Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1237: reward

The sky was silent for dozens of miles.

All eyes are on the oily yellow light floating in the air!

After dozens of sword light bombardments, nothing was damaged!

The strongest!

Really the strongest!

Among the tens of thousands of cultivators who had fought for the rest of their lives, it finally appeared like a pioneer.

As eye-catching as the Venus in the sky!

Tens of thousands are in sight. There are envious, jealous, indifferent, hostile, and even murderous.

However, no one said anything.

If it is this oily yellow light. In the attack just now, it was wiped out along with the forward movement inside.

Then, Tao Jinzhang and his subordinates' cursing would only attract an overwhelming sword light bombardment, making them immediately ashamed.

However, hundreds of sword light bombardments, since nothing happened.

Moreover, if the bombardment continues, there is a great possibility that the oily yellow light will still be

This has caused some murderous people to worry about it.

Just attacked the oily yellow domain light, it was called "injury by accident!"

Now attack again, that is a public fire merger.

And, more importantly, there are cultivators from all quarters here. Who knows if the other parties will cooperate with them?

In some weird stalemate, time just passed.

Suddenly, the oily yellow light shrank and expanded again.

Like a huge and irregular heart, beating in the air! "

Strong life fluctuations in stocks. Continue to spread rapidly around.

Even within a range of hundreds of miles, I felt a wave of vitality, like a wave, washing the sky over and over again.

How is this going?

Immediately, countless eyes, with more surprise!

Is this training on the battlefield or something?

Moreover, the external cultivation vision, beating like a heart.

This kind of cultivation technique is extremely rare among the monks of the plant department.

On the contrary, some monks of monsters and beasts. This kind of anomaly appeared when the cultivation base was released outside. There are more.

This oily yellow light keeps beating, as if transmitting power to the sky!

Fortunately, the money in the oily yellow light has been completely obscured.

It should be said that I was caught in a state of ignorance!

Qian Xing felt. Many things, from his body, fell apart in all directions.

Time seems to have returned to the past.

In the body. The things that fell apart outside are clearly presented in front of them.

The bloodline of the lowest armored sword demon...that's the bloodline on which he started.

Originally thought. Such low-level goods should have been blocked long ago.

However, Qian Xing now feels an extremely cruel and unyielding will from this low-level bloodline that should have disappeared long ago.

On the barren big one, not even a single pole is long.

However, the green scales and armored swordsmen are looking for all your food everywhere.

From small bugs that live in cracks in the rocks, to monsters that are half-devil and half-beast whose individuals are several times larger than an elephant!

The armored sword devils rushed up frantically.

Leaping at speed like lightning, dozens of armored swordsmen turned into dozens of cyan rays of light, traversing through the seam cauldron that is enough to melt all the breath of the huge monster.

Until the body of that huge monster, like the loess plateau, with **** ravines crisscrossing and falling down!

This is the war between monsters!

If Qian Xing had enlightenment in his heart, the sword demon in armor had completely won the victory by relying on that bloodthirsty will.

Immediately afterwards, the next thing erupted.

It is the bloodline of the Tiger Head Musketeer.

In the same way, the chaos and cruelty of the prison of the abyss were once again revealed in front of Qian Xing.

The tiger-headed musketeer, in the desperate fight, the tenacious evolutionary path is also shown in front of Qian Xing one by one.

When these scenes flashed through Qian Xing's mind one by one.


Qian Xing's whole body. A layer of purple and black flames rose up.

It hadn't been evolved for a long time, and it has always been a red-black flame. A few strands of red were finally completely transformed into purple.

The color of the flames of **** has also turned to purple and black!

Hellfire has finally evolved!

This is inheritance!

The natural inheritance of monsters, the inheritance that continues through bloodlines!

Qian Xing understood instantly.

The existence of cut. All have their rationality!

Even the lowest level of monster bloodlines came from a battle of hard work!

It's just that I didn't have the rationality that I could get through hard work. I did in-depth research and used it to the extreme!

After thinking about it, Qian Xing's top door immediately opened up a colorful flower.

Personal shadow. He jumped out of this strange flower, his whole body. Both are burning with this purple-black **** fire.

Qian Xing felt that if this kind of hellfire practiced to the extreme, it would definitely be more powerful than extinguishing the fire.

Therefore, this kind of hellfire still cannot be controlled by the Golden Fruit Shadow of the Fire Element.

It is best to be mastered by another Golden Fruit Shadow.

