"It's terrible!" Many players involuntarily stood back.

"Wait! We still have a chance. This site is not Binghan's final decision!" A president's face was hazy.

Obviously everyone sees the strength of Binghan.

Singles, it is really difficult to completely suppress the ice cold.

But the words of the group, Bing Han can summon zombies, which is really very tricky.

A figure flew fast.

"The chief justice is here!" A red-haired man hurried up from the air.

The same man used skill flying, that is to say, this man also awakened twice. I thought that the whole game would be awakened twice by one person, but it was a little unexpected. I didn't expect one more person.

Of course, Binghan is quite confident in the strength of his body.

"Sure enough, there was still a problem during my absence." The chief judge's eyes slightly moved. When I went to explore the ruins of death, people heard the guild channel talking.

Then I noticed that something big happened in the guild. Even the presiding judge swept away the world news and did not take it seriously.

It turned out that he was one step too late, and slightly surprised him. This game can still be awakened twice. If you know, there are actually some strange players in this game's death ruins.

He guessed that these players were awakened twice, but they had secrets to hide.

As for what it is, he also does not know.

Although he guessed this way, he knew very well that the ice cold in front of him, like himself, belonged to the pinnacle. The most amazing thing is that when the guild channel talked about the cold, it only took a few days to rise to this point.

This is intriguing.

"Presiding judge." Many guild presidents breathed a sigh of relief.

The Attorney stared tightly at Binghan, but did not speak, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Qi Sara stood in the distance with a special smile on her mouth, which was slightly deeper.

"Let me try your depth." The chief judge laughed.

Frozen eyes were slightly cold and unmoved.

His body has been covered with a thick layer of ice armor, like an ice knight in the desert, and looks particularly dazzling.

Everyone knows that this is the most remarkable battle in this game.

[Awakening · Ice Spike]

I saw a thick layer of frost erupted directly on the ground starting from the ice cold, like a huge spur rushing towards him.

The presiding judge stepped back and also fired his skills.

[Awakening, Spark Ebara]

The presiding judge directly shoots the source of fire from his hand. This source of fire is rapidly expanded like a sapling, and a huge fire is formed instantly.

The people around it were tickling.

"Nima. This is 2 awakenings. I think this game is unfair. Why is 2 awakenings to 2 people."

"No, it must be more than that, maybe we don't know."

"I started to think this game was a bit weird. It seemed far more complicated than we thought."

"Yes, I feel the same way. It's really weird. And there have been weird news on TV and news recently."

"I also saw the news yesterday, they said that in reality someone is already standing in the air. But I think that must be a mirage. How can reality be the same as in the game?

"Yes, I heard that a plant on a mountain is flaming, and many botanists have gone to survey."

There was a lot of discussion around the players.

At the time of the player's discussion, Binghan had battled with the Chief Justice hundreds of times, and Binghan seemed to be very skillful. But he knew that no one could suppress the growth of Frozen.

No one noticed that when the two were fighting, the judge's eyes, Mimi, said something beside Binghan's ears.

After listening, Bing Han thoughtfully.

"Stop!" The chief judge said on his own initiative.

Bing Han looked up at him slightly, and did not speak.

Just now, the presiding judge said that the two played a scene together and could expose some of the actions of this game and asked Binghan if he was interested.

"What the **** do you want to do," said the chief justice, disguised.

Binghan also sneered at Fang: "Dominate this game. Your profits are already very substantial. This time it is my turn to dominate this game."

The chief judge sneered: "You have a big appetite! I'm afraid you can't eat it."

"I can't afford to eat. It's my business. As long as you surrender those territories, I may consider giving you some. Let you maintain it." Binghan's eyes were fixed on the other side.

Frozen has been aware of it from the earliest, this game must be fast, the faster the better.

The reason for this is to prevent that day.

If you guessed it right, when this day comes, the old order will be broken and new rules will be established.

After wearing the soul, there is not much that is very special except for the body's particularly powerful fighting skills. Whoever occupies the advantage of reality first can become the strongest person in reality.

But all of this must be supported, so Binghan has to take it all.

"Five-five, already the biggest concession!" Lengheng, the judge.

Bing Han waved his hand, the ground cracked, and many zombies climbed out: "You may not have realized that you are in a situation."

"Evacuate all players!" The chief judge cried.

The voice fell.

The faces of the players around changed slightly, and they quickly flew in the other direction.

That's the city of the sky!

Rose felt more and more irritating, and just wanted to win and chase, Frozen blocked: "Let them run for a while, we have one more thing."

"What do you mean?"

Binghan's eyes stared in the other direction: "Maybe this game will soon serve its real purpose ~ www.readwn.com ~ You know, Binghan can get the vision of the zombies after dominating it. In other words, Binghan already knows what these zombies have experienced and seen before.

"There is a kilometer of zombies at coordinates 759,447. We take a kilometer of zombies to slaughter the city!"

When Binghan and others went to slay the kilometer of zombies, the remaining players, including the chief judge, had fierce conflicts.

"I didn't expect the Chief Justice to be afraid. I thought it was the same two awakenings, and you can fight each other."

The judge said humbly: "I will report to the consortium. His excess share is far from being able to make a decision, we must pass the board of directors. And his appetite is too big, I think they will not."

"What happened to those super soldiers?"

"There should be a chance to make it. But the ruins we need are not enough."

"First hold the city of the sky for the time being. As long as the plan goes well, I think you will have a day to change your destiny." The judge uncovered a layer of fake skin from his face.

A handsome young man appeared in the sight of everyone.

He is one of the designers of this game, known as Luo Shen.

When he was involved in the design of the game, he knew that the game was very intriguing. Far from a mere holographic game. But this game has brought huge traffic and attracted countless money.

Become a steady stream of funds.

So he began to seek cooperation, trying to **** the capital chain.

But he was a bit surprised, and the **** of the capital chain was very smooth.

No doubt he became the presiding judge. Don't look young, but he was once regarded as one of the top hackers by Emperor Guo.

"Lokson." The others nodded.

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