Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1400: Chi Jing

"Okay. You follow me, we see that door sharply ※

Luanpo stood up with a look of excitement, turned around and left the Shenzui Building.

Commissioner Qian followed and walked out. When the two of them dart in the air, they turned into two rays of light and flew straight toward the middle of the mountain.

Tianpeng Mountain is a huge and incomparable city.

There are tall main peaks and several guarded peaks.

Residents, according to their respective status levels, live at the foot of these mountains to their waist. Even the top of the mountain.

With the continuation and construction of thousands of music, the main peak of Tianpeng Mountain and several guarding peaks have been covered with various buildings and restrictions.

The foot of the mountain is generally inhabited by mortals and monks of lower cultivation level, as well as commercial and eating areas.


And above the waist is the cave house of the higher monks.

Although there are many people, Tianpeng Mountain has strong defense capabilities after thousands of years of operation.

Therefore, many mortals and low-level cultivators would rather live in snails here than live in small cities in the wilderness.

In Tianpeng Mountain, near the mountainside.

Zapohuaxing flew with a deep yellow flame, and after a few turns, he had already reached the mountainside and entered a fiery red hole on the mountainside.

Leaning slightly, there was a rolling noise, and a crack opened in the center of the fiery red hole. That's this. This is the gateway of this cave, and the two of them fly into it. But seeing is a passage, the whole body is made of flaming red spar, straight through the ground, flying for a few minutes, to a red stone gate.

Net to Shimen front. The red stone gate opened. Inside Shimen, there is a sea of ​​red fire.

Obviously, this red sea of ​​fire is also using space spells, which looks extremely vast.

From the center of the sea of ​​fire flew out two fire lights. Shot into the center of both of them. This is the permission granted by the owner of the cave, without this permission, they will not be able to get through this sea of ​​fire.

In the feeling of Qian Qian, this is a sea of ​​fire. It can no longer be an obstacle to oneself, even if it is forced to pass, it is not a bad idea.

However, out of courtesy, Commissioner Qian still let this fire light, clinging to his own different intentions.

"This person cultivates the fire system Dao Fa?

Wouldn't it be to the side of the main **** of Huola. . "

Looking at this vast sea of ​​flames, it is self-evident what kind of Taoism the master of this cave is practicing.

Since it is a practitioner of the fire system, then. On the question of whether to invest in the Lord God of Fire, this attitude is worth pondering.

A cultivator who cultivates the power of the fire element, after the Tianpeng Mountain casts on the main **** of the fire, it is possible to obtain a more advanced fire method.

This is the consensus of everyone.

Commissioner Qian faintly guessed it. Luan Po's intention to bring him to this cave mansion might be to win over this person.

Sure enough, Zapo just nodded and smiled: "This person is still a good player in the fire system. However, his attitude has been unknown before.

Tianpeng Mountain casts on the main **** of Fire Luo, this person may not be able to obtain high-end fire power tactics.

As soon as we come, we can help this person enter the Tianpeng Mountain Committee. Even if they do not get the position of the core member, at least, they can also become a management committee member. It is not much better than throwing into the main **** of Fire

"Oh, that's the same way, is your Tianpengshan committee divided into core elements and non-core elements?"

Member Qian asked.

"Of course, the small population living around the main peak of Tianpeng Mountain has reached nearly 10 million. With such a large population and factions, it is necessary to speak up. The management committee has five core members and 15 members.

I am not talented, now I am serving as one of the committee members. "

Luan Po said this with some satisfaction.

Then, drunkenly, he explained to Commissioner Qian.

Can be qualified to participate in the core element election contest. At least a position above a committee member is required to qualify, and those who are eligible to participate in the committee election contest must also be nominated by the major factions in Tianpeng Mountain.

Of course, those who can be sent out to compete are naturally the masters and elites in the major factions.

Whether it is cultivation base or magic weapon, they are all first-class.

The owner of this cave is called Chi Jing, and he has a high self-esteem. Although he has ambitions, his cultivation is not enough.

Luan Po can be regarded as accurate, if it can help this person into the committee. .

This person will truly stand in the same boat as Luanpo.

As soon as the two of them entered the sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​fire immediately separated from both sides, revealing a passage.

Straight into the depths of this passage, an elegant white courtyard appeared at the end of the passage. One person greeted him from the elegant courtyard, wearing a sky blue robe above the robe. But another day, flames are constantly surging. Next to the big sun, it is surrounded by the moon and stars.

With a gentle face, he smiled at the two and nodded.

"Brother Luanpo, why are you free today, come to play with me?"

Luanpo smiled, then waved his hand.

Haha laughed: "I said Chijing, don't play those tricks. The general election of the committee is about to begin.

I am here just for your advanced committee.

Luan Po seems to know that this Chi Jing likes to bend around. Simply came a straightforward. "

Sure enough, Chi Jing heard a strange light in his eyes!

