Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1044: 1-way rush

Kom home help, subscribe, subscribe. subscription. Countless red and blue light shines. The sky is magnificent.

No matter how much you do, Feilu will send out to meet the enemy.

Because, everywhere in this Scarlet Profound Cave Mansion. They are all refined with a cloud of gray dust that contains flames.

The sky is full of blue clouds and the red light is soaring. With the help of Feilu's powerful induction, Lao Qian finally determined the location of a group of people.

This row of people stood in the void, and with the help of Fei Lu's magnified spirit, Old Qian felt that the distance between the two was layer after layer, overlapping.

"Space Collapse!"

The old money sighed.

The spatial stability of this small world of endless clouds is compared to the outside world. I don't know how many times it is harder!

Therefore, since Lao Qian arrived in the endless sea of ​​clouds, apart from the two strange existences who rescued Cummings, he could easily confine the space. I haven't seen anyone use the spells related to the space system, let alone tear the space.

Jin Yao, in this wind and thunder road, Lao Qian finally saw the overlapping space again.

Among the countless flames, there were several thick buckets of blue flame.

Above the green flames, there was a faint purple mist.

In these countless ways, like a few cyan lines.

It’s just that these long blue lines are twisting and twisting in the air, like a few spirit snakes, moving through thousands of mountains and waters. In a flash, under the cover of red and blue flames in the sky, they have The raid was hidden in the blue clouds. In front of those few figures.

Although the old money cannot overlap the space of this endless sea of ​​clouds, it relies on the profound cultivation of space. Within the overlapping space of each other. Finding a way to cross and attack is not a problem.

Until the blue flames entwined with purple energy approached. There was a cry of exclamation in the blue clouds!

The evil red light came on again, and it touched these cyan flames!

Real score!

The cyan flame light broke through the evil red light, "Bump!"

With a few explosions, a blue cloud was cut open a few cracks.

"what happened?"

Shocked shouts immediately rang out among the blue clouds, dozens of red and blue flames, bombarding them at the same time.

"Ah, ah"

The screams rang out, and several figures that burned with red and blue flames, like red and blue candles, fell out of the cyan clouds.

Because, just now, the cyan light flame broke through the cyan cloud incomparably sharply. The ray of light from the bodies of several people hidden in the blue cloud exploded.

Originally, the cyan flame passed through the overlapping space continuously, breaking through the two layers of defense, and the power came to an end.

However, in the explosion of cyan flames. The weird purple cloud and mist, like rain and mist brought by the rainstorm, sprayed onto the bodies of several people.

Immediately, a few people felt their minds trembling; when the boundless vision appeared in front of them, the brain was unable to direct the body in an instant.

Kanhuo Zhu immediately followed, and several people watched as they burned violently and fell out of the blue clouds.

The incomparable red light filled the sky suddenly exploded violently!

Just like countless small red suns appearing in the sky.

Xiong Chi Yan immediately added a layer of fire to these human-shaped candles.

This is called a fire-playing person who will burn himself!

These people just died in the fire and thunder that they released.

The foe's long gray hair stood up fiercely!

A thin piece of mist instantly turned into a thin cloud of light, slashing through the air!

In the extremely faint light of the billowing clouds, the evil red light had not had time to explode. As long as the light was touched by the billowing clouds, it was like a fireball like water, and it was instantly wiped out with a sound of "chicks.

Wherever the extremely faint cloud light passed, the evil red light within a kilometer disappeared instantly.

However, the enemy did not have to deal with it hard. Doesn't it mean that others can deal with it equally easily.

The evil red light burst into the sky. The light of gold, blue and red has been blown to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the little red sun burst endlessly, and even though the casual practitioners waved their swords and howled like the sea, not only a few places of sword light were blown to pieces, but also the body guard rays of a few people. It is also full of cracks and crumbling.

Rumble, amidst a series of thunder-like loud noises, a casual repairman near the edge of Feilu was already howling the continuous red sun. Shattered into pieces.

Once the gap appears, the sun will be hot, like a tide rushing toward the gap.

"Master Qiu help!"

Dozens of thunder blasts from the monks from the gap. Form a layered and dense net.

Amidst the explosion, he finally barely blocked the explosion of countless red suns, and quickly called the enemy



Although the enemy is unwilling and unwilling, he is unwilling to defend. There is a gap in this way.

With a wave of his hand, a faint cloud gas flashed in an arc, and the sky full of infinite red flames seemed to be refreshed. Between the flats, the rolling red sun, before it exploded, it was already scattered.

The cultivator in the back row immediately plugged the gap, dozens of sword lights were twisted, and the red sun turned by the evil red light was once again turned away from afar. Chuan looks hot and terrible, and the cultivation technique can be used for a long time without life and money, and he can see the rest of the situation clearly.

