Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1188: Free leader

...To help. Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe "The guys from Danding are all masters of art, and you are definitely no match for them."

Indi Yuer's friend Senna married into Danqingmen.

He has a good understanding of Danqingmen and Indiyuer.

"Hey, the scenery is so beautiful, I really can't do the cooking of cranes and fenqin.

Let him for a while, what's the problem? "

Old Qian smiled faintly.

Countless colorful flowers bloomed brilliantly.

The details are clear and clear.

Kind of race. One scene wins one scene.

Thousands of flowers are blooming, as if the mountains and plains of spring are concentrated on this sky.

"Okay, but it's too real, lacking some artistic conception

The Beatles artist, Qinghan, the current head of Danqingmen, waved his hand.

A single flower appeared in the leaves at the same time in the sky. Unlike Lao Qian’s Wan Zi Yanhong, Qing Han had only one flower.

A prosperous piece of peonies.

As soon as this peony came out, it was like a thousand buds coming out of a bright fire, a strange fragrance, falling from nine days.

The peony flowers and leaves float like a morning cloud that has been pinned to the sky.

The impression is strong and the atmosphere is thick.

The superior immediately judged.

The thugs "Happiness."

Old Qian applauded.

"While you sway it at will, there is a color of ingenuity.

Well, I lost, you Danqingmen, still stay on this station.

However, as a hero of the Lord, Chiyuling is my fief.

Since you stay on my fiefdom, don't say anything else.

As long as something happens, I must send monks to help me according to my call. "

When Lao Qian talked about it later, his tone was already in his tone of undefeated strictness.

"Didn't you just lose?"

Feng Han's eyebrows suddenly raised, and he looked extremely unhappy.

"Because I lost, you are allowed to keep this mountain gate.

Why, are you still not satisfied? "

Old Qian raised his hand.

The light of the two colors of blue and yellow, like the rain and dew of the spring weather, sprayed out.

In an instant, it seemed to blend with the space.

Qinghan wanted to resist, but this bluish-yellow light seemed to be everywhere, and he didn't know where to resist.

Like a gust of wind, and like a cloud.

Qinghan was messy, artistically long, and turned into countless ashes.

Immediately afterwards, the Danqingmen disciples who followed Qinghan turned to ashes.

Immediately afterwards, that pair of endless, extremely realistic. The mountain guarding formation, which looked like a living world, also showed a huge black hole.

The black hole spread rapidly inward, and after a while, there was a "wave" sound.

The scenery of Chiyuling is out again!

This blow was as if the clouds were light and windy.

With this blow, this seemingly endless formation of protecting the mountains alive broke a huge hole.

Endless characters, spirits, and scenery.

Born again in the guarding mountain array.

However, the faces of Qinghan and his disciples were all white and black.

The opponent's seemingly casual blow had already demonstrated the strength that was sufficient to slaughter this pill sect.

Not only that, the other party has the canonization of Biyou Temple, occupying the righteous name.

If it were to be pressured in this righteous name, even if the Danqingmen were massacred, it would be a matter of course.

"You can become free people in my territory, but you have to pay taxes and serve.

This service is not limited to military service. You are required to do some tasks similar to continuing service. "

The majestic tone, with undeniable orders and faint murderous intent.

Old Qian's eyes instantly became endlessly cold.

Sweat like a soybean suddenly rolled out of Qinghan's forehead.

Survive and perish. Just between this thought.

After a short while, Qinghan finally made a choice.

"Yes, Lord Lord."

He stepped forward, resting his right hand on his left chest.

A deep salute to the old money.

Can keep the mountain gate, can not become a leader completely attached to the old money.

This is already the best choice Dan Qingmen can win.

"Okay, that's it. You accompany me to look around and see where the lord mansion is most suitable

Old Qian smiled happily.

"My Danqingmen has 36 spiritual peaks, please choose your lord at will."

Qinghan is also connected.

With the strength of the old money, as long as you are willing to be stationed in the lord's mansion, wouldn't it be an extra backing?

The main godly warrior, after fighting against the invading enemy, set off a storm on Yaoyang star.

Among them, there are many heroes and godly warriors who, because of their lack of ability, invited the army of Biyou Temple to expel the local sect.

When the monks from Biyou Temple came, it was a **** storm!

Several schools have died out.

The rest of the monks, all became the direct leaders of the Lord God Warriors.

Months later, after rebuilding the temple of the Lord God Piba Shanbiyou.

The hall is full of strange flowers and plants, strange grass and trees.

Looks like a relief,

But it's like a real flower and weird grass, with a delicate fragrance and a fragrant smell.

Amidst the fragrant temple, Aomori knelt down with monks from the Biyou Temple.

Including Feng. Bijiaolin and others all knelt in front of the main idol.

