Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 204: Shadow Scepter

In the ruins of death, they found an amazing fact that some kind of energy exists. This energy is constantly absorbing the emotions brought by this game.

These emotions are nourishing the ruins of death.

They speculate that it is likely that zombies will step into reality through the ruins of death.

Of course this is just speculation, after all this is just a holographic game. So the eight major trade unions began sending people to explore the ruins of death. However, the advent of the ice cold has alerted the Eighth Great Guild.

This player is definitely not easy!

They look forward to seeing Bing Han, and they want to rob him of his ability to control zombies.


at the same time.

Binghan led the zombies to kill the players who were against him and surrounded the reserve. And the intelligent Shadow Zombie that has been enclosed has nowhere to run.

Finally killed by Frozen.

When the shadow zombie died, a purple costume burst.

[Shadow Scepter]

Quality: Purple

Level: 35

Occupation: Mage

Attack: (Intellect * 6) /0.98

Durability: 100/100

Attribute: Intelligence +6

Constitution +2

Speed ​​+5

At the same time harvest the ability to summon intelligent zombies.

After everything was resolved, Binghan walked towards the reserve.

Players in the entire national service are all in the protected area. No matter how large the reserve is, it cannot accommodate such a large number of players. Everyone is crowded!


"You try again!"

"Who has stood against me with that stone? Don't click B!"

"Come on, don't run into your mother."

A crowd of players was so overwhelmed that they didn't even have room for skills. The perimeter of the players are all zombies. These zombies stand outside the protected area. As soon as the players come out, they will immediately smash.

The players who had low morale still had a glimmer of hope, but now there is no room for skills. In particular, the artillery division did not even have a position to set up a cannon, and could not act at all.

As long as you come out a little, these players will die again.

This is the largest game ever trapped in a protected area.

There are some people standing next to Binghan, including swordsman and rose, and members of the Guild of God. The Sanhedrin met face-to-face, admiring the boss's foresight. Originally they thought it was the original work of Frozen, so that Frozen would not be defeated.

You can escape even if it is not low.

Unexpectedly, Binghan took advantage of us to launch an attack, seized this critical opportunity, and launched a large-scale ice seal. And control the zombies swarming.

This ice cold is very accurate.

These players secretly admired the timing of the ice cold capture opportunity.

"Since you decide to participate, you will pay the price." Bing Han waved his hand.

A shadow zombie appeared beside Frozen, and said respectfully at the beginning: "Master."

The voice fell.

The player is aggressive.

They began to suspect that this shadow zombie was a cold person from the beginning. The reason for this is to use all players' greed and attempts for divinity.

Such doubts are not unreasonable.

He had been hunted down before, but now he has become cold men. There are too many doubts.

Binghan will not share his right to summon these zombies by killing them, and these things can be guessed by the player, and it is not his business if he can't guess.

"Pay 500 gold coins, and then die to the lowest level. You can obediently return to Xinshou Village to re-level."

Binghan sat on a zombie acting as a stool and looked at them calmly: "This is the price you deserve!"

"Of course, I don't want to die to the lowest level, that's fine. I am kind, 5000 gold coins."

When I heard Bing Han said that he didn't want to die to the lowest level, the players still had a glimmer of hope. However, as soon as 5000 gold coins were spoken out, these players seemed to become stone sculptures in an instant, and stayed.


When we are printing presses!

5000 gold coins is 500,000 yuan even in accordance with the ratio of the official website, if it is a black market. That's at least five million yuan.

Choose five million or re-leveling, most players will choose to level.

Even local tyrants are unwilling to spend this money so unclear.

"500 coins ..." Many players hesitated. Just such a number is a bit of a heartache. At least tens of thousands.

Some of these players can afford it, while others can't afford it at all.

But Binghan doesn't care about these people. What you don't give is yours. Since you want to deal with me, you must pay a little price.

Otherwise there are one, two and three!

Binghan will never tolerate such a thing. And when you get to the awakening, you have to clean up the undefeated guild. Arrange the gunners to attack themselves, sooner or later.

"I don't care what method you use, whether you borrow or grab. Give 500 gold coins, and then take the initiative to die, you can leave."

"Otherwise, you should never leave this protected area!"

Many players are hesitant, which is a great shame to them. What else can make people so shameful.

Standing there let others kill to level 0 and pay 500 gold coins.

But these players also understand that when they decided to kill the ice cold, this hatred had already begun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some players chose to compromise and pay gold coins.

Some players choose to go offline directly.

Some players stand still in the reserve and don't know what they are thinking.

Bing Han explained the good things to Shadow Zombie, and let Shadow Zombie complete the collection of gold coins. All these people rebelled and killed. And if the strong P is turned on in the protected area, the NPC will shoot. And the zombies are all around, and players can't find opportunities and locations to attack. So they have fallen into a defeated situation.

"Thank you, President, for me." Binghan waved his hand as he watched the members of the Guild of Guilds.

"These purple dresses are a gift for you." Binghan said, "I look forward to the day when you meet with your president."

The thieves of the Sanhedrin were immediately grateful and quickly thanked.

After they left, Binghan looked at Sword Man and Rose. Although one of the two players is holding their thighs, the other is seeking excitement. But after all they helped themselves.

Bing Han commanded the two zombies, and the powder weapon burst out.

"Take it. This is what you deserve." Binghan didn't hesitate, don't look at it as powder. However, Binghan has the ability to dominate the zombie explosion rate, and he cannot use and pick up the equipment obtained by his explosion rate. So simply push the boat.

Things that are useless to themselves, but not to others.

"Clear the people in Bingmen, I don't need them anymore," Binghan said.

They nodded.

You just need to be reliable and valuable members. Those who choose to help just because they are oppressing themselves or intimidating by things are not needed.

Frozen ambitions are so great, check out your backpack.

There was an alley, exactly the drawing the corner boy had been looking for.

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