It seems that this enemy is taking the lead in betting, but he still has two brushes.

There was a rumbling vibration in the Fatai.

Hundreds of red suns exploded on the flying land.

The pillar of fire emitted by Feilu, although it wiped out a large area of ​​red lightning, but. After all, there is a big gap between the pillar of fire and the pillar of fire. Hundreds of red thunders, passing through the gap of the pillar of fire, are about to fly on the surface of the fire, exploding like a huge pot with red and blue boiling water. Tumble violently.

It won't work like this.

Old Qian's hand tightly held the seat of the table. Their thunder and fire are endless, but my flying land is unable to withstand the endless bombardment of thunder and fire.

Capture the thieves first, capture the king first, and only if Lu, who is in their formation, kill a few more catties, will the power of the big formation weaken.

The old money is eager to kill, and since he has the consciousness to be a thug, then he must have the consciousness to die.

Divine Mind Golden Power is opened.

Locked on a row of targets that seemed to be miles away.

Six green flames, with a thin purple line in the middle, burst out suddenly!

It seems to be only a few miles away, but the twists and turns of the stacked space are far away.

However, this seemingly safe distance did not give the six people standing among the blue clouds a sense of security.

Because they saw with horror that six green flames were twisting in the air, appearing and disappearing.

The fault that was folded in hundreds of spaces has been crossed by six blue flames in a flash.

Just being in the array, how can you move so easily?

Several people Jianguang went out with all their strength, "Peng. Peng, Peng, Peng!"

Just like an axe chopping wood, the raised sword light, flying sword, and even body protection light, like a thin wooden board, meets a sharp axe, the pieces break!

There was a hapless guy who was swept by the cross of two blue flames, and only had time to shout out. Was swept into three paragraphs instantly!

Several people jumped up in all directions, unable to take care of their positions in the formation.

However, the thin purple thread in the blue flames seemed to be spiritually like a snake in the grass. To the left and right, a few purple shadows passed like lightning.

In the muffled sound, a few people watched a few extremely hot red and blue pillars of fire and swallowed themselves.

The body guard had been crushed to them, and they couldn't even make a scream, they had been shattered into countless pieces of coke, and the blood had not even spilled out, and suddenly turned into ashes.

The flying knot was bombarded again!

The flames in some places have been blown away, and pits of various sizes have appeared on the ground.

"Ah, one..."

Amid the desperate screams, three more casual cultivators were blown to pieces by the overwhelming red thunder, and the blood and the red light were the same color!

The frenzied energy of the casual repair who followed Feilu had cooled down, and only then knew how powerful Feng Lei Dao was.

This is still the case where there are two flying land blocks in front. If there are not two flying land blocks, I am afraid these casual repairs have already explained here.

Feilu has shrunk to the limit that the old money can reach before, no matter how hard he works, Feilu's defense cannot increase.

Under the red and blue flames, the flying red fire cloud burst suddenly, and the countless red flames that exploded were like fireworks in bloom, beautiful and dazzling and dangerous.

Every time a fire erupts, a cyan flame with a purple line in between will inevitably shoot out like an electric flint.

The trajectory of the shot is "quick and accurate". Nothing is bad enough to Dinghao.

Every cyan flame rainbow flashed, there must be a spray of blood, and a monk in the formation died. Really pointed by the sharp edge, the blockers are invincible ~www.readwn.com~ The eyes of the five tribe monks who are in a straight line are splitting.

However, taken in Feiluzhiwei, no one dared to intercept it.

A master who can block the combined attack of two flying land. They have all entered the gate of the Heavenly Sword... Once they reach a certain level of master, who is willing to stay and do this kind of job as a gatekeeper?

Whoever enters the gate of Tianli first will be able to gain benefits, and whoever will be one step ahead of others.

Seeing the men fell under the bombardment of Feilu.

The principals of the five races in the formation are all angry and mad.

However, the enemy is hiding in the flying land. It is ten times more insurance than a turtle shell.

In desperation, he can only turn his anger into the full-strength formation.

The red thunder and fire splashed down like raindrops.

The edge of Lao Qian's flying land has been blasted to pieces.

The casual cultivators who followed Feilu complained endlessly. More than twenty people had already turned into these pieces of flesh and blood, becoming a touch of color on the wind and thunder road.

The number of monks of the five races who were deployed in the formation was nearly fifty people fallen under the combined bombardment of the two flying land.

Seeing that Chi Lei had little effect on the two flying land. The formation of the five races began to change rapidly.

Turned into the thunder of the winds with red in the blue.

The combined formation of the five races is in the hands of the Shenxuan Town people who are proficient in refining tools and the formation..."This is also a compensation for the Shenxuan Town people's physical strength and strength.

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