Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1185: Feudal

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Several cultivators tried to resist, and the gray-gold halo immediately extended, as if they had come to life, and got into their bodies.

As the screams sounded at the same time, their bodies gradually turned to ashes.

Seeing their companions end in this way, several people were heartbroken.

Let the gray golden aperture cover it down.

Unexpectedly, the body touched the gray-gold aperture!

A circle of wooden texture quickly spread across the place where the body and the gray-gold halo meet.

Wherever the wood texture went, the flesh and blood of the skin suddenly turned into extremely fresh wood, as if it had just been felled from a tree.

In an instant, the whole body turned into a lifelike wood sculpture.

After incorporating the innate rules of the wood element into the gray-gold sword aura, the power of the gray-gold sword aura became a bit more mysterious.

Not only can the object be turned into gray gold, but also the person can be turned into a wooden sculpture according to the old money's will.

Of course, this wood carving can be restored at any time.

In fact, this is a better reflection of the integrity of the rules of the wood system, and of course the power has become more and more powerful.

The opponent turned into a wooden sculpture.

The monks of the Biyou Temple besieging these giant rock earth **** monks, the volunteer army was angry.

"You count that green onion? Dare to **** our trophy!"

"That's right. You can fight great, come and try!"

Although was shocked by the power of the gray gold sword light.

But, after all, he is a companion of the same camp, does he dare to kill his own people openly?

"Sorry, I only want people, and all the magic weapons in them belong to you."

Old Qian was embarrassed and laughed.

The sound came from each circle formed by the gray and gold sword aura.

Both sides have the best skills in the camp, and now they are generally in the Qing Ming above the nine days, fighting with the coach.

Lao Qian’s several consecutive songs can be regarded as no tigers in the mountains and monkeys dominate without the coach.

Although robbed people, but left things behind.

These monks of the Giant Rock Earth God would be killed sooner or later without the old money.

Therefore, the monks of Biyou Temple and the volunteer army, even though they hum, still accepted the arrangement of the old money.

What they want is loot anyway.

In addition, there are not many corpse puppets among the monks of Celestial Star.

Under the laughter offensive, Lao Qian finally got a group of prisoners as he wished.

The cyan light flickered, and a thousand spirits of aura.

Drumming is naturally indispensable.

A group of beaming.

This is a celebration feast.

Celebrate Binh Duong Mountain victory!

Old Qian led several peach generals and sat in groups with the leaders of the volunteer army.

The leaders of the Volunteer Army have been reduced by one-third compared with the report when they first arrived at the barracks.

but. The casualties were still much lower than expected.

The casualties of volunteer soldiers were also controlled at about one-fifth to one-fourth.

The reason why the casualties were smaller than expected is that if you talk about the first effort, the old money led the peach tree spirits to break through the right wing of the world of one hundred thousand mountains and small thousand in one fell swoop.

There is no old money to break through the right wing of the world of one hundred thousand mountains and small thousand.

It is impossible for the troops attacking the Chinese and the left to succeed so easily.

The casualties paid will also be much greater.

"Master Qian is really a hero! I can't admire it in my heart."

A tall and bold leader of the volunteer army looked at Qian Xing's eyes, but he was full of awe.

Lao Qian's performance in breaking through the enemy's right wing proved.

As long as the old Qian thinks, all the monks here will be turned into ashes.

It's not a class at all.

"Yeah, yeah, to Master Qian, a drink!"

"I also offer Master Qian a cup."

"Do it, do it, let's do it together."

Cultivation base, record, this is obvious to all.

Invisibly, Lao Qian has become the leader of the volunteer army on the planet.

Everyone took turns to pour the old money with spirits.

Although these spirits can no longer make anyone present drunk.

but. It is also good to taste the taste of this spirit.

Although it is a celebration feast.


The volunteers sat together, and the monks from Biyou Temple sat together.

The disparity between the two groups of people's identities is naturally revealed.

It's just that while Lao Qian was drinking heavily, he caught a glimpse of the smiling Feng. Bi Aolin's eyes seemed to pass over him intentionally or unintentionally.

He knows about dragging away from the Bifu Army privately.

So, he should also know the reason for dragging away the Bifu Army, the spatial coordinates of the main **** of Guangming and the **** of giant rock.

Looking at Feng, Bi Aolin's eyes should have the intention of asking about this.

Simply, wait until the title of "Master God and Righteous Warrior" is awarded, then give him the space coordinates of the Giant Rock Earth God.

Of course, on the surface, it must be said to be dedicated to the Lord God.

"Next, announce the list of the main godly warriors."

The ceremonial officer, in a shining robes of priests, announced loudly.

The leaders of the volunteer army held their breath one by one.

Fight hard for this moment!

