Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 205: Eye of Galen

"What drawing?" Binghan's eyes mimic, choose to open.


Get [Legendary Jewelry] Recipe Drawing

Accessories: Galen's Eye (Necklace)

Grade: None

Occupation: None


Attribute: Full Attribute +5

Effect: Within 24 hours, nothing is consumed, and death automatically resurrects once. And the death does not drop anything.

"Eyes of Galen?" Binghan looked at the recipe carefully.

【Ding! Does it consume 100 pieces of metal and 100 pieces of wood? Refining success rate is 50%. 】

【Ding! Warm reminder: using colorful stones, the success rate will be increased to 70%. 】

"Colorful stones?" Binghan knew that the colorful stones were NPCs, and they were sold for 50 gold coins. If converted into cash, it is at least 5,000 yuan.

This is not much for the current ice cold.

【Ding! 】

[Buy Colorful Stone]

[Is the Eye of Galen refined, with a current success rate of 70%? 】

Binghan chose to refine without hesitation. This thing is equivalent to a rebirth cross, that is, one more chance to save lives. The main thing is that this time death will not drop any items, even the red name is different.

The meaning of this piece of equipment is completely different.

Now the A128 West and North Districts are their own sites, and the East and South Districts are not polite.

The intelligent zombie receives a reminder when Frozen gets the summoning ability, and the number of summons is consistent with his level. He is currently at level 35, so he can summon 35 wise shadow zombies.

"It's enough to add 35 swordsmen and roses," Binghan lost his hands behind him.

Rose, dressed in leather, looked extremely cold, and she began to get excited. Feeling more and more exciting!

The sword man also tightens his sword, and sooner or later he will become one of the top players in this game!

"Go to the Southern District!" Binghan led the remaining 33 Shadow Zombies and two players rushed towards the Southern District.

One Shadow Zombie remains in the North District and one remains in the Western District.

The two shadow zombies are responsible for completing their own tasks and arrangements, and the gold coins paid are uniformly arranged in the cold mailbox.

"South area......"


at this time.

Chairman's office on official channels.

A middle-aged man with a beer belly is sitting on a high-grade chair, picking up a cup of coffee and exhaling, "You all know what happened to the A128 West and North Districts?"

The manager looked at the middle-aged man with dread, saying: "Dong ... Chairman, I just received the news. The people below ... concealed the news ... "

The middle-aged man took a sip of coffee and looked up: "Don't care. They will do that, I already knew. I would like to ask you, what actions did the Eighth Trade Union take in this matter?"

The manager took a deep breath and adjusted his status: "Chairman, the eighth union seems to have discovered the ruins."

"Keep talking." The chairman stared at the coffee in his hand.

The manager continued: "A few days ago, our actions seemed to be noticed by the eighth trade unions. Because of the appearance of this icy player, some of the eight unions' visions were separated. But just a few days ago, they sent several players Death ruins. "

"Oh? They're not brave." The middle-aged man still had a smile on his face, drinking coffee in a sullen atmosphere.

"I have dealt with that group of players. It should not appear in the guild's field of vision in the short term, but for a long time ..."

The chairman took another sip of coffee and thought about it: "OK. I have arranged internal cooperation for the eighth union, and the problem is not big. But you must pay close attention to this cold, and don't let him break us.

The manager nodded again and again, cold sweat.

"Okay, you go out first." The chairman waved.

"Bing Han ..." His eyes were tiny, with a smile on his mouth, a powerful and confident smile.

After leaving the office, the manager's back was wet a lot, as if struggling in death. He knew that the smiling chairman was carrying countless blood behind him.

He had no doubt, as long as he didn't do well, he would slap himself in the palm of his hand.


It's just a palm shot!

This is what he saw with his own eyes. If he hadn't seen this scene, he wouldn't believe that someone could shoot people directly into the ground with one palm, and the bones would not exist.

That scene was unforgettable forever. Every time I think of it, I have a lingering fear.

very scary.

Is this the true face of the ruins of death?

He didn't dare to ask more.

You can only follow closely the actions of Binghan as the chairman said.


Binghan chose to go offline. That is, the character is pinned on the vehicle, and the vehicle automatically carries him. This speed is relatively slow, but the ice cold has enough time to convert the remaining gold coins.

The swordsman and Qiangwei are responsible for detecting the situation in the other two areas. This time, Binghan did not shoot one by one, but dominated both areas at the same time.

The entire A128 area, I am the largest BOSS!

After leaving the game cabin, Binghan went to the second-hand market again, this is the second day.

Put on your mask and head to that antique shop.

The boss looked up: "Little brother, are you here again?"

Bing Han nodded: "Well. Trade gold coins."

"How much," the boss asked.

"500,000 gold coins." Bing Han threw a word lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the boss' legs were almost softened.


Invisible pretends are the deadliest ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is how 500,000 gold coins are. Even if it is 1 to 100, there are 50 million. This is too exaggerated!

And this is a black market.

That is to say hundreds of millions less.

Bing Han did not care about this aspect, according to his own understanding of previous lives. King of Glory this game can also achieve 200 million running accounts in a single day, 3 billion a month. And this game is a holographic world, the only holographic game in the entire parallel world, the running account is even more amazing.

It's not just the 500,000 gold coins that make the boss stun, but the speed of the cold. Yesterday was more than 10 million, today is 500,000 gold coins?

Is there a loophole in this game for swiping gold coins?

But impossible!

Many hackers have talked about this game, it's impossible.

It's difficult for many scientists to explain even how this holographic game works. It can only be said that VR plus stereo video and other high-tech synthesis.

"This ... this ..." The shop owner hesitated.

Binghan handed a cigarette to the shop owner, lit the cigarette in the mouth of his mask and asked, "What's wrong? Is this too much?"

The shop owner shook his head: "Nothing to hide. Little brother, I also need a certain amount of liquidity. Maybe I can't move such a large share."

Binghan looked at the boss's expression, and naturally understood his voice: "Okay. You help me find a buyer. You should earn what you want."

Upon hearing this, the shop owner lit his cigarette and smiled: "On the road. On the road."

Sure enough, my brother in society.

When talking to business people, the best thing is money.

"Okay. I'll take you to see the rats, but you better pay attention because the mouse is not easy ..." said the shop owner.

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