Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 227: Progress is too fast

"Rewind!" Binghan also commanded to swordsman and others.

Several people evacuated quickly.

Soon there was a spectacular scene.

Many players at the lower and middle levels freeze directly into ice sculptures, while those with lower defenses die directly because of the double damage of zombies.

Almost looking around, all are ice sculpture players.

A dumb player evaded in time and was not frozen. He patted his chest: "Fortunately, it didn't freeze to me. But ... isn't this skill called frozen for thousands of miles? It seems that the range is very large, But not far away. "

At this time a player coughed twice: "Have you ever seen a wife giving a wife a cake?"

This is a cute player.

On the other hand, Binghan and Swordsman and others watched the battle ahead. After that blow, the other six guild players also exploded their fighting power. Not only are they well-equipped, they are equally well equipped.

Zombies have player skills and are constantly attacking.

They counterattacked as they dodged.




There are zombies that imitate the skills of a nurse and add blood to a hundred meters of zombies! Those presidents frowned slightly, which was hard to beat. There are still nurses.

"Attack adds blood!" One of the presidents made an immediate decision.

As soon as the words fell, some players in the crowd ran again.

And the icing player recovers in less than a minute, this effect is even more terrifying than the player. What is the concept of a minute, a minute is easy to die under such high damage.

"Follow me as you attack!" Shouted a Berserker.

"OK!" A group of players followed him and rushed up.

The swordsman originally wanted to go and mix up some experience. But was blocked by the cold.

"Don't wait, we'll **** the 100-meter zombies later." Binghan's eyes were mimic.

At this moment another man came from the distance, all in white. A group of people followed. They all have prominent badges on them.

"The Sanhedrin." Binghan was the first time he saw the Sanhedrin out of the nest.

More than 10,000 people!

This scale is simply impossible to see in other games, and it is more than 10,000 people online.

Kisala did not join the fight directly, but nodded to Binghan: "We are meeting again."

Bing Han looked at Kisala and didn't speak.

He walked to Binghan and whispered in his ear: "Tell you one thing, if it is not what I expected. After today, there is a 95.35 percent chance of a major change in reality. To wake up, early.

Binghan's eyes mimic: "What do you mean."

Kisala did not explain much, but joined the fight.

Kisala is the Battle Emperor, holding in his hand an orange-barked roaring epee. At this time, his attack power exploded directly. At the same time, the battle is also one of the few people with more than two weapons. One is a one-handed weapon, a roaring epee.

The other is a two-handed weapon, a knight's sword and a guard shield!

The difference between a two-handed weapon and a one-handed weapon is that the damage is different. One-handed weapons focus on crit and damage. The higher the output, the better. Two-handed weapons focus on defense and block.

You can counterattack to create extra output while defending.

Both have advantages and disadvantages, but most people will not choose two sets of equipment at the same time. One set of attack equipment and one set of defense equipment. And it's still orange.

The difficulty is very high.

The Berserk King also has a chance to wake up, that is, the sword master.

But so far, no players have successfully awakened for the second time, even if it is only one awakening, a large number of players have failed to complete.

Bing Di awakens Bing Shen or Bing Sheng, it depends on the player to play.

Naturally, Binghan's goal must be Bingsheng. The ability to control ice reaches the frost.

A steady stream of players hesitated into the battle, and the scene was once brought under control.

"It's time!" Binghan waved his hand immediately.

Swordman and Rose regained at the same time. Frozen summoned the twenty-meter zombies and stood on their shoulders. Quickly attack the 100-meter zombies!

Obviously, the seven guilds were stagnant, and other players of this giant zombie dared not attack directly. This ice cold even ran towards the neck when there was not much blood.

The head is one of the weakest places in the zombie.

Eyes, foreheads, and necks are among the high damage ranks.

"Aurora Phantom!" Frozen hum.

A strong snow and ice force directly attacked the zombie's neck.

"I won't grab it for you!" The undefeated face flashed a haze.

An ice laser sprayed out from the fingers of the undefeated president, and a pounding ice force poured out.

At this time, a sound and shadow appeared in the other direction. It was the swordsman: "I'll be a meat shield!"



The sword man died, turned into a grave and appeared in the light relics. When he chose to resurrect, Binghan had successfully killed!

"Look for death!" The undefeated president glared!

One hundred meters of zombies not only has a lot of experience, but also belongs to a type of BOSS. Death will drop drawings. As we all know, advanced drawings are likely to be unique equipment.

This is a very good thing for high play.

Sure enough, Frozen picked up a drawing when he dropped it.

Binghan didn't care about the undefeated chairman. He was not crazy, but he didn't know why the body instinctively despised the chairman. Maybe the other party is too weak? Or is your own subconscious too strong?

Anyway, I do n’t know about ice cold ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, the awakening task of ice cold is only those crystals. These crystals are not difficult to find. It can be purchased on the exchange.

In addition to player stalls, the game requires an exchange. But all the disadvantages of transactions are that the fees are huge and the maximum limit is limited.

Unlike a stall, no one cares if you sell nine billion yuan.

But it is for this reason that there are more scammers.

Such as 88888 gold coins and 888888 gold coins. Players pay little attention, they will find the number of digits is wrong, and thus lose ten times the price.

There are some basic NPCs in the place where Binghan is located. They are not intelligent, but they can open the interface for trading and talking.

Run towards the NPC of the exchange, click on the search function and search for crystal.

"Dare to ignore me!" The undefeated president looked very cold.

As one of the pinnacle of top players, why is it so contemptuous? As if he was a ant in his eyes.

Yes, this is the feeling of ants.

He clenched his fists, and his hands were full of green muscles. If he had already turned on the strong P, he rushed directly to the ice cold. Before the earliest time, he sent out to let Binghan understand what the strength of the peak player is. I did not expect Binghan to upgrade so quickly. In less than a week, it was almost climbing to the highest level of this game.

If this is the case, the world must be at the mercy of the cold.

Because he also has the ability to control zombies.

Except for the undefeated guilds, the others also had unnatural expressions, gathering everyone on the guild channel. This ice cold progressed too fast, as fast as a rocket.

Kisala opened her eyes slightly: "Sure enough, they will all come ... just slightly different from my expectations ..."

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