Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1117: A rare friend in life

Enter Song to help. subscription. subscription. I am grateful to Xianyun Buhaha for my book friend Xionghui Wangli's thug nine.

"You Lishan?.

Old Qian quickly clumsy in his mind the light group of knowledge given to him by Voidwalker Luanpo, the **** of the giant rock earth.

In order to make Lao Qian cut off the black chain that locked Luanpo, Luanpo gave Lao Qian a light group of knowledge, but Lao Qian combined this light group with the knowledge light group left by the Voidwalker, the just Lord God. Than, the messenger of the giant rock earth **** Luanpao, leaving behind the light group of knowledge, there are many reservations.

Monroe, the Void Walker of the Lord of Justice, sees Paul, who will give birth to a junior, with white and purple eyes, chanting a Destroying Curse on himself to kill himself.

In my anger, the vengeful spirit is rising. You are so ruthless against the Lord God of Justice, and I will not let you live the Lord God of Justice.

Bring all the knowledge to light group. Spread to the old money, the exchange price is to let the old money spread the coordinates of the plane of justice to the Lord God to countless faces, and come to a broken jar!

Therefore, driven by hatred, he has no reservations.

Therefore, Lao Qian was able to search for the place name Youlishan in his mind. Only holding a 50% certainty.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Lao Qian to search for the plane coordinates of Youlishan and a general introduction about Youlishan.

"The eighteenth place in the eighteenth fierce land under the rule of the giant rock earth god?"

The old money couldn't help blurting out.

It seems that what the Void Walker of the Giant Rock Earth God conceals is only a part of the advanced spatial cultivation rules, regarding the spatial plane information. So there is no too much concealment.

"What, Youli Mountain ranks last in the eighteen fierce lands on the giant rock land?

According to the information in my Dandingmen. Only know the specific names of the six fierce lands on the plane ruled by the Giant Rock Earth God. Unexpectedly, there are eighteen fierce land, ashamed. Brother, you are so knowledgeable. "

A slightly strange look appeared on Laoyue's face.

This old man, is the footprint so vast?

You should know that each of the main **** planes strictly keep secrets of the most violent aspects of their own faces.

Fighter I got the information from a monk in Guangming Mountain. This Guangming Mountain is worthy of being the first temple in Gallon. The information is detailed, we compare the martial art of Biyou Lord God plane with them. Far from it. "

Later, the old Qian shook his head and sighed, pulling the topic away.

Everyone has his own secret.

Some things that this Voidwalker mastered were strictly confidential to the main gods.

There are too many people hoping for. It's better not to say it.

"The Eighteenth National Congress, my brother, this place is not so easy to enter.

Brother, can you find a master and go in together. "

Before Laoyue's words were finished, Lei Feng spoke: "Brother, the power of the main **** is only two drops, and then find a master, how to divide it?

I think it’s better to beg for yourself

The level of Laofeng's golden core was raised from the eighth-rank golden core to the seventh-rank golden core's Dacheng realm, and he was full of ambition, and he was full of pride in the world.

"My golden core has reached the seventh-rank Dacheng realm. It is equivalent to the peak mid-level god, but it's just a dangerous place.

Lao Feng said confidently.

Third thug, you are too arrogant!

What is the number peak of the middle god, in the dangerous place, there are many corpses of the peak of the middle god! "

When Laoyue saw that Leifeng was already proud, she was very dissatisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Feng also sighed: "The main deity of Guangming, a temple, and the information on other planes are so detailed.

On the other hand, our Biyou main **** plane, the guys in the Biyou temple, know one by one about the rare treasures, playing with women, and they don’t care about other main **** planes at all. What's so powerful about them is simply"

The three fishermen shook their heads together.

"No, Brother Yue, I've encountered a spy sent by the Bifu Army in the gallon plane."

Lao Qian has been in the Bifu Army, and has little contact with Biyou Lord God's temple system.

Looking at the three Lao Ren like this, it seems that the Biyou Temple system is very rotten.

"You don't know" the spy of the Bifu Army that you met on the plane of gallon? tell me the story.

Leihai, Leifeng, immediately came up.

The old money will be in the Worm Valley, and when he encounters Domi, he talks about it in detail.

"Ah...So, under the control of that Domi, the intelligence system of the Bifu Army in Gallon can be said to be annihilated?.

Finished fishing. A face is like losing her, and the whole person shakes.

"Second Brother".

Laoyue put her hand on Laohai's left shoulder.

"Two towers,

Cao Feng put his hand on Ruhai's right shoulder.

The two looked consoled.

Lao Hai's face turned pale first, and then turned green again!

"Where did he get the hairy dude!"

The espionage personnel sent by the Blue Floating Army to the Gallon Plane were to collect the intelligence of the Bright Brothers, not for any treasure!

This **** Domi, for his own selfish desires, ruined all the loyal spies of the Bifu Army."

Laohai blushed with excitement and his neck was thick. Swearing!

