Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 224: Largest in history

This piece of equipment is not worth mentioning compared to the ice cold costume. Icy equipment is 100% of all attack attributes plus 100% of defense. This effect is equivalent to the higher the level, the stronger the attributes.

A simple example is that when the ice cold intelligence reaches 500, the attack attached to the staff is 1.1. At this time, the attribute power can theoretically reach (500 * 1.1 * (1 + 100%) * 10) regardless of the defense. That is the attack power in case of 10,000.

All of them are multiplied by 10 because that is the multiplier point of the basic attribute.

In addition, three holes are added at the end of the staff property, and the synthesis is far more than multiplied by 1.1. Therefore, the ice cold divine costume is absolutely terrible. Of course, the pretending to be a god, and the bad one in technology, can only be scored.

Anyone who has played League of Legends knows that the levels of Caili Liushen Costume and Great God Liushen Costume are not at the same level.

Nevertheless, this package is very popular for most players.

Bing Han gave this piece of equipment to players to use their reconnaissance skills. After seeing it almost, he let the swordsman put away. Because he only has the right to burst, he has no right to use it.

But this is enough, after all, he can be regarded as a **** costume, and he can rely on these equipment to achieve his purpose. enough.

"I said, I can give you as much as you want."

At this time a player suddenly patted his head. I used to listen to those players in the A128 area. At that time, as long as they joined the ice league to complete the things explained by the ice cold, everyone gave blue clothes.

It's just that the blue one is far from the current powder one.

Because the equipment is divided into ordinary (white), good (green), excellent (blue), perfect (yellow), best (purple), epic (pink), legend (orange).

This powder pack is extremely close to the orange pack.

Orange equipment can be said to be the only equipment in this game that can compete with God equipment.

But even the powder pack is something that many players can and cannot find.

Binghan can currently control all the actions and vision of zombies, and at the same time gain zombies experience and equipment explosion rate. At present, it can only be exploded to the maximum extent.

As for orange, Binghan doesn't know if the future is OK. At least not currently.

"Starting at 5,000 gold." Bing Han looked at these players with a bit of obsession.

These players are fat lambs to him.

The eyes of a Berserker were hot: "5000! I want it!"

Binghan smiled.

"I'm out of 5100!" Shouted another Berserker, looking provocatively at each other.

"You! Why grab me!" The mad warrior was a little angry, and the 5000 had almost wiped out his family, and his transfer job had not been completed. If it is completed, it must be the first person who hacked and dared to grab his own equipment.

Soon the news spread more and more.

Binghan took out the world chat stone from his backpack, which was a megaphone.

[World Channel, Frozen: Bright Relics 314, 222, sell a lot of powder equipment, everything. 】

The trumpet frosted only once.

But it caused monstrous action throughout the game.


Sky City Tribunal.

Players who are holding a secret meeting are also staring after seeing the news.

"I didn't expect him to make a big move again," a chairman said, taking a deep breath.

"Is it pink? It's time we strengthened our equipment and headed to the ruins of death."

"Death and ruins. No. We went there last time. Even the periphery did not go in smoothly, and it almost collapsed."

"It was an accident last time. This time, it should not be a problem if all of you put on powder.

"Any 5000 coins? Anyway, what we have is money, and the huge profit this game brings us is enough to pay off the money."

Players in the court of justice look at each other.

"Will Binghan sell us?"

"We just expelled him from the city of the sky."

"Try it."

The eyes of all players are also cohesive.


A128 area.

Players paying gold coins: "This entire A128 area requires gold coins to kill zombies. This is really a torture."

"Who said no. If it wasn't for the late craziness, I would have liked to smash this game cabin."

"Don't smash it. I'll get it cheap."


A moment when world news appeared.



"Ice Han is back in action!"

"I want to tell my cousin, let him buy one for me, and leave it for me later!"

"Do you have a pendant in your thigh? If it is missing ... I will ask again later."

"MMP, I want to buy it too! I have to buy one for sale!"

The rhetoric of these players can be seen as direct aggressiveness around them.

Sell ​​yourself?

Do you think this is Apple XX generation.


Sky City Study Zone.

One player chose to play without pretend.

As a result, I read the world news: "I don't want to cut it anymore. I still have something to do and talk slowly."

"I'm fine too!"

"Brother, can your vehicle carry people? I want to go too!"

"Go, buy them together."

Many ordinary players shook their heads: "I really envy these rich people, let's go. Let's go together for fun too. You can check it out if you have no money."

"But the ruins of light are dangerous."

"It's still a dangerous ball. I'm sure there are definitely a large number of players going straight to the coordinates. This is equivalent to the power of the joint, and the zombie should not take any action."


Triangular area of ​​light ruins.

A giant mutant thirty is using a player's skills to kill a large area ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he is weak and only by a group of players. However, when I thought I was going to die, a large number of players were madly running in the other direction.

"... the player has changed. Let me go." This zombie, according to his own guess, if he continues to fight with these players, he can only support for a long time.

After half a day, he will be killed by the player.

I didn't expect these players to leave.

Rare to see.

As for players.

Also kill a ball.

His mother, it's late.

Maybe all equipment is snapped up.


The coveted packaging.

There was excitement in everyone's hearts, and the more they thought, the more excited they became. Could not help but feel the body fluttering instantly.

Many areas throughout the game rushed towards the coordinates given by the ice cold. At the beginning, everyone didn't believe it, and shot a lot of packs. This holographic game is played like yours, but after getting confirmation from some friends, they have to look at this fact positively.

Bing Han can really do whatever he wants.

Do whatever you want.

Anyone who has played the game knows how valuable the fan pack is in the game. Especially suitable for players of awakening level. Many players even stay up all night to brush powder, and then turn around and make a fortune.

What's more, this is a holographic game, the limitation of gold coins and the low explosion rate base make many equipment difficult to get together. Only those people who do n’t know his mother may wear a divine costume or an orange costume.

But such people are in the minority after all.

Not many.

Even a person in a powder costume is called a fighting chicken in a local tyrant.

A large number of players have poured in, and perhaps this has become the largest gathering in the entire history of holographic games!

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