Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1189: Search brigade

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"Feng, Master Bijiaolin's order has come down. The Lord Biyou will retaliate on the plane of the Giant Rock Earth God on a larger scale, and our Heavenly Earth Legion will attack the Meng Dugong fighter plane of the Giant Rock Earth God! "

Greater retaliation?

Total War?

Old Qian stood up suddenly.

"You make it clear, is it a larger scale of retaliation or a full-scale war?"

This is the essence of the matter.

"It's a larger scale of revenge, not a war."

Tao Zhangjin's face stabilized.

The military situation is fierce, but you can't be vague,

"When will it start?"

"About three months later, the main godly warriors, all must bring their own subordinates."

Tao Jinzhang answered.

Sure enough, the main godly warrior must lead new subordinates to participate.

For a long time, the conscription of the main gods, especially the main gods of the wood system, has followed the principle of voluntary.

Similar to recruits on earth.

The main **** of the light system and the main **** of the dark system both adopt the principle of combining recruitment and conscription.

Therefore, many sects are so grandly free from the armed forces of the main god.

Now, on the star of the sky, through the canonization of the title of "the Lord God and Righteous Warrior", the power of dozens of sects has been incorporated into the fighting power system of the Lord Biyou in one fell swoop.

What is even more wonderful is that these dozens of sects are all subordinates of the Lord God Warriors.

Usually, Biyou Temple doesn't need to dig out half of it for this, only in wartime, according to the merits made, can be rewarded.

Biyou Temple has a good calculation.

In this way, he has an additional weapon, and unlike the Bifu Army, he has to pay a lot of maintenance costs in peacetime.

Three months, it should be more comprehensive mobilization time.

Old Qian groaned.

"Jin Zhang, I have a task, you are willing to complete it."

Old Qian smiled and said kindly.

Tao Jinzhang was happy first, then surprised.

The lord even directly called himself by his name, which shows that the kindness to himself has been improved.

However, this task is not so easy to complete.

However, no matter whether this task is completed or not, he has to grit his teeth.

This is the best time for the lord to express his sincere heart.

"I have four friends, along with my Liangjin, clone, and entered a plane called the Abandoned Land. There has been no news for three years.

You lead a hundred peach generals and seven hundred peach soldiers, disguised as plane merchants, into the deserted land, and listen to the news,

It depends on whether they are trapped somewhere in the abandoned land or they are completely finished. "

Good guys.

Tao Jinzhang's heart trembled!

These four people must have a very close relationship with the lord.

There are not only two avatars of the lord.

Moreover, in order to find the traces of these four men, the lord dispatched a hundred peach generals and seven hundred peach soldiers at once.

"Abandoned Land?

Is it a place with a lot of ghost repairs and necromancers? "

In a flash of inspiration, Tao Jinzhang suddenly remembered this abandoned place and what the **** was it.

Peach trees, ghosts and undeads that are born to fight against Yin Qi.

Once fighting with these creatures, the peach tree spirit will have a natural advantage.

Therefore, Peach Blossom Valley has a special introduction for several planes with many ghosts and undead creatures.

This abandoned place is one of the places introduced.

"Don't worry, the land of ghosts and dead souls is like walking on the ground to my brothers.

No matter what the price is paid, I must find out the whereabouts of those friends for the lord. "

Tao Jinzhang clasped his fists and said categorically.

That attitude, even if it's a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​flames, it doesn't matter.

"Well, if you manage this matter well, I will never begrudge a reward."

The old money is very satisfied, this Tao Jinzhang really understands his own worship

Sending so many people, even if turtles and others are trapped, there should be enough power to rescue them.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Lao Qian still sent his own water system Jin Guo shadow clone and ice system Golden Fruit shadow clone.

These two avatars disguised as two peach tree spirits, one in a blue suit and the other in white.

Not even Tao Jinzhang knew.

Among his own subordinates, two clones of the lord were actually mixed.

Within a plane, the relationship between old money and golden fruit is itself a relationship between trees and fruit, and there is a sense.

Therefore, their thoughts can be shared at the same time.

However, once they are too far apart.

For example, to a place like Abandoned Land.

The shadow of the golden fruit is cut off from the sense of proprioception.

The wisdom of the shadow of the golden fruit will suddenly drop a lot, becoming the same level of wisdom as ordinary people.

This level of intelligence is far inferior to Tao Jinzhang's level.

If Tao Jinzhang knew that Lao Qian had two clones here, he would definitely seek the opinions of the two clones.

If so, things may not be done well.

Instead of that, it is better to hide the identities of the two clones.

