Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1118: Eternity in an instant

Going home to help, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, Tianjun of the Bone Bone is gone, since Lao Qian Ji Dan completed. Give it a try with Chayue, and Chayue will fly back two feet away.

Bai Bone Tianjun thought angrily and desperately, that he was no longer an opponent of this person. This person wants to destroy himself now, it is also a matter of minutes.

Even when the transparent yellow glaze-like light was shining brightly and shining over a hundred miles, Bai Bone Heavenly Monarch arrived clearly, the divine mind that became extremely powerful in an instant with the help of the power of heaven and earth, even. Smiled to myself!

That's right, that's the kind of smile that a cat would have when he found a place where a mouse was hiding.

Although White Bone Heavenly Monarch did not kill as many people as Wantu Sanxian, it was not too few.

The smile of the cat playing with the mouse, Tianjun the bones. I've exposed a lot before...I faced opponents who were weaker than myself.

Bai Bone Tianjun felt only a moment of horror, he understood that he stayed here again, waiting for himself, only death.

With a flash of yin wind, Tianjun Baigu disappeared into the crack.

Lao Jianghu is not going to die, flashing people is Lao Jianghu's most skilled trick, and even the large group of people that appeared on the horizon did not evoke the palm of the bone Tianjun to stay to watch a good show.

Therefore, when Audrey and a middle-aged man dressed in golden armor and scarlet cloak arrived here, only a small group of people were frantically collecting the aura of the innate earth spirit.

The middle-aged man in golden armor and scarlet cloak had handsome features, but his face was long and thin, and his eyes were obviously peachy. In his eyes, he seemed to be forever drunk and blurred.


There is red light in his eyes, and the flow of yellow light is chaotic.

This kind of eyes is called drunk eyes. People who have this kind of eyes indulge in sensuality, get in touch with flowers and make troubles.

At this time, these drunken eyes were also opened, and the eyes that stayed tightly on Audrey’s towering chest finally moved away.

Looking at the dimmed Congenital Earth's spiritual light beam in front of him, there was an unstoppable possession in his eyes.

"The aura of the innate earth spirit, and there is so much!"

However, among these monks who collected the aura of the innate earth spirit, there were two people standing on two rocks with their backs to the people.

Clothes go without wind, as if flying in the wind.

The two of them are like two haughty goshawks, aggressive and indomitable towards the crowd. The all-seeing knight turned a blind eye.

When people look at it, there is a feeling, that is to force!

The man with the golden helmet and golden armor was obviously nervous, because whether it was in his eyes or in Audrey's eyes.

These two men, a catty, give people the feeling, like a strong and muddled mountain, and the other man, they feel like a tripod!

The building is upright, standing upright, as if to contain everything, and like a great tripod ruling everything!

It's like a day, watching the arrival of the enemy with great confidence.

If you usually encounter these two in the way. The man waved his hand long ago, and the knight behind him would immediately rush out, beheading these two unconscious things on the spot!

However, facing these two men, the middle-aged man with golden helmet and golden armor hesitated.

As a duke, he knew countless people anyway. Intuition told him that the two people in front of him. Not a general danger.

The duo of Fontaine standing behind Audrey. The muscles on the face are stiff.

But I haven't seen it for a few days, and the two people in front of me seem to be reborn.

The two Fontaine heroes recognized it, and one of them was the monk who had fought against them, and had controlled the yellow sword light.

However, in the previous fights, under this monk's hands, he was only slightly at a disadvantage.

But now, the two Fontaines felt that this monk seemed to have become a group of mountain peaks, which could roll in anytime and anywhere, crushing himself to pieces with irresistible power!

And the other monk in Tsing Yi was even more terrifying, that is Nan Batian!

Just a few days of work, the feeling of the two heroes of Fontaine. In front of him, he turned out to be like an ant, looking up at the unattainable mountain.

Itai Shuangxiong immediately understood that this is the skill of both sides, and the performance is too different.

An unbelievable conclusion suddenly appeared in the two people's minds: spike!

This Nanbatian can easily kill two people in seconds!

Although this conclusion is incredible, the two Fontaine heroes who have experienced countless life and death battles absolutely believe in their instincts that have been tempered and brought to themselves!

The horror in their hearts was like a raging wave.

If it were not for the two of them to protect the thugs Sister Bu, or for the extremely thin blood of the Kingsmai clan in their bodies, I am afraid that the two of them would have turned around long ago and would never mind the nostalgia here. Up.

After all, face one in a few days. Raise the strength to be able to kill one's own opponent in seconds, this is simply even more monster than monsters.

Could it be that this guy is a relative of the Lord God?

Or is it the **** son of the Lord God?

