossom Valley, open and secret struggles still exist.

How could he not be able to guess, most of Qian Xing's hundred swordsmanship were malicious.

But at that time, the attack had already been issued.

With the strength of the brawny peach trees, it was too late to rescue.

With the strength of the brawny peach trees alone, it is even more impossible to fight the other three!

At that moment, Tao Jinzhang and Tao Jian exchanged glances secretly.

Immediately, he looked at Tao Jian's eyes. I read a meaning "One by one, it is important to preserve the strength of Taohua Valley."

Just as Qian Xing had guessed, an outstanding talent like Tao Jian is what Tao Yuanming really values. The existence of Qian Xing's deputy ~www.readwn.com~ is the meaning of the question. The address of this site has been changed to: Fangxin, please log in to read!

However, this kind of thinking is not good to tell Qian Xing directly.

If one said, even if Qian Xing appointed Tao Jian as his first deputy, wouldn't it appear that Tao Jian came to monitor Tao Yuanming?

Therefore, Tao Jinzhang was promoted to deputy by Qian Xing.

To Tao Jinzhang, it was like a quadruped running on the ground and riding on a rocket.

However, after Tao Jian implicitly expressed the meaning of his ancestors to him.

Tao Jinzhang understood immediately. What is the highest standard I pursue, that is, the interests of Taohuagu.

Therefore, when Hundred Dao Jianguang rushed towards Qian Xing, the army of Peach Blossom Valley did not choose to immediately turn their faces with the other three parties.

In Tao Jinzhang's heart, it was really not a taste!

It was Qian Wei who promoted him, and promoted him from an ordinary, upper-middle peach tree spirit to a position below this person and above 10,000.

However, what Tao Jian represents is the meaning of the ancestors!

Must take the benefit of Peach Blossom Valley. As the ultimate goal!

He wanted to take the lead and rush up. Let’s have a desperate fight with the **** from the three opposite houses

Anyway, there are three opposite sides, and two leaders are seriously injured. The head of the family was slightly injured!

But he can't!

Obeying the ancestors is deeply in the blood of every peach tree spirit!

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