Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 228: Who is dissatisfied

It has been said a long time ago that this city of sky is composed of two major players, one part of which is the Eight Great Guilds, and the other part of which is composed of some very rich giant jaws or first-class players.

A co-built courthouse.

The total number of guilds in each of the eight guilds is less than 20,000. However, when the eight major guilds came together, when there were hundreds of thousands of players, it was a powerful force.

"Kill Binghan, this bright relic should not be where he is!" Said the president of the Undefeated Guild.

Because the ruins of light are the only entrance to the ruins of death, the place is very strange. A powerful zombie is guarding that place. Any player who wants to enter must be killed.

Once the eight major guilds tried to join them, the whole army was destroyed.

It is conceivable that this place is forbidden for players.

They are more and more confused about the purpose of the ice cold, the most difficult level to upgrade for this game is completely non-existent for the ice cold. They can even see Bing Han upgrade instantly. As long as Bing Han is willing, even players who team up with him can catch up.

Obviously, Rose and Swordsman are such an example.

Never tried a game to reach the awakening level within a few days, of course, if there is a talk about it, it is indeed possible. But this is a holographic game.

The only special thing is the ability to freeze.

A special player.

Just after the President of the Undefeated Guild killed Swordsman, he ran to Binghan again.

"Battle!" Binghan waved his hand gently.

A 100-meter zombie was summoned directly by him!

There were some doubtful undefeated presidents who suddenly understood some things. It turned out that the cold ability to summon zombies required separate kills for this type of intelligent zombies to summon!

"Ant. We're meeting again." The 100-meter zomb looked at the president of the Undefeated Guild.

"Stupid!" The undefeated president held the staff, pulled away, and constantly attacked with ice. At the same time a mount appears under the foot.

This is not a vehicle, but a mount of skill.

The staff is now converted into a spear.

His shape is quite like the glory of the king, Guan Yu, the frozen **** of war.

Ice horse, ice armor, and ice spear.

"Charging!" His state requires a lot of magic.

He can feel that Bing Han is doing something unusual. Just as he attacked, some shadow zombies ran towards him!


Many people shouted anxiously below.

The undefeated President looked hazy: "No, I can solve them!"

Bing smiled coldly, didn't even return, headed for NPC.

"Turn in the task," said Frigidly.

【Ding! Player Binghan has awakened Bingsheng! The SP is initialized, and the remaining SP is 130. 】

Bing Han directly filled the SP with skills.

At this moment, the ice cold eyes suddenly froze, and a pounding ice power appeared on his body.

The 100-meter zombies and other zombies died instantly and turned into experience.

For a short time, everyone looked at the level of Frozen in surprise.

Soaring from level 60 to reaching the full level!

At this time, he looked up at the undefeated president, and said with a bit of obscurity, "You just ..... want to kill me?"

The undefeated guild transformed into Ice Riding and felt bad. Want to step back.

It was found that a bunch of ice breath appeared directly under the ice cold, and the whole ice floated in the air.

They rely on equipment to fly, but Frozen can actually fly by skill.

"Sure enough, the 2 awakenings are powerful ..." Although he felt very dangerous, he still felt hope. Because normally, if the game's 2 awakenings are difficult, then the power of 1 awakening should be almost the same. The only gap is the skill effect.

If a person awakens twice, awakens once.

That game designer is too unreasonable.

However, this game is really not so reasonable.

So far no one in this game has been able to wake up a second time. The highest level set is level 70. These presidents are infinitely close. Some 68, some 69.

It will be a lot harder to upgrade from level 60, but for Binghan, it is not difficult for him to upgrade from the beginning. As long as he is willing, almost always upgrade in seconds.

Binghan's whole body also turned into an ice knight: "Ice, it's not like you play."

next moment.

Ten identical ice knights appeared around the president, and everyone looked like ice cold.

"Two awakenings are far stronger than I thought."

The spear in Binghan's hand suddenly waved away, as if the bright ice source shot out directly.

The undefeated guild president felt around the moment he was attacked, and quickly dodged upward.

Left and right blocked, can't I dodge towards the sky?

But next second.

A net of ice appeared over the sky.

"Skills seamlessly !?"

Ten rushed through.

Instantly turned into a grave.

"Fuck! The chairman was killed in seconds! You tell me, is this a dream?"


"What does 9 mean?"

"Nima. Don't know? 9 is 6!"

"It still has this meaning."

"I won't accept it, I will serve you!"

After the ice cold killing, they also launched attacks on other zombies. Sure enough, the power after 2 awakenings has been strong to a level of terror. But the more this happened, the more confused Binghan was.

What exactly is the reason this game exists.

I feel that this game is not easy.

"Battle!" Bing Han waved his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ and dozens of hundreds of zombies were summoned directly.

The remaining zombies fled.

They have never seen this scene.

However, Binghan will not give any zombies a chance, killing one can summon one more. This is a benefit.

"From today, this game. I Bing Han has the final say!" Bing Han kept the ice knight status and looked at the players around.

The President of the Undefeated Guild chose to resurrect: "Hello breath. Don't think you are the first person to be awakened and sanctified, but it is impossible for you to fight us."

All this has changed very quickly, and even unexpectedly.

However, they will not let Binghan take full control of the game.

Bing cold smile: "This is not your decision."

Swordsman and Rose stood beside Binghan: "Go to wake up. If there are 2 wakes, tell me the task and I will let you overtake other players."

Binghan knew from the beginning the purpose of controlling the game. In just a few days, I have done it. And what did Qisala say?

Therefore, the ice cold must be fast, and everything must be controlled before the overall control.

Sure enough, a group of people appeared in the air, and they also had wings behind them.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Binghan's hands were behind him: "Whoever disagrees can come out!"

All players saw the horror of 2 awakenings, and even more surprised is that the ice cold has been level 70 in an instant. After controlling the zombies, Binghan can almost be described as the invincible existence of the entire game!

Usually a game reaches the full level, which represents the highest level, it represents domination, and it also represents ... the end.

However, this is just the beginning for Binghan.

"Just tremble. Player!" Bing smiled coldly.

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