Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 222: Cool to heaven

After half an hour.

A few shadows appeared in the desert, and the drawings had been traded. And the medicine failed to buy. Fortunately, the speed cat went and **** and bought some medicine.

"Damn. They have such a big right? The entire map is occupied, whoever wants to leave the area is allowed?" Although the swordsman already wanted to come down by himself, he was escorted, and still felt uncomfortable.

Bing Han shook his head: "They may have such a right ... but one day, we can too."

Speaking of which, swordsman eyes brightened.

As for the rose, it is to stimulate. The more you fight against more people, the better it is!



The sword man froze and saw a giant zombie appear in the distance. Visual inspection from a distance of at least ten meters high, a full three-story height. It has long been heard that there will be zombies in the bright ruins, let alone ten meters, and even 100 meters zombies also exist.

There is another type of zombies, players can only escape, that is thousands of zombies!

The strength of this giant zombie is judged by its height, the higher the stronger.

There is a kind of zombie that has been intruded.

The Sky City is a high-altitude country established by players to protect themselves. Only kilometers of zombies can launch attacks to destroy the walls. For such zombies, even full-level players must be very careful.

Binghan's eyes rolled slightly, and a big hand waved: "Shadow Zombie!"

A light appeared, splitting from the ground and crawling out of forty-six zombies.

"We need to find a way to pretend to be a zombie." Binghan quietly told them.

These zombies are intelligent, which means that they are likely to distinguish themselves. Of course, this is just a guess. Is it true? No one knows.

And once hit by the zombies, the state of blood swells, and the player's health decreases continuously.

If you don't take medicine, or if you release this state, you may die directly.

Binghan and others lurked down, lying in the desert. Fortunately, this is daytime. If it is nighttime, I am afraid that the icy glowing divine costume will be found by zombies.

Then it becomes, and success is pretended, and defeat is pretended.

The summoned zombies, as the vanguard, rushed towards the ten-meter-high zombies.

"Huh?" Ten meters of zombies wondered as they suddenly appeared a group of shadow zombies.

"What are you doing here?" The action of the ten-meter zombies seems to be a bit slow. If you take the initiative to see them, you can find a huge wound behind the zombies. There are even player bullets embedded in the body.

What the zombie sees passes into the cold vision.

Binghan's eyes showed a hint of joy: "This is a zombie."

I don't know if I can summon the same zombie after killing him. If so, the slaughter operation is much more interesting.

Binghan and Jianxia Rose are both at level 50, and can be transferred as long as they reach level 60.

The ten-meter zombies were a little puzzled: "Are you the zombies who have not turned on wisdom? Am I remembering it wrong?"

The zombies took another heavy, slow pace and began to search for prey in the desert of light relics. Zombies can quickly restore health by killing players, or they can wait.

But the time to wait for recovery is relatively long, at this time it is good to be able to find some prey.

"Follow up." Binghan ordered.

These shadow zombies all followed behind ten meters of zombies.

"Those **** players, I really think they're a great team. As long as I go back, I will take them to the strangle." The giant zombie shook his head and began to speed up his pace.

Just a few moments later, the zombie wound was a bit torn, and although there was no pain, it was possible to detect a slower recovery.

Sighing, the speed slowed down again.

"Hands on!" After following a distance, Binghan directed the Shadow Zombie to launch an attack.

At the same time, a touch of ice appeared at the foot of the ice cold, and the speed accelerated instantly.

"Han, wait for me!"

The sword man picked up the long sword and chased it up.

Rose accelerates and takes a sniper rifle to aim.


The moment the giant zombie was attacked by the shadow zombie, he stunned, and then roared angrily.

He didn't understand, it was the same zombie, why these shadow zombies attacked him.

Although he didn't understand it, it was already a fact on the chopping board. He suddenly held up his huge palm and took a picture. A shadow zombie did not escape in time, and was directly lined up into flesh.

"..." Jian Xia's pupils shrank.

This is **** amazing!

The Shadow Zombie couldn't stop the blow.

But yes.

These shadow zombies are only level 35.

The zombies of this bright relic are all level 50 and above, not in the same concept. Although I think so, I am still a little surprised. Don't underestimate Shadow Zombies, but Shadows are fast.

[Ultimate Shadow Apparition]!

next moment.

The body of the giant zombie was red.




For the computer formula of this game, all players actually know only a few. It has a relationship with attack power, defense power, and skill level.

According to the game's official notice, the damage to different parts of the attack is also different.

Of course this difference is not so great.

[Blood Blood] Soul of the sword picked up the long sword and chopped it directly at the zombies' feet.

Rose aimed far, and aimed at the zombie's brows and pulled the trigger directly.

Zombies don't have a beating heart. They usually choose to attack their eyes or brows. The damage to the eyebrow is higher. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

"Roar! Actually, there is a player raid!" Zombie smashed to the ground.

However, a group of small zombies and the freezing cold attack quickly resolved the first zombies.


Gain experience 1781641 experience.


This experience is so special.

Swordsman is also dumbfounded for a second.

Instantly one level per person.

Binghan checks to see if this zombie can be summoned: "Summon!"


A huge hole was ripped in the desert ground, and a giant zombie was summoned.

Bing Han's eyes were a joy, did not expect to really call.

It's just that this summon can only be one.

In other words, kill one and summon one by yourself!

This is also very cool.

I don't know if the area is dominated, if it is, it will be even better!

Because this giant zombie can only summon one, it has a short cooldown.

"Here, upgrade the level directly to level 60!"

Because of the team relationship, killing is also considered three people, while the experience will have an additional bonus. This also encourages players to fight in teams as much as possible, and will upgrade faster.

But this is dispensable for Binghan.

Because I always upgrade in seconds.

Constantly brushing here, the three are directly sixty.

Swordsman has never tried anything like this.

Too **** funny.

When others are still struggling to upgrade, brother told you that I have risen in seconds. When you upgrade in half a month and a month, I'm sorry, I finished it in a few hours.

This followed Binghan really did!

Just aim at this ability, what can't you do?

Castle in the Sky?

Sooner or later hang you!

This ability is just what you want! !!

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