Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 223: Five thousand gold coins are not bargained

Binghan is quite satisfied with this result, so that you can explore the news in this bright relic. In other words, the three have reached the level of transfer within a short period of time, but it is clear that the NPC of Sky City cannot enter itself.

Because at this time the city of the sky is in charge of the court of the eight guilds. Since it was expelled, there must be any measures.

【Ding! The player "Qi Sara" added you as a friend, do you agree? 】

A voice broke Bing Han's thoughts, Bing Han directly agreed.

Kisala: I can't think of you, the upgrade is quite fast. The Ruins of Light (314, 222) have transferred NPCs. However, there are more players in that area, so pay more attention.

After simply communicating with Qi Sara, Bing Han knew roughly one direction.

In addition to the city of sky, the bright ruins are regularly teamed up, and there are some strong players in the bright ruins who are not willing to obey or pay fees to be stationed in different places.

These players are very good, but also very risky.

Now that Binghan and Qisala have met in reality, so in this game world, Qisala naturally stands on the side of Binghan. Of course, he has his purpose. Have your own purpose.

Take what you need.

Maybe in the future, it will not be allies uncertain, at least for now.

"Go, go to coordinates 314, 222." Binghan summoned a ten-meter zombie, and at the same time followed behind fifty-six shadow zombies. Binghan and others sat on the zombies' shoulders.

The swordsman teased: "This is not to stand on the shoulders of giants and look at the world."

Rose gave an answer to the Terminator: "Hehe."

"..." Jian Xia's mouth twitched fiercely.

Frozen eyes micro-mic.

Somehow, this bright relic always gives me a special feeling. This feeling is somewhat similar to the strange video I watched before. He shook his head and didn't think about it.

Sure enough, under the rush of the giant zombies, Binghan saw a large-scale battle ahead.

At least thousands of players are resisting. If there is not an NPC resisting, I am afraid it will be difficult to persist. There are also some NPCs not far away. This is a traditional NPC, which does not have the ability to fight back and attack, which is equivalent to a building.

Among them, there are transfer NPCs that Binghan and others need.

A 20-meter-high zombie is constantly dripping corrosive venom, and the player resists while attacking other zombies. This NPC is beginning to have wisdom, but it is not strong.

Players have a nanny job and keep adding blood to NPCs. Only barely survived a wave. At this time, the difference in strength between the two sides is not large!

"Captain! Look!" A player pointed in the direction of Bing Han.

At this time Binghan and others were sitting on the zombies.

"Zombies are here to support the troops! Withdraw temporarily!" The captain-level player quickly ordered.

The Qianli Embankment was destroyed in the ant hole, and only a few dozen zombies would break the original balance. They evacuated before each zombies attack, and reappeared after calm.

After all, there are NPCs that can provide consumables.

Swordsman sat on the zombie's shoulders, shaking his legs, and pointing at the player: "Brother, how did they retreat?"

Binghan's eyes mimic: "They should treat us as reinforcements."


"Don't let the players run away! These are points!" The giant zombies roared, as he glanced at a ten-meter zombies and dozens of small zombies coming, still nodding.

But when I saw the human players on the shoulders of Bing Han, Jian Xia and Qiang Wei, my pupils were stagnation.

Other players also noticed this strange phenomenon.

There are actually players who can sit unharmed on the zombies.

"It's that ID!"

"Which ID?"

"It was the player who exploded three holes in the system not long ago, and they talked about the player who can control the zombies."

The voice fell. Everyone looked fiercely at Binghan, and couldn't help swallowing.


This is the legendary god!

"I'm saved!"

A player asks whether to continue the evacuation.

"Kill these zombies and evacuate your legs!"


The morale of the players rose instantly.

The purpose of Binghan is this 20-meter zombies.

A player waved a big wave at Binghan: "Brother, hurry up and control these zombies!"

Binghan ignored him, and could only be controlled by killing.

"I can help you, but you want to attack this giant zombie all, and the rest of the zombies will give up temporarily." Binghan went straight to the target.

If you do this, players may die in large numbers. It's just good to do so. If this giant zombie is solved, then he has the right to call.

The effect of concentrated player attacks is very significant. Although they are unwilling to be used by Binghan, they have to compromise. Because solving this wave of zombies may burst something.

The giant zombie exploded directly, and the surrounding ground was blood red. All nearby players will be extremely slow, these players lurking subsequent attacks. The priest kept adding blood in the rear.





Blood is being deducted on one side and blood is added on the other.

Shadow zombies also rushed up.

The killing of these zombies is like a war of the same kind.

The sword man followed the team to make up for the knife, and Rose rose to shoot in the distance.

Ten meters of zombies delayed the attack of twenty meters of zombies, though up to his waist. But this is enough.

In the end, with the concerted efforts of the players, they did kill.

Without the energy of the arduous battle that everyone imagined, it would be to sacrifice some players to stabilize the victory ~ www.readwn.com ~ have to admire the cold method. Bing Han's commanding ability during this period has made many players feel terrible and dodge the key points many times.

What a keen insight it takes.

"Sure enough." Binghan found that he could summon a 20-meter zombie.

Eyes turn slightly: "The action begins!"

next moment.

Amongst everyone's fault, two giant zombies were summoned by Frozen.

"Have you ever wanted a powder pack. 5000 gold coins, no counter-offer."

As soon as Binghan's voice fell, everyone was dumbfounded.


"Selling powder!"


"What's the market now?"

"I remember that the worst powder pack was also sold for 6,000 gold coins. If it is a normal price, this is equivalent to 600,000. If it is a black market, this is equivalent to more than six million, my God. This powder pack is completely For the tyrants. "

These players talked a lot. Many players who came to the Ruins of Light alone were not very rich, but their connections were very wide. The news came out instantly.

However, some players did not believe it and looked at Binghan: "You lie to you! How many powder packs do you have?"

"I? ... I have as much as you want." Binghan knew in his mind that he had already made up his mind.

Papa ~

Bing Han hit a ring finger, and instantly the 20-meter zombies exploded directly, dropping a powder pack.

[Rage Suit Mail]

Quality: pink

Level: 60

Occupation: Melee

Type: Unpacked

Durability: 100/100

Defense bonus: 7600 + full defense 1%

Speed: +1

When this equipment came out, all players were dumbfounded, and their eyes became fanatical ...

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