Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1119: 500 knights

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Sad poem.

There is no trace of blood and death.

It happens to be written in death.

In the time when the pale yellow light swept away, these dozens of knights turned into dust.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

Being so arrogant and savage, treating human life like dung, this is your best destination. "

"Even the soul is shattered! I can never return to the embrace of the Lord!"

The knight shouted frantically and angrily.

The believer who believes in the main **** of Guangming will inevitably return to the kingdom of the main **** of Guangming after death.

These light knights are more devout in their belief in the main god, is it all for this?

The blow of the old money has almost ruined all hope after death.

"Evil pagans, one day we will attack you and destroy you!"

There were more than 600 knights of light, all angry.

Old Qian's act of shaking people's souls apart, in their view, was as evil as those undead monks.

"Crack us?.

Lao Qian and Lao Feng looked at each other together, seeing each other's vigilance towards these bright monks.

Speak truth quietly in anger.

It seems that these bright monks have great ambitions.

"Audrey, I will help you again, these evil people, I will help you clear them.

However, if you continue like this, your virtues are shallow and your position is noble. I think you, the Duke of Saint Smyr, will not sit for long. "

Old Qian had a solemn expression and earnest tone, like a minister who was admonishing.

A palm-sized small tripod was held in his left hand. This small tripod was mainly in yellowish hues, with dots of purple, red, cyan, and white on it.

It is hard to see that we are talking about erasing the lives of hundreds of people.

The look on Audrey's face was extremely complicated.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect this Nanbatian's cultivation base to be at least dozens of times more powerful than on the arena where the Saint Character Archers were recruited!

Could it be that this is the true strength of this Nan Batian?

After that, the old money lost a lot of money, and this was a sign that he was about to do it.

Throwing the small tripod in his hand into the air.


In the sound of wind and thunder, the small tripod had become a hundred meters in size, and within the mouth of the huge tripod, a pot of dim yellow soup was roaring and boiling.

However, I feel carefully that this pot of dim yellow soup is boiling desperately, but. It wasn't water at all. Of the six hundred knights, none of them felt the slightest water element in this dimly yellow pot of soup.

Audrey, when Dracula arrived, Genyue's thick soil, the glow of light and thunder, had already dispersed, out of the ground a hundred miles away, all of which had sunk abruptly to a depth of tens of meters, and there was no sign of Genyue's thick soil. Traces of the robbery cloud.

More than six hundred people. No one even knew what those things like soup were in this class of cauldron.

The faint yellow light like a waterfall cascaded down from the mouth of Pang Da Ding!

This waterfall-like dim yellow light, with a majesty,

It is like the emperor's patrolling, its sound is like banging a Hongzhong, its movement is like raising a nine-section flag.

Its power is like tens of thousands of horses galloping, and thousands of horses are riding!

It was just a cover, and most of the knights were immersed in it. There were more than 600 people, but only the hundreds of people who stood scattered and fleeed quickly were spared.

The knight shrouded by this majestic yellow light, a catty, only feels his body sinks, like being crushed by a huge mountain, billions of equal power completely suppresses every catty of his body, it is divine mind Is also frozen at this moment, the whole person is at this moment,

Not only was there constant pain, but on the contrary, I felt stable and extremely safe. Both my mood and expression felt extremely calm.

I just want to keep going like this, like the vast earth that lasts forever, without beginning and end, without thoughts or thoughts.

What kind of main god, what kind of belief, what rises to the kingdom of the main **** after death, at this moment, all become insignificant.

This is the virtue of "security". The light shines through, making the other party feel extremely safe, satisfied with the status quo brought by the virtue of "security", and a heart of non-resistance.

Knowing that this was due to the special magic power of the method treasure, the five hundred people who were shrouded in this dim yellow light actually surrendered in their hearts, willing to do so, and rebellious.

The original attraction of the earth, coupled with the various innate rules that have been comprehended, even the rules on the fragments are incredible.

Audrey and the two heroes of Mechanical Pill were already stunned.

Audrey finally understood why Hailey desperately discouraged herself from coming to this side.

"Evil magic weapon! Break him, break him!"

Dracula was terrified and shocked!

A muffled thunderous voice sounded.

The hill was imaginary and real, and it was known at first glance that it was the formation of the law, and it smashed down towards Dracula.

This hill dragged a long string of hills in the air.

However, on closer inspection, this string of shadows seems to be not a phantom, but a physical one

It was not a hill that fell, but a series of mountains!

There was a series of low explosions caused by heavy objects falling sharply and colliding with the air.

