Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1184: Invincible

※Weijia help. Plan to read. Plan to read, subscribe to the residual whip. Attila pinched a magic trick.

Reach out!

Hundreds of miles of space left by the Hundreds of Thousand Mountains simultaneously rose with countless purple chrysanthemums, like an endless ocean of chrysanthemums.

Just like a huge winter Pugou planting farm, within a hundred miles, there is a sea of ​​purple chrysanthemums, facing the golden lanterns descending from the sky!

His assistant was originally prepared to play in the decisive battle of the coach, playing a role of delay and harassment.

Even cannon fodder can create some opportunities.

but. Three were killed by this peach tree spirit's collar at once.

It's still a trivial matter to make a mistake in judgment.

The most terrible thing is that in the upcoming decisive battle of the coach, the opponent's assistants are obviously more than his own. I am afraid that the opponent's assistant will harass him and create a lot of opportunities for the opponent's coach!

Why did you die so simply and neatly!

The last two guys didn't even raise their combined abilities to the limit, and they just died under that brilliant and fertile blow.

In case, this kid is also involved in the decisive battle of the coach, he is not dangerous.

Thought of this.

Remnant whip. Under Attila's cold and merciless appearance, the already hard heart felt a hint of crisis.

and so. Use the power of the magic circle first.

In the air of a hundred miles, the sea of ​​purple grapes blooms at the same time!

In an instant, the extremely hot purple flames suddenly filled the space of a hundred miles

After Attila's reminder, the purple stone ball exploded, and its power suddenly increased tenfold!

The entire space was distorted or even folded because of such a huge explosion.

Where the golden flower passed, the purple flame of explosion immediately disappeared without a trace.

But in a few breaths, the golden lanterns suddenly penetrated the ocean of purple flames.

Remnant whip. Attila stretched out her hand solemnly!

The cyan bright moon is just a leap in the sky. As the moon rises to the sea, it just hits the golden lanterns!

The cyan light and gold radiated like the sun, and dozens of surrounding mountains collapsed silently!

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Remnant whip. Attila screamed!

The figure took the lead to fly, like a rocket, slowly flying towards the faint Qing Ming nine heavens.

Behind him. Four figures, two on one side, like two wings, closely followed behind the coach and flew towards Miao Miao Qingming.

Just before entering Qingming.

Attila's spirit is always on the ground.

There was no change in the collar of the peach tree spirit.

Attila somehow. Feel at ease for a while.

Seeing that the coaches of both sides were promoted to Qingming to fight.

The old money was like a shot in the heart.

The absence of the opposing coach does not mean that the threat to yourself has been greatly reduced?

Come on with two masters at the level of Flower God, let alone escape, it is not a problem to escape.

"The enemy's right wing is broken! Brothers, kill, and crush the Chinese army!"

The right wing of the giant rock earth **** was finally completely breached!

Old Qian shouted loudly, and led his subordinates to rush towards the position of the Juyan Divine Army!


Shouting and killing all around!

Seeing that the monks of the Giant Rock Earth God were about to be defeated, the monks of the Biyou Temple, together with the offensive of the volunteers, immediately moved with all their strength!

Countless thunders crossed the sky.

They rushed towards the middle army and the left of the monks of the giant rock earth god.

Everyone understands that this is the time to grab merit!

Under the bombardment of countless swords of light and thunder, the scene of heaven and earth cracking appeared again.

The entire Pingyang Mountain has disappeared.

What appeared were countless big holes with no bottom.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy!"

Old Qian sneered in his heart.

If it weren't for the power of the innate "leveling" virtue of the earth, the 30,000 horsemen of the peach tree spirit, how could he break the right wing so easily.

You also think of the monks of the Giant Rock Earth God too simply.

Countless explosions of thunder rolled across the sky!

In the small world of 100,000 mountains, the space barrier has finally been broken in many places!

Over the entire Thousand-mile Plain, I saw the sharp sky suddenly becoming black!

It is not clouds, but mountains, countless mountains!

Countless mountains just fell from the sky.

It fell heavily on the plains of thousands of miles centered on the non-existent Pingyang Mountain.

More mountains, like living beings, are flying and fluttering in the air.


The mountain was like a small rock, colliding head-on with an attacking team.

Between each color and the light flashes at the same time.

The mountain is broken, people retreat!

However, several mountain peaks suddenly rolled away from different directions!

"Mao! This mountain acts as light as a feather, and it is as heavy as it is crushed on the body!"

The attacking monks were already shocked!

"Boom" in a loud noise.

Several peaks are in harmony.

In addition to a few swordsmanship, escape to life.

The remaining monks were crushed into blood by several mountains!

Peach tree spirits, now they are collectively around the old money.

See where there are dense enemies and tight defenses!

Two ash-golden rays of light, immediately like the sun and the moon blast, toward the crowd, tightly guarded

Bu "Laser away!

As long as two gray and gold rays are shot out!

The tight defensive formation and the powerful defensive magic weapon immediately disappeared.