The statue of the Lord God, who usually sits upright, actually stood up.

A blue aura, at this moment. Go straight to the sky!

In an instant, all of today's earth star changed its color. In an instant, all of today's earth star began to revolve around this blue energy.

Double cyan-gold eyes. Looking directly at the old Qian who kneeled side by side with the two ladies.

The faint divine might makes everyone who kneel feel it.

This pressure cannot be resolved. It was as if everything about him had been seen through by the Lord God.

This is the power of the Lord God!

It’s the first time to face the power of the lord **** directly, and then did Lao Qian understand what is meant by

This cultivation base is already enough to make oneself proud.

However, compared with the power of the main god, even though it was only a projection.

Let the old money feel. I am like a drop of water in the lake.

Present the coordinates of the giant rock earth **** plane. Obtained the approval of the main god.

The reward came with it.

In a world where there is a god, concealing credit is generally a risk

It's huge, so almost no one keeps doing it.

Fighter "Great Lord God, I sincerely praise your grace.

I request that this reward be passed on to my wife, Indigo. "

The old Qian prayed to the Lord God very piously, without a trace of distractions in his heart.

Lao Qian will have his own feelings in the heart of angels. Gradually taught to Vidona.

However, the two couples quickly found out.

The angelic heart that Vidona possessed is a finished product.

Compared with the angel heart obtained by the old money, there are some more structure-like structures on it.

These structural locks are to prevent the angels that have been manufactured without permission. Open the hearts of angels without authorization and gain power far beyond their level.

Therefore, although the old Qian passed on all his experience on the Angel Heart to Vidona.

Vidona only opened a part of the second layer of angel heart, the first layer of angel heart structure. It is not fully opened either.

Nevertheless, Vidona's power, in a short time. It has increased threefold.

therefore. The weakest cultivation base between the old Qian and his wife is Indi Yuer.

Therefore, after the three of them discussed with him, they decided to give Indi Yuer the opportunity to receive the reward of the Lord God.

The indigo dangled deeply.

Guishen's gaze then turned to Indigo's body.

There was no sound.

The surviving statue of the Lord God nodded.

A dazzling white light shone on Indi Yuer's body instantly.

It seemed like a short moment.

It seemed like a long time.

A cyan flame had instantly risen from Indi Yu'er.

Indigo's head instantly became transparent.

At this moment, everyone can clearly see.

A hexahedral transparent crystal. Appeared in Indigo's mind.

Afterwards, the statue of the main **** returned to the original seat and sat down.

The soaring blue aura suddenly disappeared completely.

Only some remaining prestige remained, still shrouded in scope for several years.

All the creatures in this Yuwei were terrified.

Beater "God."

The monks around whispered.

"It seems to be at least the next Shentan Peak."

In this tone, there is more envy.

A monk who had just successfully built a foundation, had stepped to the next charcoal peak in one step.

This is truly cross-level.

As soon as the main **** made a move, it really was extraordinary.

Another month has passed.

In the Danqing Gate, a newly built and magnificent palace.

Although beautiful, there is no hint of luxury. It is elegant and stylish.

Is the accumulation of Danqingmen over thousands of years unusual?

"The turtles have been gone for more than two years, but there is no news at all.

Rarely, money goes back and forth.

A few of them, together with the old money’s fire-type golden fruit shadow and the golden fruit shadow who cultivated the Great Sun Sword Art, went to the abandoned place full of ghost repairs and necromancers, and it has been almost three years.

Now there is no information. Why don't you let the old money rush.

I don't know if they are trapped or finished~www.readwn.com~ There is of course an extraordinary feeling between the old money and the shadow of Jin Guo.

However, once the two sides are separated by dozens of planes. The same cannot sense the situation of the two golden fruit shadows.

The shadow of these two golden fruits. But in the shadow of the golden fruit of the old money, the two with stronger fighting ability!

The most important thing is that these two shadows of golden fruit have been tempered by the diamond wave in the Jinwangshan Izumo Town.

The strength of their bodies is much stronger than that of ordinary monks!

How does this make the old money willing to give up?

Of course, turtles also gave the old money to the coordinates of this abandoned land.

Is it time to take a look?

The old money hesitated.

This abandoned land is actually located next to a plane ruled by the giant rock earth god.

As for the cultivator of the Giant Rock Earth God, why didn't this plane be included in the bag? That is not something that the old money can know.

"Abandoned place. You can tell by the name, not a good place

Old Qian shook his head.

At this time, there was a sharp sound of footsteps. Passed on.

"What is so impatient?"

The footsteps were still far away, and Tao Zhangjin's somewhat horrified face suddenly appeared in the old Qian's mind.

The old money frowned displeased.

After I became a superior, I felt that this kind of panicked footsteps was very annoying.

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