Only in the secret rumors, the Lord God made such a terrifying progress for his relatives personally to improve his skills!

Enemy with something even more monster than monsters. It's better to hit yourself to death first!

The two Fengdan heroes regretted that Miss Yong Zhaojianli was still too young. After experiencing a major blow, it was simply, "Come out. Duke Dracula, who is known for his **** and cunning, was offered the location of the innate earth spirit gas as a condition for trading. So that in a short period of time, he would take another dangerous place!

The two knew that with Audrey's cultivation base and intuition, although they could perceive that the cultivation base of the two in front of them had been greatly improved, they couldn't judge it. That Nan Batian had already reached the terrifying level of being able to kill two weapon pill in a second.

Even Hayley, who has always been the most loyal to Miss. They all strongly opposed the miss coming again.

After persuading him not to listen, Hailey simply chose to stay at the castle.

The rift between Haili and the young lady was once again open and widened.

Could it be "Hayley. Did you know this would happen long ago?"

Hai Li must know the true strength of this Nan Batian quite well.

Such a kind of enlightenment arose in the hearts of both Xie Dan and Shuang Xiong.

The middle-aged man with golden helmet and golden armor raised his hand, and several rows of knights behind him immediately stepped forward, surrounded the chic standing on the rock, posing to ask the two of them.

Several knights immediately shouted with great power: "Get out of the way!"

The arrogant, overbearing breath, with this shout, instantly impacted the two!

If the two people standing on the rock in seven poses were ordinary people, the loud shout would be enough to break their internal organs!

All the capillaries in the body burst and died!

However, after this wave of killing intent. The two people standing on the rock didn't even move the angle of their clothes.

"Every time I see you, you are surrounded by a group of evil people.

Changed a group, then another group.

Two days ago, he almost died and lost his life. Did you forget to teach so soon?

Being with evil will inevitably be contaminated by evil. "

A faint sigh came from a monk in Tsing Yi on the rock.

This voice is full of deep care, sympathy and sighs.

Audrey felt wronged, a little moved, and a little disdainful.

"Politics, that's it, I must follow its rules, too. Don't I?"

Audrey shrugged.

At this moment, she is the Duke of Saint Smyr! A standard superior.

"Humble fellow, who do you say is evil?"

When someone pointed at his nose and scolded, Dracula was also a duke anyway, and he was a duke with a long heritage.

How could he tolerate such insults? With a wave of his hand, dozens of knights in armor surrounded them. Immediately, the murderous aura burst, the sword light lifted, dozens of sword light will flash for an instant.

A light yellow transparent light flashed by!

Transparent, faint.

Such a speed, as if space does not exist, seems to come from ancient times, spanning the shackles of trillions of years.

In these dozens of sword lights, the moment when they will not flash, this pale yellow light has swept the entire semi-circular surrounding team from beginning to end.

Standing up, dozens of sword lights that will never flash, it is so solidified!

Solidified into a picture scroll, solidified into a group of statues!

The group of knights raised their swords in different poses and angles.

Even the various expressions on his face. It is also vivid and varied.

Some were murderous and arrogant, some were puzzled, and some were about to open their mouths and scream!

The scene was silent, as silent as death.

Because everyone felt that the breath of life from the thugs of these dozens of people had disappeared. Disappeared completely.

However, their appearance is still so intact. No one knows what happened.

"It's really a picture scroll, a very beautiful picture scroll, and it should be given a name~www.readwn.com~ The moment is eternal.

He turned around and sighed sincerely with his apricot and yellow robe inserted into the peak.

"Afeng, you have such a deep aesthetic quality. The name of Qi is so poetic."

Lao Qian and Laofeng have a particularly good relationship, and they have always been called Laofeng "Afeng."

"Pills are refined to the utmost, and the pills are like gems, like stars, and like scrolls.

The principles of heaven and earth all have theirs in common.

It seems that old money, your alchemy skills are limited. "

Lao Feng said with a smile.

Lao Qian just blushed. Compared to his rocket-like progress in cultivation, the degree of progress in alchemy of Lao Qian can be described as a snail crawl.

Although it was a casual repair, Lao Qian possessed a treasure like a cheating device, the two-color strange mud. After all, after the foundation is successfully built. He has more comprehension of power and profoundness, and less practice of alchemy.

Old Qian quickly turned away from the subject, a distressed look suddenly appeared on Old Qian's face


"Look at what you are calling out. You will be furious if you don't have two sentences.

Act like a thief! Which knight is willing to work under a thief?

Tut tut

Old Qian shook his head sharply.

Until then, the dozens of knights who looked like sculptures began to drift away..." Yes, drifting away.

Their whole bodies, scattered like dust, just disappeared in the wind.

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