Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 225: An army of zombies strikes

"Bad, Brother Han." The sword man instantly went crazy when he saw the entire World Channel.

Lots of players ask if the world speakers are real, and basically the whole world channel is attracted by this move.

World Channel:

"I'll take it, is it true? So scary, there are players who can sell powder packs in various locations in large quantities! Please tell if it is true."

"It can't be fake, it can't be fake. Does anyone team up to go to the Ruins of Light."

"My last horn is, some friends, who have usury, I want to borrow !!!"

"Crazy, crazy, the whole world channel is crazy!"

Binghan held his hands behind him, and two neat rows of shadow zombies stood behind him. Swordsman and Rose stood one by one, as if the bodyguard was guarding the boss. Inexplicably funny and handsome.

More and more players are gathered here.

"Do you really want to sell powder?" Some players still can't believe it.

Binghan nodded: "Of course. Any equipment. As long as you can afford the money, I can afford it."

Two giant zombies also stood beside Frozen.


Soon, a large number of players poured into the ruins of light.

Slightly wealthy appeared riding various vehicles.

"They ... come!" A player shook his hands and pointed at the air.

I saw five men and two women standing in the air. They stood in the air like this, with a pile of glowing wings behind them. These seven were the presidents of the seven guilds. This was the first time that Binghan felt a dangerous breath.

This breath comes from a keen sense of the soul.

Although these seven players are all wearing masks, everyone knows that this is one of the pinnacles of the Sky City.

At the same time, players from all directions also began to pour in.

Fortunately, Binghan counted it all in, and everything went according to his own plan.

"Don't start selling yet!" Some players are getting impatient.

Frost looked around and nodded slightly: "Yes. Now! Except weapons, 5000 gold coins."

"Weapons, starting at 5,000, the one with the highest price! Only 100 weapons are sold!"

The voice fell.

The surrounding people were even more upset.

Niubi, my brother!

We can sell 100 pieces of weapon powder, and also play tricks.

Bing Han initially calculated that the cooling time of his own manufacturing equipment was not long, maybe it was because only one giant zombie could be summoned at a time.

"I want powder shoes, and I'm missing one now!" A player traded Frozen directly.

Bing Han gently struck a finger, and instantly the 20-meter zombie exploded in the player's wrong eyes. A pink shoe appeared on the ground.

Equipped with pickup time, usually, whoever shoots down an item can pick it up. The rest want to pick up and have to wait for a while. And if the equipment exploded by Frozen is intended to be exploded to anyone from the beginning, then this equipment is OK.

After receiving the gold coins, Bing Han asked the swordsman to pick up the equipment and trade the player.

This act instantly lit the audience!

Many people have already heard that Binghan can control zombies, and it is said that they were able to equip players at the time, so they were a little curious. When they saw the scene with their own eyes, they were incomparably surprised.

"It's so real!"

"Can anyone tell me if this is a plug-in!"

"Are your brains funny? Come on, if there is a hang, there will be hackers. If you look at this game, Forbes so many people are involved. There are no plug-ins at all. With their financial resources, top hackers are not please I'm sorry. "

"What do you say those Forbes people are participating in this game, do you really want to experience it in this game? Or for another purpose."

"I know ... I won't stand next to you."

"... Nima."

Players' eyes are becoming more and more fanatical.

The pupils of the seven players in the air also shrank a bit, and they were almost the same as they had guessed.

No, they haven't acted for a while, because there are a lot of people below them who instructed and took photos directly. Because they come to buy, Binghan may not buy them. At least on the bright side.

But there are also reasons for appearing on your own.

One is to provide gold coins to their members.

The other is to take a look at this person who makes all the presidents a little daunting.

From the current signs, this ice cold is not only ambitious, but also very simple.

Although they thought so, at the moment they appeared, Binghan felt a boil of his body's instinct, a boil from a real opponent.

Defeating these high-end players is even more interesting.

Like everyone else, the gap in strength is too big and not the least challenging.

And Binghan can also guess that they must have some people buy below, but Binghan doesn't matter. Because it's all about killing them. The wool came out of the sheep.

This powder pack is not very useful to yourself, but for most people, it is simply priceless.

Especially this high level player.

Of course, Frozen is somewhat helpless, after each explosion of equipment, a short period of time can be required to continue to summon zombies.

5000 gold coins are credited.

The people around were directly in a mess, and they clicked on the cold deal.

Binghan felt that his trading interface was about to burst, and eventually asked to queue up one by one ~ www.readwn.com ~ Binghan was sitting in a shadow zombie, sitting cross-legged, a little indifferent.

Rose stood by and watched, looking up at the seven players from time to time.

Is this one of the pinnacles?

Funny, I don't know when I can kill them.

When others were still afraid to offend the seven Gaowan, she was already thinking about when to kill them.

Her favorite thing is to do this kind of exciting and adventurous things.

But now beside Binghan, waiting for Binghan's further action.

Swordsman is a cheerful deal.

This transaction was a whole day. At first, the swordsman laughed. Later, he laughed and laughed. All players have a special look at Binghan.

There is envy, there is anger, there is greed.

Ice cold doesn't matter.

This game is troublesome for other players to upgrade. However, for Binghan, upgrading is a matter of seconds.

One summon, one explosion, almost upgraded.

As long as the transaction is similar, it is directly converted into cash.

Presumably the world is not far from change, and we must prepare early.

Although one or two pieces can be traded in one minute, such an hour is at most 120 pieces. Five thousand each. That is 60,000 gold coins. A whole day is more than one million gold coins.

Although this speed is already amazing, Binghan feels that it is far from enough.


A roar came.

Binghan's eyes were slightly icy, knowing that they should be here!

One of the strongest zombies in this relic.

Because the Light Ruins zombies are intelligent, many zombies have also begun to discover this after players gathered. All zombies began to gather.

An army of zombies is coming!

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