Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1043: Open Feng Lei Dao with both fists

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Feilu, as a cheering prop, is obviously much stronger than a single person.

The red and blue flames rose up.

The expressions on the front row of thugs immediately became serious.

Because, a scorching heat has already invaded their body protection light from the red and blue flames.

The light of each person's body protection turned out to be a rapid tremor, which became brighter.

"This-this, there is another way, that is, through the wind and thunder road we jointly laid, naturally we have the qualification to enter the Heavenly Sword Gate."

The cyan two-winged armorer regretted being the first bird.

Flying land is like fire, and its person is like ice. Knowing it, knowing it is not a good hawthorn.

Old Qian smiled, laughing mockingly.

Look at a channel in the center of the array.

This passage is as wide as five people, and the clouds spread.

Probably it was Feng Lei Dao that this person said.

"It's really overbearing, what's in this Fenglei Dao. Xuanxu, so many of you, you only dare to watch and dare not enter?"

Old Qian asked provocatively to the casual Xiu who was watching.

With so many people watching the show here, isn't this a trip in vain?

"The five races joined forces and destroyed the world. We have stayed here for a few days, and only five people went in."

A monk covered in purple clothes was not only ashamed of his cowardice, but looked at the old money strangely.

"The five tribes joined forces to create wind and thunder, destroying the world and destroying the ghosts.

Haven't you even heard this? You are not a monk from the lower realms, are you? "

A monk asked strangely.

This person was about 40 years old, he was very tall, but he was so thin that there was only a piece of skin covered with bones, a pair of fiercely gleaming eyes, deep in his eye sockets, and a very big mouth. Half of the jaw was missing, and Hessian's teeth appeared, making everyone's heart tremble.

Putting on a dark yellow robe, the messy long hair draped straight on his shoulders, making it difficult to tell if it is a male or a female, but it looks like a savage.

An icy wind; but as soon as it approached about five meters above his head, it suddenly turned into strands of soft white mist and dispersed in all directions.

Just by starting to turn the wind into the white mist, you know that what you are practicing is a kind of extraordinary power and mystery that is related to the wind and the cloud.

The lower realm monks arrived less than two years ago, and they have spread throughout the endless sea of ​​clouds.

However, the cultivation base of the monks in the lower realm is relatively low, which is also well known.

A cultivator in the lower realm turned out to be a powerful Feilu master. If you say that, ninety percent of the people in the endless sea of ​​clouds will not believe it.

"Fool, you are all a bunch of turtles watching birds here"

A shrill ridicule made all the casual repair faces a slight red.

On Old Qian's shoulder, there was already a flaming strange bird on his shoulder.

This presumptuous mockery came from the big golden mouth of this strange bird.

The crowd is angry!

Although many of them also have cloud beasts.

But it is a great shame to be so mocked by a bird that has not yet transformed.

Old Qian smiled and touched the top of A Chou's head. He never felt that A Chou's owed mouth was so cute.

"Your Excellency, you want to use Feilu to lead us all through?"

The savage's voice was dry and bitter, but he had the idea of ​​two flying land.

If you can sit in the flying land and break through this wind and thunder road, you will have a lot of confidence.

"It's impossible to go to Feilu, but it's okay to follow our Feilu."

In the violent whirlpool attraction, Old Qian’s green hair fluttered lightly like a breeze.

Old Qian's tone was as calm as the fluttering of a green hair.

This is a combined attacking formation. Let them, this group of casual cultivators, follow behind their buttocks to cover them, so that they won't let the family hit Fei Lu's **** violently.

The firepower of Feilu naturally concentrated towards the front.

Everyone uses each other.

Even if these casual cultivators wanted to play black hands behind their backs, they would still be less powerful than the bombardment power of the five tribes combined with hundreds of people.

"Everyone heard it?

With the cover of Feilu, our chances are greatly increased!

Let me stand up to the enemy with the long ones below!

If you don't make such a good opportunity, you will always have to watch the birds! "

The shriveled voice suddenly increased by eighteen degrees.

The impassioned tone and the shriveled voice formed a very strong contrast.

This old guy really has a way of incitement.

The casual practitioners hesitated, and their hearts moved.

"I open the way, after you break!

To follow or not to follow, I will only say once! "

The old Qian smiled secretly in his heart, and flickered some cannon fodder. It seemed that the quality was not bad.

However, the old Qian's tone was very awe-inspiring, with a strong wind and cold, easy water and cold, and a tragic atmosphere that the strong man was gone forever.

If you don't follow, I will run alone!

Obviously, this indomitable and awe-inspiring state of the old money became the last straw for the calculating casual practitioners to express their views.

If you don't agree, you won't be willing to take these casual practitioners to play when the next master with Feilu comes.


A fat monk in his early thirties with a blushing face was full of red threads at this time.