"Second brother, this is"

Lao Qian’s soil system is the shadow of Jin Guo. Inquiry

"Hey, the second brother has a distant cousin, because the physique is more suitable for practicing the spells of the light family.

On the plane of gallons, perform intelligence gathering activities.

According to what you said, all the intelligence networks in the Gallon area were mobilized, and 80% of them are more fortunate.

Laoyue replied to Lao Qian.

Lao Hai looked at the old money hopefully.

I hope Lao Qian can deny this answer.

However, the old money was speechless.

The conclusion I heard from the other monks who entered the endless sea of ​​clouds is that this is the case. Even if we make up all the lie about peace, what is the point?

Domi, a guy who participated in the Trial of the Shenmu Palace with him, was not as good as his own at the time. He was appointed to be in charge of an important job like a spy network on a plane. I remembered that he started as a big soldier in the Bifu Army , Fighting hard all the way, not even a centurion.

Old money can't help but have one. It's really annoying to compare people.

Fortunately, this is still the shadow of the golden fruit of the old money. If the main body is condensing the golden core and thinking so wildly, it has to be lost immediately.

The transparent glazed brilliance rising to the sky was obviously dimmed a lot.

Bursts of earthquakes continued to spread from all over this purple soil plane.

This is a sign that the aura of the innate earth spirit has been extracted in large quantities and the veins of the earth have changed obviously.

It seems that the aura of the congenital earth spirit has begun to decay from its prosperity.

This also shows the preciousness of the aura of the innate earth spirit, which is the time when the heavens and the earth are opened. The residue is so small. It's not like ordinary heaven and earth vitality, you can absorb as much as you want.

And his own earth-type golden core has swelled to the size of a pigeon egg, and the brilliance of transparent colored glaze that was originally flamboyant and bright has become restrained and dull.

The old Qian knew that this was a sign that he could control the Golden Core.

This also means that the previous strength cannot be maintained due to the input of the innate earth spirit air.

The grade of own Jin Dan has been graded.

Feeling the power of his own golden core, and just now Lei Feng made an all-out effort. The powers released for comparison are all earth-based golden cores, which are just for comparison.

Lao Qianxian, the power of his own golden core is at least about eight times stronger than that of the peaked golden core.

Therefore, he should be a sixth-rank golden pill, and the charcoal peak of the sixth-rank golden pill.

With a "bang", the old money body sitting cross-legged, magnified the bright, transparent glass light, always illuminating a hundred miles!

"Dan is done!"

Several people have different ideas.

Leiyue was more surprised.

According to Lao Qian's Cheng Dan time. This time, Cheng Dan's grade is no more than fifth grade.

However, Leiyue looked at the dimming glazed beam of light, and shook her head regretfully. Innate aura is hard to find. This time, the innate earth aura from the Eight Desolations can support one person to upgrade the golden core. One person condenses the golden core. It's already a pretty good achievement.

I am afraid that the remaining innate earth spirit air can no longer support the next person to condense the golden core.

Old Qian's figure stood up and took a step forward. He had appeared in front of Laoyue, as if he had been standing there.

"Quickly go in, can absorb a little

Old Qian told several others.

then. Reach out. A faint yellow light, seemingly light and agile, actually hit Laoyue's eyes with an extremely heavy weight.

"Brother Yue, see what grade I am."

With a wave of Laoyue's hand, a silver-white gentle brilliance touched this pale yellow transparent brilliance.

Leiyue only felt that this faint yellow transparent brilliance. It's like a mountain. No, it should be a mountain range, pressing towards yourself!

However, this huge pressure like a mountain range ~www.readwn.com~ seems to be overwhelming, free and free, without a trace of hostility.

Despite this, Laoyue still leaped back nearly two feet as if being beaten, and only then did this light yellow transparent brilliance dissolve the tremendous pressure brought by it.

Leifeng is the number of Seven-Rank Golden Core. The shot power is at least seven times stronger than Lei Yue.

And the old Qian's lightly finger, his power was at least eight times stronger than Qin Yue.

Seven times eight is fifty-six times!

That is, if Lao Qian wants to kill Laoyue. It is a matter of raising hands.

In the face of such a huge power gap, even though she had been prepared in her heart, Xingyue still felt a sense of embarrassment.

"I should call you friend Qian

Laoyue said bitterly.

The monk world respects strength, and the difference in strength is so huge. Let the old Qian call himself "Brother Yue." Chayue felt that he was really real but couldn't afford it.

"No, Brother Yue's support. The younger brother will never forget.

No matter what achievements the little brother has in the future. You will always be brother Yue

Old Qian bowed to Leiyue, his eyes were extremely firm. Secular standards don't represent much, but your own feelings and persistence are the most important.

Laoyue was so moved that she couldn't speak!

"Good... good" The most worthwhile thing my brother has done in his life is to hand over to you as a brother."

Leiyue laughed, very pleased.

It's hard to find a confidant in life, but a confidant is enough!

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