Qian Xing understood a lot in an instant under the beating of a golden heart like a light ball

And the most important thing is that the power of time acceleration and time pause that the blonde monk released to him all stayed in Qian Xing’s "field of abundant soil" and the space around the soul and soul.

This is the biggest gain of the previous battle!

Of course, this kind of power of time, Qian Xing is currently completely unavailable!

However, as long as this time force. Stay in your own soul and domain.

Can continue to enlighten.

Ten years will not work, then a hundred years!

Qian Xing didn't believe it.

As long as you spend enough time. I'm afraid that there will be no enlightenment day.

"Good, good, good, what a transport captain!"

Qian Xing laughed loudly in the oily "field of rich soil"!

Between accidental hits and collisions, no, it should be said that it was blocked by the "Monary God, Fengshang Realm" of his own lines of defense.

This guy's two powers of time not only failed to kill him.

Instead, he got a sample of the power of time.

At this moment, now that I understand this.

The power of time can be studied slowly later.

It's time to settle accounts with those who don't open their eyes!

Let them know that even though he is not Lord Ma, he still has three eyes!


The oily yellow field had been taken into the body by Qian Xing in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the water pool and spiritual roots shrouded in a distorted mess of gold and silver also flew directly above Qian Xing's head.

Qian Xing was slightly excited. In the space around the soul, the power of time with two colors of gold and silver, which is like a mess, also flew into Qian Xing's Tianling Baihui with the soul.

then. The power of time of gold and silver entangled in the air did not leave a trace.

All by Qian Xing alone.

natural. This has ignited a blazing fire of jealousy among many onlookers who know the goods.

However, the fire of jealousy in their hearts. It was immediately wiped out by a pair of eyes!

This is a pair of dark blue eyes. At this moment, these eyes, like the endless abyss, exuded the extremely cold light!

This cold light scanned around slowly.

Let all the monks swept by this look. Involuntarily tremble immediately!

And what makes some people even more frightened is that this ice is extremely cold under the eyes. It's anger like a volcanic eruption!

Everyone who is acting stupid understands what this anger really means, and it’s time to settle the accounts.

This pair of cold light, like a volcano under the cold, made some people who had just shot feel that this look was simply the stare of death.

At this moment, the second Young Master Su, Jin Wing Gu, in a tattered bloodstained body, is still in good condition, except that there are six more large cross-cracked Young Master Fan, but his eyes are complicated, and he is open to talk, but Anxious look.

This is also clear.

If anyone is so stupid that he starts to defend himself, doesn't it mean that the person who attacked you is our side, so you don't want to confess!

In the scan just now, Qian Xing has roughly identified most of the hundreds of people who attacked him.

It is possible that two or three kittens slip through the net.

What he relied on was the power induction of the more than one hundred sword lights just now!

Of course, if you want to find out all the masters of the more than one hundred sword lights that attacked you just now, one by one would mean that with Qianxing's current strength, you have to add another catty. No steps!

This is a competition of strength!

Don't be false at all!

There are so many adventures as Qian Xing.

Diligence is like a person like Qian Xing.

At this moment, I also feel the difficulty of promotion and improvement.

Had it not been for the chaos caused by the two forces of time just now.

Qian Xing wants to advance, but I don't know when he has to wait!

No wonder ~www.readwn.com~ knowing that Baoquan Mountain is so dangerous, there are still so many people coming!

The desire for treasure is one of them.

For the desire to improve yourself, I am afraid it is also the most important content!

"If you want to be a blue snake, you have to pay a price!"

Qian Xing twisted his eyebrows. "Pop" snapped a little finger!

Immediately, hundreds of oily yellow lights flashed in the air!

Hundreds of yellow silk threads suddenly appeared in the air.

It looks slow, but it's really fast!

Looks fast! Actually extremely slow!

Just like this, rushed towards more than a hundred targets among tens of thousands of people in the air!

"Wait, Brother Qian. I have something to say! Misunderstanding."

The first person who spoke was Jinchaigu.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

The second one was Fan Wu Gongzi.


The third one who spoke was Young Master Su.

Anyway, you can't watch your subordinates suffer, but you can't say a word.

However, none of the three of them tried to stop the oily yellow threads!

Such a powerful guy, there are five powerful clones...Although there are only four clones now, they can still fight.

However, if you block it yourself. This guy used this as an excuse to make a death smash with himself!

Of these three people, no one is sure to survive the siege of the four clones of this person!

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