Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 214: Frozen action

Bing Han pressed the remote control and changed several stations, all playing this message. The news was so overwhelming that almost every station was playing it. This is absolutely a heavyweight news of this parallel world.

"It seems that I want to speed up the process." Binghan's eyes were slightly mimic.

All houses in this area have been purchased. But this is not enough, it is necessary to set copper walls and iron walls in this defense. These are their own sites.

So stay tuned.

Real estate is a good entry point.

Put on the mask, Binghan drove the sports car he ordered, stepped on the clutch, shifted the gear lightly, and slowly stepped on the accelerator. Instantly roared around. There seemed to be a rain around, and the cold black sports car splashed water drops directly on the ground.

This time the ice cold parked the car and went to the mouse with the antique shop owner.

A joy in the heart of the mouse, Bing Han made a fortune for himself, and the **** of wealth came again. However, according to the secretary, what basement he lives in. This made him very confused.

Like Binghan can provide such a large amount of gold coins, how can it be in a basement.

"How much is this transaction?"

"Ready for 1.1 billion," said coldly.

The rat stunned and took a breath: "This speed is almost comparable to a printing press."

"Well, then trade according to the last room number." Although the mouse was a little surprised, he quickly came back.

Bing Han nodded: "No problem. But ..."

"But what?" The mouse asked.

Frost looked around: "Go in and talk."

The owner of the antique shop stood there, consciously he didn't go in together.

"Say it," the Rat asked.

Binghan's eyes rolled slightly: "Can you get me some weapons?"

"What!" The mouse eyelids jumped!

"What are you going to do with your weapon?" The rat's heart was very surprised, forcibly suppressed.

Binghan's eyes were tiny and slowly said, "I need weapons to defend."

"How much?" He asked hesitantly.

"How much is how much." Binghan was also unambiguous.

At the same time, Binghan stretched out his fingers: "The money of those transactions, if you can provide me with weapons, I will give you enough profit. Of course, you must keep my identity secret."

Bing Han is very clear that in this parallel world, to own weapons, he must obtain a pass. Such a pass requires more than a billion. If you guess well, this parallel world is in a period of change, if you seize the opportunity.

It may be possible to break the rules and establish a new order, thereby truly controlling the entire parallel world.

As for the game's A128 area, it will provide itself with a lot of funds as a backup. Of course, the money provided by the A128 area is not enough at the later stage, so it is necessary to continue to expand the territory.

Sky City is a must go.

Unlike other games, the layout of Sky City is quite complicated. The major forces rallied. Although you can control the zombies in the dominated area, the zombies that can be transferred are those intelligent zombies.

Now, he can mobilize a total of 50 Shadow Zombies, four of which need to be in the four areas separately, complete the tasks they have arranged, and collect gold coins from players.

The ice league is still immature, and only swordsman and rose are slightly reliable.

Of course, this will take some time to verify.

Binghan needs some time to make an appointment with the two. But not now, because seeing yourself prematurely now, that will only reveal your identity in the game.

At least it's time to become a giant E.

After discussing the price with Binghan, the rat promised that it would never leak.

Binghan is going to visit the highest team in this parallel world. Of course, in his current identity, the other party will not meet himself yet. It will take some time, waiting for the cold game ID to really shock the entire Doomsday crisis game. At the same time, the actual funds and forces have reached a certain level, at which time they will be eligible to talk.

Strength is always the biggest capital of conversation.

After handling all this, Binghan left his trading car with his black sports car.

The mouse's secretary followed him again, but this time made her a little unexpected. Obviously, she walked on the cold last time, and put on a sports car this time. Want to follow, but Bing Han has lost his trace.

The secretary had no choice but to shake his head and returned to the mouse: "Boss, I didn't expect him to drive a sports car this time. It's gone."

The mouse lit a cigarette, contained it in the mouth, took a deep breath, and then spit it out again: "OK. You go down."

After the secretary left, the mouse shook his head: "This guy is not easy."

"I don't know, it's the person I guessed." The mouse's tiny eyes seemed to be thinking about something.


Bing Han returned to the villa and ordered some takeaway. Such as fries, chicken wings, coffee. These are things I used to eat and drink. Turn on the TV again at the same time.

Not much of what was broadcast on TV caught Binghan's attention.

Just as Bing Han was lying on the sofa, the phone on the tea machine rang ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a long installed phone in this villa. Except for the property developer, almost no outsider knew.

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

The phone keeps ringing.

Binghan still chose to answer the phone and picked up the handset.

"Hello, is this Mr. Binghan?" A female voice came from the phone.

Bing Han stunned for a second, and someone found himself?

"Who did you arrive?" Binghan asked cautiously.

The phone continued: "Our boss wants to meet you."

Binghan asked, "Your boss?"

"Qi Sara." An ID burst from the phone.

Of course, the other party did not use a tough tone, but a questioning tone.

Obviously, the initiative to see is on Bing Han.

The other party knows Bing Han's identity and phone number, so it is definitely not easy to represent the other party. You can even easily find out where Bing Han is. But despite this, the other party did not have any arrogance.

It is enough to see the importance attached to the ice cold.

For Qisala Binghan is only a half-knowledge, a rumored computing expert. This is the chairperson of the theatrical guild. Although they have not been able to meet thoroughly, they have made contact.

Several times sent people to help themselves.

For such people, Binghan is also very curious.

"Are you listening?" A female voice came from the phone.

Bing Han said, "Yes. Tell your boss, make an appointment."

"The 256th mine in Nanhua District," the woman on the phone answered.

Binghan's eyes mimic: "It's not a simple guy. I can calculate it even when I'm going. But there are some things that are not calculated, such as the human heart!"

Ready to flip over, Binghan wore a mask and headed for the agreed place!

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