Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 206: Code Mouse

The shop owner took Bing Han through a few alleys, and it took him seven rounds to get to a room. This room is like a mahjong pavilion. There are many tables on the periphery, many are richly dressed, and many gems are on their hands.

Standing near the mahjong hall are some sturdy men with a black iron rod on their bodies and a walkie-talkie in their hands.

"Brother, what wind brought you here?" A strong man said to the shop owner.

The shop owner handed him a cigarette: "Find a mouse, I have a deal to introduce him."

The strong man lit a cigarette: "OK. I'll tell the boss."

A minute later, a skinny man, dressed in colorful clothes, looked like he had just returned from Hawaii. What is most noticeable is his teeth, which have two front teeth that are extremely large. It's a bit of a groundhog.

"Ama, I heard that you have a business looking for me?" The mouse glanced at the cold and looked at the shop owner again.

The shop owner said, "Talk inside."

The mouse thought it over and nodded.

All three entered a room in the Mahjong Pavilion and closed the door. The mouse took out a box of cigars: "Top cigars, try them."

While handing it to Binghan and the shop owner, the mouse asked, "What's the deal?"

"He can provide a steady stream of gold coins in Doomsday." The shop owner looked at the cigar for a moment.

The mouse looked at the ice cold, originally thought to be the grandma's bodyguard, put on a mask, and exposed his mouth and eyes. I didn't expect him to be the one to trade. But looking at this body is not a martial arts person.

From his knowledge, I definitely know that Binghan is a big customer. Otherwise, taking the grandma's person, it is impossible to push his customers outside. The only possibility is that the customer is too big for him to eat.

The owner of the shop was simple and straightforward: "Yesterday he asked me to trade more than 10 million, and I can still afford it. But today he has a full 500,000 gold coins. According to the black market, even the price is even hundreds of millions. This antique store also needs liquidity, which cannot be turned over. "

Hearing this, the eyes of the mouse brightened, more than 10 million on the first day, and hundreds of millions on the second day? With such a rhythm, I am afraid that the mask man has a chain of operations behind him and even a complete team.

Binghan is the higher-ranking person in this team, who is responsible for realistically contacting buyers.

"It's just a few hundred million. It's okay, petty. How to trade." Rat asked.

Bing Han calmly said: "Hang up the Internet, room number password 52500."

The mouse naturally understood what platform Binghan said was the hanging network, and nodded: "Okay. Trading ratio, at what price will Ama give you?"

"1100." The shop owner said quickly.

Hearing this, the mouse's eyes turned slightly: "You're pretty much worth the money, but you can't afford it. Okay, since I always pay this price, I won't lose you. Just trade at this price. What do you think?"

Bing Han nodded, "Yes."

In fact, Binghan didn't pay much attention to this, because these gold coins were obtained from other players. You don't need to think of ways to earn coins at all.

No matter what these players are doing, eventually these coins will enter the cold pockets.

If you dare to resist, kill it!

This game, the area you dominate, is your own decision!

Just to the surprise of Bing Han, there is such a huge benefit hidden behind this game. And the money at the dinner table is so majestic. But the more you do, the closer you are to your goals.

After seeing the two men talking, the shop owner said, "That ..."

The mouse is very clever and knows what the shop owner wants to say: "Ah, we haven't talked about it for a long time. Come to me later, let's go to heaven and earth."

After Bing Han left with the shop owner, the mouse with a small microphone in his eyes greeted the secretary not far away: "Help me to check the address of this mask man. It is definitely not easy to keep trading gold coins for such a short time."

The **** female secretary nodded her head: "Well, boss."

The mouse became more and more curious about the ice cold. In the room where no one was allowed to enter, a game cabin was placed in the Mahjong Pavilion. The logo on it was the doomsday crisis ...


Bing Han left the trading market and headed back to the basement to prepare for trading.

However, I always felt that someone was following me, and I looked back several times without seeing anyone. It can be seen that the other party's actions are very sophisticated. After thinking about it, either the shop owner or the mouse.

The biggest possibility is mice.

As for seeing the fortune of seeing the money, it's impossible to worry about Binghan. Everyone can decide whether a transaction that can maintain profits for a long time or a short-term transaction.

"This time should be enough to pay off the remaining payment of the house. Another 550 million yuan." Binghan smiled.

The game's speed of collecting money is really terrifying.

In fact, the real horrible means is that Binghan has completely drained the vast majority of 35 level players in the national uniform at once, so there is such a large number. It is not just that you can get such a large-scale ~ www.readwn.com ~ transaction with billions of dollars to pay a small tax, but this is something that cannot be avoided.

Anyway, there is no end to this little gap.

The main thing is that Binghan intends to start with real estate. In the previous life, Bing Han experienced the impact of real estate, a horrible period of price a day. House prices have almost doubled, and it is difficult for ordinary people to buy a house in first-tier and second-tier cities.

One is attributed to the local economy's high-speed anti-war, and the other is that a large number of people with sufficient funds are hyping and raising the entire house price. Although the transaction volume will be reduced, the profitable profits will be greatly improved.

Upon confirming that Binghan had entered the basement, the secretary frowned. "Why is this in this place?"

Then she went back to the newspaper.

However, one hour later, Binghan called the moving company and decided to move to the house he bought before.

When he left, the man selling the eggs outside smiled and said to Binghan, "Brother Han, are you planning to move?"

Bing Han nodded: "Well, I am going to change the environment."

I am not really cold, I know.

In this case, it is necessary to do something that this body could not do before.

The man gave away several eggs, and Binghan couldn't quit, so he accepted them.

Despite the warm egg in his hand, Binghan felt the injustice of this parallel world. The rich get richer and richer, and the poor can only continue to strive for improvement in the downstream. Good luck, skyrocketed.

Yuyue Dragon Gate has since subverted life.

But after all, such people are few, or many people are still struggling in the lower levels of life.

Even if Binghan wants to change, it is impossible to do so.

At least Binghan now has no ability to change all this ...

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