Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 226: Awakening task

The seven chairpersons standing in the air seemed to have been a little surprised that they would have thought so.

Slightly looked down at the ice cold.

Bing Han was still calm, indifferent, and even showed a weird smile to the direction of the Seventh President.

They are more and more afraid of icy cold, even though they are standing at the high end of the pyramid, they still feel this way.

These zombies are also heavyweight members of Taishan Beidou.

They even saw a hundred meters of zombies.

"Dying! One hundred meters of zombies! I'm so dumbfounded!" Many players were instantly aggressive.


What is the concept of 100-meter zombies? This is the strongest species before kilometers of zombies.

The 100-meter zomb was a giant butcher, holding a rusty butcher knife in his hand, covered with blood. My face looked at these players with a bit of obscurity. The butcher's left hand was halved and replaced with a robot.

At the same time on the butcher's belly, there is a third hand in the middle of the belly, which is extremely frightening.

Some even infiltrate.

There are more than one such zombies, but hundreds.

This feeling is like a group of ants at a party, suddenly feeling like hundreds of giant elephants.

Many players have clicked on the cold deal to find a quick deal. Trade once before you die. Of course, most players are full of energy, because this time there are outstanding players.

What's more, the presidents of the seven major guilds stood in the air.

They are also very experienced in fighting the 100-meter zombies.

On the contrary, Bing Han felt that this was an opportunity. Although he did not change his job, the blood-dead zombies can still try to kill first. Being able to kill one is one, so that each time you kill one, you can summon it.

As for the 100-meter zombies, at least before the awakening, Binghan didn't dare to harden it directly. Because after awakening, many abilities have domineering effect and breaking domineering effect, few do not have domineering. With some occupational exceptions. Such as the fighting division.

But those tens of meters of zombies are their own meals.

"I didn't expect to meet you again." A three-eyed butcher zombies looked at the president of the Seventh Guild.

A chairman sneered: "I almost killed you last time. I didn't expect you to die again this time!"

"Ha ha ha ha." The zombie laughed, a little scary.

A giant shadow Barbie, holding a long sword and wearing a white gauze costume, has dense lines on the entire leg, as if amputated by a strong suture.

The whole body arched slightly, pale faces, messy hair, a little fluttering.

"It's funny. I didn't expect you guys to gather here. This time I can wipe you all out."

Zombies die compared to the price at which players can resurrect.

The player's advantage is more obvious.

However, the attack power of the same zombie is much better than others, plus the mutant can have the skills of the imitator and double the damage.

It may even cause large-scale killings.

At the same time, these players have spread the news in the world, and a large number of zombies have gathered bright ruins, and all players support it. This is a good opportunity to upgrade, and the more players there are, the more hope there is.

The same is true for zombies. Although there is no dialogue channel, many zombies are gathering in their direction.

If you look at it from high altitude at this time, the camps of the two sides are like a continuous stream of rivers converging towards this gathering.

The scene is very grand.

In surprise, the swordsman glanced at Frozen, but did not notice that Frozen's figure was no longer in place.

"Where's Han Han?"

Because there are many NPCs in this area, including transfer NPCs.

"Young man, do you accept the task of awakening?"

Bing Han nodded to an NPC.

【Ding! Accept the Awakening Task: Ice Emperor Awakens "Ice God" or "Ice Saint"! 】

[Quest Difficulty: High! 】

[Target requirement: 1000000 gold coins (already achieved), kill one hundred meter zombies within 24 hours to obtain fragments * 1, and kill one hundred zombies over 10 meters. Black crystal (0/1) and white crystal (0/1) and colorful crystal (0/1) are required at the same time]

[The completion of the transfer within the target time and the completion of the ice god, over 50% over the completion, the transfer to become "Ice Saint"]

[Ice God, five stars of difficulty. 】

[Ice Saint, seven stars of difficulty]

Bing Han was slightly delayed when he saw this task. One of the presidents of the seven guilds is the undefeated president. Obviously, he should be transferred to the ice god.

As for Saint, it is unlikely.

It's 50% over and it has time limit.

Unless a large-scale war is waged. Don't look at the seven guilds united. But in essence it is a relationship of interest, and this ally does not have a solid degree of solidity. So Binghan only believed in himself from the beginning.

Of course, having teammates is far friendlier than no teammates.

But giving everything to his teammates, Binghan couldn't do it that day.

A task that is very troublesome for others, but there are 100 zombies at 10 meters, and you should be able to complete them without difficulty. Just keep blasting those two zombies. The biggest trouble should be the 100-meter zombies.

After Bing Han picked up the task, he returned to his place and stood by the sword man.

"Will wait for me to act," Binghan said.

Swordman and Rose nodded.

Qiangwei Dudu mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ smiled beautifully, and finally came the excitement. Now I like to climb the limit and challenge myself. The more dangerous things are, the more you have to do them.

Alone on the snow mountain, several kilometers above sea level, without any extra facilities.

Of course, except for the obstructive helicopter that has been following his buttocks, there is some trouble.

Monofilament has done the same across Wanya.

The more so, the more comfortable.

The sword man looked at Bing Han, didn't speak, his eyes looked at the seven people standing in the air, a little fiery.

Maybe one day, like them.


With a roar, it started directly. A small zombie, relying on his dexterity, rushed directly into the crowd.

The player launches an attack instantly.

At this moment the whole scene was in chaos.

Various skills are flying everywhere!

A 100-meter zombie attacked the undefeated president directly.

The undefeated president took a deep breath: "Frozen miles!"


There was a blast of ice from him, and all the zombies were frozen. But the giant zombies froze for a few seconds and recovered immediately.

At this time, the giant zombie looked at Binghan, and continued to glance undefeated, sneering: "You will have the skills, so will I!"

"Frozen miles!"

The face of the undefeated guild president changed: "Oops!"


Speaking of time and time, people around him froze into ice sculptures. Except for those who are almost the same level and poor, they immediately use the domineering skills, and most players freeze directly.

This is the horror of mutant zombies, which can imitate the skills of players.

Some of them had thin blood and wore cloth armor, which turned into a light and died.

"I'm going! This is the 100-meter zombies !!" Those players who haven't seen the 100-meter zombies take a breath.

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