Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1238: Essence Fruit

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More than a hundred goals, no one evades!

Instead, it slashed out the sword light with all its strength, like a thunder, like a raging wave, facing the oily yellow light that killed him!

Just kidding, if it's one, wouldn't it be the name of a fly.

Is it even more proof that I have a ghost in my heart? Is the sword light that blasted Qian Xing just now purely on purpose?

As for a few brains just verbally blocking them, they didn't actually make any moves.

These monks have long been conscious.

It's terribly ugly to say this kind of black work attacking allies!

Of course, the subordinates “injured” themselves.

How can you get involved with Mr. Brain?

"Papa Papa Papa"

A series of small cracks.

It was like a series of firecrackers.

The more than a hundred sword lights that have been attacked with all their strength, whether it is like a raging wave or like a thunder.

All are covered by the oily yellow light as thin as silk threads, like broken tofu, straight in!

Like a raging wave, a sword light like thunder, the subject still exists.

However, the master who gave out these sword lights was all penetrated by the oily yellow light!

Immediately afterwards, countless plants grew crazily from them.

The colors of these plants are red, cyan, purple, and blue.

The leaves are oval, elongated, and serrated.

The rhizome is square and polygonal.

The characteristics of almost thousands of plants are reflected.

Immediately afterwards, the branch ends of these plants bloomed with pink buds, blooming like roses, peony, and orchid flowers.

However, these flowers have a common feature, that is, their base color is the color of gold powder.

Above the base color of gold and pink, it is the color of all kinds of red!

The bodies of a hundred cultivators, no matter what exercises they practiced, turned into a hundred human-shaped flowerpots.

And their vitality is consumed quickly in these colorful flowers.

It becomes shriveled and decayed.

Just like a thousand years, ten thousand years of rotting wood!

Hundreds or thousands of flowers bloomed on every monk's body.

However, among the hundreds of flowers, only one fruit was born.

The position of this fruit is some on the top of the head, some on the forehead, some on the chest, and some on the lower abdomen.

And as each monk practiced different methods.

The color of this fruit is also different.

Some fruits are red in color, some fruits are purple in color, and some fruits are blue in color.

These fruits are round and jade, crystal clear.

In some fruits, there is a golden pill the size of a pigeon egg.

In some fruits, there is a faint nucleus like a colorful diamond!

There are also fruits with only a halo circulating inside.

This is where the essence and even the soul of every monk lies.

Qian Xing gently stretched his right hand!

Hundreds of fruits drew hundreds of arcs in the air and flew gently into the hands of Old Qian!

Gathered into a pyramid-shaped "fruit tower" of glorious glaze.

No matter it was the second son of Su, the fifth son of Fan, Jin Naigu or their subordinates, all of them had their faces cold.

The three chieftains were just blue.

The monks of the three parties, looking at Qian Xing's gaze, were almost trying to chew Qian Xing into pieces before swallowing it!

Too arrogant!

too crazy!

In the blink of an eye, a hundred people were killed!

And take away the essence of their whole body, and even their soul!

Too cruel!

In Jin Naigu's heart, that hatred.

Of the over 100 people who died, half of them were monks from the Jin family.

That's right, the bombardment of these fifty people against Qian Xing was precisely because of Jin Naigu's instruction.

Of course, the number of monks who died in the Fan family was more than thirty.

The Su family had the least dead monks, only a dozen.

Jin Naigu believes that Young Master Fan, like himself, has the opportunity to accidentally hurt this monster who can resist the power of time. He will never let it go.

However, there were only a dozen sword lights from the Su Family monk, which bombarded the oily yellow light.

Whether this is intentional or unintentional, no one can tell.

But I didn't expect that Qian Xing's counterattack against the friendly "injury" was so resolute and thorough!

This Qian Xing usually doesn't show the mountains and dews, but he didn't expect that when it came to the real occasion.

Not only the cultivation base was high enough, but the methods were also ruthless, and the relentless counterattack caused several principals to fall into an awkward situation.

You know, Jin Naigu and Su Er were seriously injured, and Fan Wu was slightly injured.

Really fight, first of all they can't keep it!

After weighing it up, they could only knock down their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs, choosing to endure this path in silence.

In fact, even Qian Xing's heart is still thinking about it.

The dozen or so cultivators of the Su family, blasting the sword light outside the "Feng Soil Realm", are they intentional or unintentional?

Thinking about it, Second Young Master Su broke the silence.

Second Young Master Su gave his hand a faint smile.

"Brother Qian is very talented, I really admire them. These men are not long-sighted, and they are responsible for their own fate. No wonder Brother Qian."

The words of Second Young Master Su caused Qian Xing's bombardment by a dozen of his subordinates, and it suddenly turned into a complete "not long-eyed" accidental injury.

"Haha, nowhere."

Qian Xing hit haha, expressing his agreement with the second son of Su.

The gold pagoda-shaped building made up of colorful fruits has been taken into his divine mansion space by Qian Xing.

It seems that Second Young Master Su is very friendly to him at least on the surface ~www.readwn.com~.

This step was for the second son of Su.

"Brother Qian is so talented, he is just a mountain villager in Biyou Lord God plane. Why, Brother Qian will come to my Furong Lord God plane. He will definitely show his ambitions. With Brother Qian's ability, he will be a commander of thousands. Not a problem.

It's not impossible, commander. "

Second Young Master Su smiled.

What was said from the mouth of the second son of Su was extremely tempting!


In any army of the main god.

Master Wan, it is no longer a position that can be achieved by skill alone!

A ten thousand captain usually governs a legion!

What is the concept of a legion?

There are at least two hundred planes that a legion is responsible for defending!

In other words, it is equivalent to the earth emperor of two hundred planes!

Of course, it is the earth emperor corresponding to the bishop of the corresponding temple.

It is completely impossible to sit in this position without considerable support from behind and without a considerable network of contacts.

When the second son of Su spoke, it turned out to be the position of the chief of ten thousand.

Moreover, looking at the confident expression of Su Er Young Master, it seemed that the position of a ten thousand boss was like a piece of cake on the plate.

"Why, isn't it for your Su family?"

Qian Xing's face showed a hint of "shock" in cooperation, and then asked, as if surprised. (!)

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