As soon as the gap was exposed, the peach tree spirits, like the leaves of a peach tree dancing in the wind, looked like they were dancing gently in the air, and they had suddenly penetrated through the gap.

Once the gap is opened, the old money is hard to manage.

Let the peach tree spirits fight.

Only in battle can they grow.

Forever hiding under the umbrella of Lao Qian, you will never want to develop powerful combat skills.

Destroy the enemy's right flank and take the lead in assaulting the army.

This credit is enough.

Leave the remaining merits to others to stand up.

The old Qian was satisfied in his heart, and the generals passed them down, the peach tree spirits, just step by step, and steadily steadily passed.

No matter how the mountain peaks, the light dance is unpredictable.

The monks and volunteers from the Biyou Temple who attacked were all blushing!

Jian Guang, Lei Guang!

It's like the Milky Way going down nine days.

Seeing victory is in sight, only assault, assault, assault again!

Finally, the army of the monks of the giant rock earth god, the left-wing army was also completely broken!

However, the monks of the Giant Rock Earth God were still resisting frantically.

Because, in the Qing Ming above the nine heavens, bursts of extremely dazzling light burst out continuously.

With each burst, the dazzling light from the nine heavens actually enveloped a range of thousands of miles away.

The coach is still fighting!

As long as the coach is still fighting.

No matter how miserable the people on the ground, there is hope of a comeback.

Besides, this is the home ground of the cultivators of Heavenly Earth Star. Even if the cultivators of the **** plane of the giant rock earth scattered and flee, how long can they hide?

This is a problem!

It is these two points that while letting them continue to the next, they are still fighting hard!

"The one who descends will not kill!"

Old Qian's arms shook, and the two gray and gold lights turned into nine-day lasers!

There is no change, just cut straight down!

Between the bangs, the six monks of the Giant Rock Earth God formed a small formation of resistance, and in a flash, the ash flew and annihilated.

Old Qian gave a discouraged glance at Qing Ming above the Nine Heavens.

The extremely strong light still bursts in bursts, illuminating the earth for thousands of miles from time to time.

Since he is the commander of Peach Blossom Valley, he is commanding 33,000 troops..." Maybe there are only 31,000 now.

Naturally, there was the idea of ​​an army chief.

Under his hands are all Tao Yuanming's peaches and grandchildren.

Then I was born to death, I must have a few reliable cronies.

These monks of the Giant Rock Earth God, fighting deep into the plane of the Biyou Lord God, can be said to have fallen into a desperate situation.

As long as you are willing to surrender yourself, just like Stone back then, the next two will be severely restricted.

After some years and some battles, he was disciplined to be submissive.

It is also considered to have cultivated a few trusted members.

Unexpectedly, these cultivators of the Giant Rock Earth God, seeing the head coach still fighting, would have a strong fighting will. In other words, the enemy will not die, the enemy will fight to the death!

That being the case, under the depressed old money, two gray-gold rays of light seemed to burst like the sun and the moon.

In the middle are mixed with the dragon-like wood **** thunder, but there are dense enemies, the sun and the moon-like gray gold first, the light is twisted. The dragon-like gods thunder blew, blocking all invincible!

Straight to attack half of the army barracks in the Giant Rock Land God, the old Qian's men have already killed hundreds of monks!

However, Tsing Yi is picturesque.

Old Qian's hands were not even stained with blood.

Finally, in the blue sky above the nine heavens, an unprecedented golden light and red light exploded.

Immediately afterwards, mortals could see with naked eyes, a red light with a purple tail.

In an instant, a trajectory of hundreds of miles has been scraped in the high air.

At the same time ~www.readwn.com~ all the monks of the Giant Rock Earth God who were willing to fight, the residual whip sounded in their minds at the same time. Attilana resolutely carried a very unwilling voice: "The whole army retreats! Return to the outlying plane!"

Being able to spit out these few words from the coach's mouth can only prove one thing. This action to **** the planet Earth was defeated, and it really failed completely.

The monks of the Giant Rock Earth God who were still stubbornly resisting, their will completely collapsed in an instant!

The remaining monks, turn around and want to run!

However, the hundred thousand mountains that originally served as a barrier have now become obstacles to escape.

Under the advantage of the opponent's number, after a few turns, there are enemies everywhere!

"Quick! Grab a few more people!"

The old Qian was overjoyed, surrounded by his body, and the gray-gold photoelectricity without beginning and end suddenly violent!

Turning into countless gray-golden apertures, wherever the old Qian’s spiritual thoughts can reach, as long as there is a strong enough, not too insidious giant rock earth **** monk, the gray-golden aperture suddenly disappears!

The shot is too insidious, this kind of old money is respectable Xie Bumin" and he didn't have so much time to spend with him!

Many of the monks of the giant rock earth **** who were being besieged saw the ash golden halo descending from the sky!

Ash golden light flashed!

What kind of protection magic weapon, what protection sword light, are like snow encountering fire, completely eliminate the plastic and smash the garlic, so please let Tan Zhang pour more branches

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