The desolate wind whimpered across the earth.

The soil and rocks on the ground are bare.

There are plants, but the number of thugs is low.

The highest is just the height of one person.

The colors are gray, blue, and bone white!

Either does not appear, once the plant appears

Some are small pieces, and some are large pieces.

The sky is full of gray, a very bleakness, and the fireball that can be identified only by vigorous identification is suspended in the gray sky.

"Hey, the sky is all dust, all is, even the sun can't be seen.

No wonder it is called a deserted place

"Masters don't know, right? It was caused by the human war of the last generation on this deserted land.

These dust will always float in the sky.

So, this place. Column, in the most suitable for our undead family to survive

The whole body was wrapped in a black cloak, only a white and yellow skull face was exposed, and he quacked with a flattering smile.

The two dark yellow flames in his eyes pulsed continuously with laughter.

The deep yellow flame belongs to the high-order undead.

If you insist on setting a standard, at least, it is also within the scope of the ghost general.

"The most suitable for your undead clan to survive, but the resources are also the least. Isn't it? Lord Tucker."

Tucker, a high-level skeleton mage, at this moment, in a multiplayer competition, became the guide of this catty, seemingly fat sheep merchant group.

Tao Shujing’s thugs disguised by Tao Shujing "After turning left and right in the face of each main god.

Arrived in the "Abandoned Land." The teleportation formation was shocked by a large group of ghost repairs, necromancers and other monks waiting here.

Without him, there are many people, and there are eight hundred people, so naturally there will be more goods.

To be able to be the guide of this business group, it is not because the money is coming.

So, in the bidding of many undead monks and ghost repairs.

The peach tree spirits of the Tao family business group understood one thing.

These ghost repairs, undead wizards, are not easy to live.

As a result, Tao Jinzhang, as the principal of the business group, raised his tail and Lixuan's posture.

Fortunately, he finally remembered the purpose of this trip and wanted to inquire about such news. These guides are probably the best choice.

If the information is not well-informed, you can hardly call it a "guide."

With a stroke of a pen, five guides were hired directly.

Of course, the task of dealing with these guides is left to the following peach spirits.

It's really a peach tree spirit who has been in the nest for a long time.

The old money shook his head. For such a large business group, it is not a problem to hire a dozen guides at once.

Even if someone asks, a word of "playing out" can lightly cover up the matter.

Biyi's water system clone squeezed quickly.

And this skeleton mage named Tucker, almost tied up.

Soon, the two had a fierce fight and made the first business between the two.

The five spirit beast bags contained dozens of monster beasts of relatively large size.

This is the first thing that is missing in the abandoned land "life spirit."

The creatures in the abandoned land are dark and alienated.

This also presents a problem, "no new birth" is constantly fighting and devouring, and the number of creatures is getting fewer and fewer.

Therefore, creatures, fresh creatures, will always be one of the best-selling substances on this land.

Lao Qian also harvested some special tempering materials for ghost repairs.

After arriving at the first camp, the two who made their first business on Net even had a campfire night to talk.

During the night talk, the old money inadvertently revealed that he had a distant relative who came to this abandoned place to do business three years ago, but he was gone forever.

This time I joined the "Tao Family Merchant Group", which meant looking for relatives.

"Brother, you are really affectionate.

However, I advise you to give up

Tucker shook his head heavily.

There was an indescribable mockery in the words.

"Those who go alone. A small group of several people ~www.readwn.com~ came to this abandoned place.

Unless the strength is particularly high, otherwise, it is simply to die! "

Tucker took the black and red meat in his hand..." The meat of the fire monster

The finished product after dark production of meat, took a bite, and swallowed it.

This is also one of the ways to supplement other energy sources.

Although it was dark, it was not the place where the dark energy of **** was deposited after all.

This abandoned land is essentially a normal face, but it is darker than other planes.

Therefore, the dark energy floating in the surrounding air is not as much as imagined.

Therefore, this abandoned land can only be said to be suitable for the existence of ghost repairs and necromancers. However, without too much dark energy, a large number of dark powers cannot be produced. It is precisely because of this that this abandoned land , In order to exist for a long time beside the face ruled by the giant rock earth **** among the many normal planes.

After all, such a world without oil and water and a harsh environment.

Even if the army of the main gods is invited, people are still unwilling to come.

"look at me

It stands to reason that the skeleton's face should be expressionless.

But, let's say this sentence.

The two yellow flames in the eye sockets actually showed the desolation and mockery of Laosi.

"What happened to you?"

After this sentence, a water system clone in a blue suit, realized the problem.

"Are you too"? .

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