As long as the benefits are gained in the Heavenly Sword Palace, everything is worth it, and the province will always be overwhelmed by the five great clans in this endless sea of ​​clouds, and domineering.

"Me too!"

An old man with a Chinese suit, a clear face, snowy beard and sideburns, and a mighty figure flushed with excitement.

Someone took the lead, and the herd mentality immediately took the upper hand. Anyway, with so many people, death doesn't necessarily end to me.

Everyone thinks so.


"Me too!"

The casual practitioners shouted.

They are like a group of gamblers at the gambling table, taking out their own wealth and lives, desperate!

"Give Way!"

Lao Qian spit out the words, like a sharp blade all over the sky, and the five cultivators standing in the front row trembled.

The fire that had risen ten meters high before immediately rose thirty meters high, the whole body was like transparent red and blue colored glaze.


The combined formation of the five races shrouded in the blue clouds immediately gave way to a nine-mile wide opening, just in time for the two Feilu to pass one after the other.

Want to weaken the firepower straight ahead?

Old Qian sneered, the green light screen flashed, and the dignified and nervous faces of Haili and Vidonna appeared in the green light screen.

"Haili, don't worry about the back. Those monks can't break Feilu's defenses in a short time. Your Feilu flies below me. You just need to take care of the front."

Unexpectedly, Hailee and Vidona blushed at the same time, "You're just down!"

After that, the faces of the two women were even more red like those monkey bottoms, and the green light screen disappeared without a trace.

. . . . . .

Me, do I mean that?

Only then did the old Qian react, only to feel that there was a fire rising from the dantian place, these two little girls!

"Quack, there are two big mountains above you, quack!"

A Chou laughed presumptuously.

Fortunately, under the monstrous fire, people outside couldn't hear it at all.


The old money knocked Ah Chou once again: "Your stinky mouth, if you don't fight for a day, you just feel uncomfortable!"

Haili's Feilu finally flew directly below the old Qian Feilu.

However, the flight trajectory was obviously hesitant.

Seeing that the monks who were willing to enter Fenglei Dao were already behind Feilu, Old Qian made a long roar inside Feilu, the sound of a long howl, after being amplified by Feilu, it could be described as earth-shattering.

"The sea laughed, and the tide was surging across the strait! The ups and downs follow the waves!

The sky laughs, and the tide is in the world! "

Lao Qian's music skills are fully activated through the body of the wood spirit root. In the long song, there is heroism and sadness, and in the desolation, there is a heroic spirit.

The ban on flying land has magnified the effect of this long song hundreds of times.

It was the first time for the casual cultivators who followed Feilu to listen to this song. They all felt enthusiastic and shouted, "Kill!"

Followed in front of two groups of flames, flew into the wind and thunder road.

As soon as I entered the wind and thunder road, I only felt that the space was vast and boundless, with countless blue clouds permeating, and there were no figures on both sides!

In an instant, countless blue clouds have turned into countless blue thunders.

The sound of shocking thunder, as if filling the whole world!

However, among the endless singing, a thousand red and blue colors? Pillars of fire rose into the air, rushing in the three directions, left and right.

As soon as the pillar of fire rises, there will be no return forever, and I will be invincible!

Below, the same hundreds of fire pillars rose into the air, with the same fierce aura, blocking the blue thunder from below and from the side below.

Red and blue? Pillars of fire are like countless long rainbows ~www.readwn.com~ penetrating into the sky blue thunders. In the loud sound of countless thunderbolts, the two flying land up and down, left and right in front of the sky blue thunders were all wiped out.

And behind the two pieces of flying land, a terrifying sword roar sounded, and the attacks released by the casual cultivators at the same time superimposed and exploded in an instant. With its violent effect, the sky in a radius of a dozen miles was originally a green and misty color. The sky is as bright as day, and the sky is covered with gold, silver, blue, green, purple and many other rays of light.

The Qing Lei attacking towards the rear was also wiped out by the scattered repairs in an instant.

Seeing that after a wave of attacks, there were no casualties, and the casual practitioners were all excited.

"This one is really right! Kill those bastards!"

"Tu Guang them, let them ride on our heads to dominate!"

The anger against the five great clans of the endless sea of ​​clouds finally broke out uncontrollably.

Originally, he only wanted to break through Feng Lei Dao and turned into an uncontrollable killing intent against the five great clans of the endless sea of ​​clouds.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is born and raised, so why do you all occupy it.

However, the anger of the monks has not been put into action.

The strong red light around flashed, and the red light soaring into the sky was like the sky, and the surrounding sky was only this eerie and incomparable fiery red!

"Beware, fire and thunder, water and soil spells!"

The withered voice of the hostile world seemed very calm at this moment.

However, above the two flying land, there are still countless red and blue pillars of fire rising with an indomitable burst of momentum!


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