Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 215: He is my brother

The 256th mine in Nanhua District.

Bing Han drove to the agreed place. At this time, Bing Han was wearing a black suit and a white mask. A purple convertible has long been waiting for the cold.

This is the first time that Binghan has seen the game world.

"Come here." The man in white was on the car without raising his head, and said something gently.

Binghan wondered: "Are you Qisala?"

The man in white nodded.

"Then what did you ask me for?" Binghan got out of the car and walked towards him.

The man in white raised his head and found that Binghan was wearing a mask. He pushed his glasses and smiled slightly: "It is still so cautious."

"Let me introduce, I am the helm of Ou Shi Group, you can call me Chen Ruofan." Chen Ruofan laughed.

Bing Han shuddered, European-style group. This is a legendary group. In less than ten years, it has transformed an unknown brand into an international first-class brand. The entire European-style group covers multiple fields such as real estate, tourism, film and television.

Called the hegemony level in the group.

The man in front of him definitely did not exceed thirty. A casual outfit and a calm and calm look were even more awesome. Bing Han did not understand why such a man should meet with him alone.

"The probability of your doubt is 80%, and your doubt of my purpose is 6%." Chen Ruofan pushed his glasses and smiled lightly.

Bing Han is also at ease. Sure enough, like the outside rumors, he likes to use data to speak.

"Say, your purpose." Bing Han said with his hands behind him. Regarding Qisala's true identity, Binghan was slightly surprised, but Qisala always revealed friendly information, so there was no need to be too hostile.

It's just that, as he said, he is not clear about his purpose.

Chen Ruofan said: "There is a kind of person, I am not sure. For example ... you."

"I'm looking for you, naturally. You should watch this video first." Chen Ruofan turned his notebook towards Binghan.

A video is playing on this notebook.

In the vast desert, one rides on a camel, and another seems to be shooting.

Soon the two came to the desert oasis. Strange and glamorous flowers were seen near the small desert lake. These flowers looked red as blood stained.


With a loud noise, these weird flowers lit instantly, as if burned by a fire.

And the man riding the camel was dragged directly by one of the flowers to the master, and pulled into the flame. The man wanted to rescue him, but as soon as he didn't touch him, the man began to wither.

Scared the man back and forth, pale.

As I stepped backwards, I didn't notice that the lake was behind, and fell directly into the water.

Just as he was preparing to come out, a figure appeared in the flame, and there was a fire in his hand. When the man in the lake just saw it, he was so scared that he dived again.

The figure in the flame looked at the lake doubtfully and licked his lips. Then a big hand tore, a larger flame appeared, and the figure disappeared directly.

The man was terrified at the bottom of the lake, so he took the pipe from his body, exhaled, and just kept lurking.

"This man recovered his life in the desert, and this video was preserved." Chen Ruofan said.

Bing Han said, "Is this video processed?"

Chen Ruofan shook his head and took a deep breath: "He is ... my brother."

Sure enough, as Binghan had guessed, this world reveals extraordinary places. The original world is about to change, the original order is about to be broken, and a new order is likely to be built.

Chen Ruofan shoved his glasses, with a bright light in his eyes: "Weird things have become more frequent lately. Not only Egypt, but even Pinghu has begun to appear this phenomenon. However, there are no public information in some places for now. Things, helplessly began to play. "

Although Binghan knew that the world would change, he still couldn't understand what Chen Ruofan was looking for: "What does this have to do with you finding us?"

Chen Ruofan pointed his finger slightly, and a bright sword emerged from his fingertips.

As if appearing out of thin air.

"This?" Binghan froze.

Chen Ruofan put away this weapon: "This is what I found on the periphery of the ruins of death. And this power can affect reality, and I began to suspect that this doomsday biochemical crisis is related to these strange phenomena."

"Of course, I don't have enough information. I can't judge." Chen Ruofan pushed his glasses.

Binghan asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"I can provide you with backup or even financial support. However, I hope you find out the inner traitors among the eight major guilds. It would be better if the eight major guilds can be integrated." Chen Ruofan put away his notebook and put his hands on the steering wheel.

He has absolute confidence in Binghan, and such people's future achievements are absolutely terrible.

But maybe Binghan didn't find the power he had.

Binghan smiled: "If I enter the city of the sky, I am afraid that the Eighth Guild will shoot me directly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ruofan also smiled:" I believe you will have a way. "

"Looking forward to seeing you next time." Chen Ruofan nodded his head, stepped on the accelerator, and left with a convertible.

Binghan stood in place and looked away at Chen Ruofan, thoughtfully. This Qi Sara, Chen Ruofan, is showing her favor. You even want to win over yourself.

Maybe he has his purpose, but Binghan is not afraid.

"Maybe this game is more complicated and mysterious than I thought." Binghan took his sports car and returned to the villa.


Binghan logs into MSE, which is a chat software for this world. Can achieve online chat and message. One of the notes in MSE is rat.

Because Bing Han said that he would buy some weapons.

As for weapon authority, he has already begun to apply on the State Internet, and paid a certain fee, about 1 billion. Only allowed to have their own weapons and forces.

This fully shows that this world, rich ... can indeed ... do whatever you want.

Bing Han knocked down the keyboard: How about the weapon I want?

嘀 ~ 嘀 ~ 嘀 ~

The mouse quickly replied: there is currently a V3 rocket car, and a laser cannon. There is also a Guangling tank, but it is a bit expensive. It takes 200 million.

Binghan flipped slightly, this Guangling can attack from a long range, and its power is huge, which is completely different from ordinary tank performance. In addition, there are natural enemy tanks, but this tank channel is a bit cumbersome, and it will not be available for a while.

The mouse also introduced some weapons to Binghan, which added up to about one billion.

"It's really burning money." Bing Han shook his head, but the thing itself was very important. So you have to buy it. Bing Han wants to build an underground arsenal. Come and defend the world that is about to change!

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