"Qian Xing"

The first thing I read is Qian Xing's name.

Envying eyes immediately surrounded the old money.

Even the Lord God Warrior is a title with practical benefits.

Not everyone who participated in the war was able to obtain the title of Lord God and Righteous Warrior.

Didn’t it say in the call-up order?

It depends on the performance of the battlefield.

As for the performance of the battlefield, isn't that the final word?

The leaders of the volunteer army listened nervously.

Unexpected. A total of fifteen names were read this time.

Three of them were killed in battle.

The names and powers of their righteous warriors will be inherited by their relatives first, and those without relatives will be inherited by the sect.

The leaders of the Volunteer Army cheered one by one.

Although most of them did not get the title of Lord God Warrior.

However, being able to see the dead companions can also obtain the title of the Lord God Warrior, at least, it is also a great comfort.

This shows that even if they die in battle, they will not die in vain.

The old money made a smile, and for the first time the volunteer army was recruited.

"Next, announce the fief acquired by the Lord God and Righteous Warrior.

There are only two options for the population already in the fief.

One is to become a vassal of the Lord God Warrior.

The other is to move out of the fief of the Lord God Warriors. "

The ceremonial officer announced this policy before announcing the fief.

The old money was suddenly surprised.

"Migrate, leave?"


The ceremonial officer replied solemnly.

"Do not contribute to the Lord. Tribes and tribes who do not contribute to encircling their hometowns naturally have no right to enjoy a land full of spiritual energy.

This land can only be owned by our warriors. "

"Well, my lord, what if they don't leave?"

A monk kept asking.

"Of course it is to drive them away!

If they dare to let go, the warriors of our temple will resolutely safeguard the majesty of the Lord God and righteous warrior! "


All the leaders of the Volunteer Army had a suddenly realized expression.

Having said that, those who don't understand yet are fools.

Who dared to resist, Biyou Temple immediately sent people to clean it up.

Then, the rebels were destroyed.

The aura of land was freed up.

natural. The monks of Biyou Temple, can't do it for nothing.

Maybe, they will send people in for a long time to "help maintain law and order."

This is a kind of cleansing and power expansion in disguise.

These people who have won the title of Lord God and Righteous Warrior have since been firmly tied to the chariot of the Biyou Temple.


Old Qian respectfully saluted, took a step forward, and accepted a volume of green papers.

The surface of the turquoise instrument. As if beating like a flame, Biyou Lord God's mark appeared.

It does not wait for other people's fiefdom documents to be issued.

Lao Qian unfolded his documents, and the three characters "Chi Yuling" were displayed impressively.

"Chiyuling? Isn't that the place where Danqingmen is?"

Lao Qian still didn't know if there was a monk next to Lao Qian on Chiyu Mountain, and he had already spoken out in surprise.

The monks who had obtained fiefdom documents also whispered.

Obviously, the territory on every fief document is already a land of ownership.

"This trick is really ruthless."

Lao Qian and the other heroic warriors looked at each other.

"Never mind him, as long as it is recognized by the Biyou Temple, this site will exist for a long time.

Even if it comes to future generations

Even if others attacked by force, they would not be recognized by Biyou Temple. Our descendants could also send troops in the name of Biyou Temple and apply to retake this land. "

A monk was excited.

Old Qian looked sideways at his equipment.

It's not very good.

Attaching to Biyou Temple is really a good choice.

The title was awarded and the fief ceremony was completed.

The old money was automatically saved~www.readwn.com~ Sure enough, Feng. Biolin saw that the old money was left by itself, and there was a hint of meaning in his eyes.

"Qian Xing, what's the matter if you stay?"

What's left of me, don't you know?

Old Qian muttered in his heart, but in his palm, there was already an extra piece of jade slip with the size of a palm.

"My lord, I accidentally got some spatial coordinates of the giant rock earth and **** plane. When I met an adult, Qian Xing deeply admired his brilliance. It's like the sun and the moon illuminating the world.

The coordinates of the giant rock earth **** plane in this jade slip are requested to be passed to the main god. "

Although the offering must be dedicated, it must be clearly stated.

This jade slip is dedicated to the Lord God, so even if there is Feng. Biolin presented to the Lord God

At least his name will remain in the list of contributors.

In this way, the reward will be more.

"Oh, the plane space coordinates of the Giant Rock Earth God."

Feng. Bi Aolin's face was shocked, and a large part of this shocking color was true.

Unexpectedly, the rumors turned out to be true, and this old money is really there.

After taking the jade slip, Feng. Bi Aolin's spirit peeked inside.

"Sure enough, well, fortunately Qian, well done.

After I submit the report, your contribution is indispensable.

that's it? "

Feng. Biolin asked casually.


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