The attitude is quite enthusiastic.

The right hand just made a request: "Please, please, boy

Commissioner Qian was amused, and saw a boy in Fandulang bringing two cups of tea. The color of this tea is deep and blue, and the clouds are lingering, and there are landscapes and rivers.

Just smelling the scent makes me feel comfortable.

"I heard that Brother Luanpo was great yesterday. He conquered Dragon Bone Mountain in one fell swoop.

Chi Jing asked.

Although Jiancui Villa was ruined by Luanpo.

However, Jiancui Villa is also owned by Maoyuan, even if Chi Jing is happy with this kind of thing. I will not put it on my lips.

"I will show you a video, Brother Chijing will naturally understand

With that, Luanpo stretched out his hand and pointed in the air.

A cloud of mist. The face is surging.

Amidst the clouds and mist, the shadows of people are faint.

This cloud is just the keel. The two demon kings, led by the little demon, pounced on the influence.

Chi Jing looked down scene by scene and saw the end. He was dumbfounded, a cup of tea was drunk on his neck, but he didn't know it.

The tremendous power of the thunder of the Qian's Commissioner completely shocked Chi Jing.

Chi Jing looked at Commissioner Qian's eyes, and immediately took on the enthusiasm: "Excuse me, your name? It is a great honor to be able to visit the simple cave below."

Chi Jing understood it.

The hope of entering the committee, eight achievements should be on this person.

"This is my old friend for many years, His Excellency Qian Xing, a member of the Tianyang Xingyantai Pavilion, Chi Jing. Listen to me, we plan to do this."

Luan broke one to five to twenty places, and said the plan of his own name.

Chi Jing who was listening straight, his eyes kept emitting strange light.

"Well, thank you Luanpo brother for bothering, this method will be done!"

Chi Jing was excited.

The process of Dragon Bone Mountain being defeated was clearly displayed before his eyes.

Commissioner Qian had no doubt about the power of Lei Fa.

Immediately, his chest was sharp: "If the two of you will be dispatched in the future, as long as I can do it, I will not refuse!"

Such a master. Coming to the door, willing to push yourself to the top, naturally does not come without incident.

Luan Po and Commissioner Qian looked at each other and agreed.

"That's right. Committee member Qian heard about the three-color Zhima, and he was very interested in the cultivation method of the three-color Zhima.

I don't know if I can help introduce it. Your friend? "

Zapo said slowly while drinking tea.

Chi Jing's expression was for a moment, then he nodded vigorously.

"No problem, as long as I introduce you. He can't see him.

However, this project was originally presided over by Lord Han Tuo, the envoy of the Lord God, until now, there are still envoys sent by Lord Han Tuo who are constantly inspecting them.

The meaning of Chi Jing is obvious.

Let me introduce you, that is no problem.

However, whether you can get the information about the three-color Zhima and how much you can get is your own business, and it has nothing to do with his Chijing.

The main messenger Han Tuo, this is Commissioner Qian, the first real name of the monk at the main messenger level heard.

Moreover, he was not yet the main divine messenger of Biyou Lord God. Since the main **** Biyou fell, the messenger of the main **** Biyou seems to have disappeared.


Many monks are very surprised.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "This is a matter of course. Brother Qing Chijing can rest assured. As for the fifteen thunderballs, I will send them over tomorrow."

That's it.

The host and guest chatted a few more words, miscellaneous and Qian. Out of the Dongfu, flew towards Shenzui Building.

After entering the Shenzui Building, the feast does not have to go on.

Luanpo arranged for member Qian to enter the small courtyard.

Commissioner Qian entered the room and sat on the bed.

There was thunder in my body~www.readwn.com~ electric lights flickered.

In a moment, an introduction. The crystal-clear yellow ball of light has been suspended in front of Committee Member Qian, with abundant grains and fruits, like a mountain like a tide, it is the thunder ball formed by the thirteenth layer of the Yimu God Thunder, which has reduced its power to 30 miles.

The time for a cup of tea passed, fifteen thunderballs. Make a circle around the member Qian

Immediately after. Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

Fifteen magic symbols flashed out from between the fingers and stuck on the surface of fifteen thunderballs.

Several mysterious and complicated runes appeared on the surface of fifteen thunderballs.

Use this talisman one, these fifteen thunderballs. Enough to preserve for hundreds of years without losing its power.

This is the power of the high-level cultivator, the items made in every gesture, powerful enough to make the low-level cultivator break his head.

The arrangements of the parties have been completed, and the rest is to wait for the day of the election of the Tianpeng Mountain Committee.

All books are quiet, and the silver moon hangs high.

Between the main peak of Tianpeng Mountain and the other Weifeng peaks, there is a huge valley that is dozens of miles wide.

The entire huge valley was built into a huge square.

There are many Taoisms on this square. There are many uses.

At least most of them, even in normal times, are not open to ordinary people.

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