There are still dozens of meters away, and the air around Dracula that has been compressed is about to stagnate.

Laofeng came to the rescue.

You don't want to break the magic weapon, I will break your brain first, see who you knights attack first?

The seven sword fighters around Duke Dracula rose into the air and joined in the air! It instantly turned into a splendid galaxy, the stars in the galaxy were dotted with light, water and phosphorous waves, very gorgeous.

The dazzling starlight slammed against a mountain that had fallen.

Another mountain smashed on this shining galaxy, like a series of giant hammers falling in the sky.

Where the two sides collided, the starlight, the yellow light like gravel splashed out several miles wide!

"Boom boom" sound like a giant artillery bombardment!

The rolling mountains and the shining galaxy all end up together.

Lao Dai's figure fluttered down and bounced up due to the shock.

And the seven knights who shot, even took a step back.

In Lao Feng's heart, he was shocked. Of these seven people, everyone had the strength of two heroes.

It is said that there are secret guards around the nobles, and the two Fontaine heroes around Audrey are like this, and these seven are also like this.

The strength of these seven people alone is more than twice as powerful as the strength around Audrey.

This is one of the reasons why Audrey, the little woman, dared to make a comeback.

Lao Feng was shocked, and the seven people were even more surprised.

"The Peak of Shenwei God!

Lord Audrey, you started to tell us that the other party doesn't have this kind of strength! "

Among the seven knights, one of Wei's stout knight turned his head and spoke to Audrey extremely unhappily.

Although the honorific title of an adult was used in the words, you Audrey made a mistake about the strength of the opponent. Whether it is deliberately hiding or misjudgment, at least the two guards you brought have to go.

Audrey opened her mouth, hesitated, and did not answer.

However, one of the two Fontaine heroes grabbed Audrey's shoulder armor and rushed away from the distance. Only after he got out did the words of the Fontaine heroes spread: "My lord, go away. These people must be upgraded, we are not their opponents!"

The rumbling roar was like thunder, and the knights who were not shrouded in the dim light all attacked the dim great tripod!

The dazzling sword light, dazzling, all kinds of light shot out more than ten miles!

This guy is too shameless, and he came out with such a powerful magic weapon as soon as he met him. Not only did he freeze more than 500 people at once, dozens of people already sucked up the great attraction contained in this dim light and threw them into the big tripod In the faint yellow boiling soup.

Upon contact with the faint yellow soup, amid the miserable screams, even the armor and the magic weapon inspired the magic light. Together were melted away without a trace.

However, Laoyue, who was collecting the aura of the innate earth spirit, was not idle with Ruhai, Turtle and others.

When the old money pretended to be bullshit, several of them were already ready.

Similarly, the tripod of the emperor of the old money, a tripod for holding five hundred people, really shocked these guys.

It is enough to swallow a street as soon as the emperor's tripod that integrates "Hutun City and Baotun Street" is out.

Seeing that the other party was about to fight in groups, a few people shouted, and they all shot together!

As the soft-shelled turtle waved, the sky filled the sky with golden light, and a huge golden light fell from it like thunder!

After more than a dozen sword lights were blasted away, the prototype of a golden war **** pestle in the golden mang was revealed ~ www.readwn.com~ two golden core monks from the river and the sea. More mighty.

The warm silver light in the sky and the cyan spear like a torrential rain seemed to fall from the sky, instantly covering a range of miles!

During the explosion, more than a hundred sword lights that rose into the air suddenly wiped out most of them, and immediately more than 20 people turned into a rain of blood.

Among the more than 600 knights, there are not a few catties of god-level cultivators. The two of them are eighth-rank golden cores, which are already equivalent to the level of a junior middle-level god.

With a sweeping sweep of the sky, more than twenty people have been wiped out in an instant.

The bitter cold hits again, as if to remove the bones of a person.

The blizzard that covered the ground struck, and instantly wrapped five or six swords in it.

In the two years in the endless sea of ​​clouds, Shengen's understanding of the Blizzard Sword Scriptures has another page.

The power of Blizzard's sword light greatly increased.

After a few sword lights, I only felt that I was trapped in the boundless blizzard, in the piercing wind, completely lost.

Countless snow flakes as big as mats, like countless cold and hard blades!

Several knights have already splashed blood in the sky.

Stone is still, as always, particularly interested in the god-level masters among the enemies.

Others killed a few people, a dozen people, but Stone killed one person.

Looking at the godhead without a trace of blood in his hand, it is like a golden bean the size of a broad bean. Stone's mouth just grinned.

Quality is better than quantity, worth it! "

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