Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 231: Weird video

Two days later, Bing Han walked out of his hotel and drove his sports car towards the normal university in Modu.

At this time, the city is still prosperous, red and green lights, roaring cars. And the bustling scenery on the street looks prosperous.

The pace of the city is a bit fast, and many people have to do more with limited time to fight for the value and money of survival.

"Here it is." After Bing Han docked the sports car, he opened the door and slowly got out of the car.

At this time, another man glanced outside the school gate and snorted, "Another tyrant driving a sports car."

"Yeah. Most of the players that can be awakened by this game have a certain amount of money. Technical parties like us, it is estimated that they do not occupy a large proportion. But I am curious, what do these people want to do, Is it to share the experience of awakening. "

"In the beginning, in order to complete the transfer task, it took a long time for us to kill the 100-meter zombies."

"I heard that Binghan also killed a hundred meters of zombies and awakened. But his courage was a little bit dare to shoot the blood of the Guild."

"Well ... I think it's normal."

Bing Han silently stepped into the campus and walked towards the playground.

This normal university in Modu is a key university among the entire Modu universities. Today, there are black men with weapons standing on campus. These men in black don't need to guess, Binghan can know who their horses are.

That is the power of this parallel world kingdom.

At this time, other normal college students are required not to leave the teaching building. But the surrounding teaching buildings are almost full. Their eyes focused on the playground.

A temporary stage was set up on the playground, and a gray-haired old man walked slowly. On the contrary, he did not have the feeling of twilight years, but a feeling of lightness and vitality.

His pace is slow and fast.

Behind him were several burly, armed men, who followed him seriously, looking very respectful.

Binghan noticed that the old man had a special status.

The old man picked up the microphone, blew it twice, tried the sound, and looked kindly at the people around him: "Hello, first time you meet, maybe you don't know me. But it doesn't matter, from today on, you will remember me."

"I'm the only SSS-level chief instructor in the Magic City at the moment. You can call me Yan Lao. This title doesn't matter." The old man seemed to speak with a sense of freedom.

The old man took a microphone to look around, and then looked at the students who were watching the teaching building: "The purpose of gathering you today is not really anything else, I just hope that you can reach out your hand when the magic is happening."

"I will arrange the classroom later, and everyone will arrange learning in the future."

A slightly impulsive man asked: "What to learn? People as big as me are still in school with a group of dolls, which is hard to say."

The old man didn't get angry, but smiled: "Wait for me to finish."

The man touched his head awkwardly: "You say."

"Actually, I want you to learn. It's not for you to learn Chinese and math, but for control."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man stood up in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath.

If you have ever appeared in the game world, you may not be too surprised. But this is reality.

Everyone looked at this thing incredibly.

"I think some of you keen ones have noticed that the earth is awake and unknown forces are rising. Some mysterious things we do n’t know are about to appear in the eyes of everyone. I think maybe it wo n’t be long before they will Known by many. And you have a great chance to be one of the controllers of this power. "

The man still couldn't help asking, "But what does this have to do with the awakening of the doomsday biohazard?"

The old man smiled: "If I say that more than 90% of the awakened players in the game may start to have their own special abilities, will this game surprise you a little?"

"Of course, for some purpose, we cannot directly act on the official of the doomsday crisis. But your power is real."

Subsequently, many people in the crowd tried to use various strengths.

Some are tempted by Manimani, and others are broken. But these are just some of the odd ones.

Binghan's eyes were tiny, and he stared at the old man: "Sure enough ..."

And the students in the building screamed when they saw the old man floating!

This is a special era.

They hope that the people in Modu will become the backbone of the world to maintain the establishment of a new system.

Obviously, such power has not yet emerged on a large scale.

The library of the university building is closed.

No students are allowed at the same time.

For players like Binghan, everyone wears a qualification item similar to the label, and swipes the card to enter. And many men in black stood at the entrance.

Everyone chooses to sit down at the library location.

At the same time, a huge projector is in the middle of the library.

Yan Lao stood there, changed his kind face, and said solemnly, "The next thing is to keep it secret. Whoever leaks-reveals, that is military-legal disposal."

Yan Lao picked up the remote control and clicked play.

Several men in black appear in the video.

Men in black appeared in a certain mountain, just as these people were preparing to move on ~ www.readwn.com ~ The video was freezed, and Yan Lao said, "Do you know where this is?"

"Kun-shan!" Said a woman.

Yan Lao nodded: "The next things can only be known to you. If anyone wants to leak, then find the bitter fruit. Here I caution some people here, your purpose, we have long grasped. If you try Take away the news we have. "

"I don't mind and try to resolve you all. It may violate that agreement, but if you dare to do so, we will not be weak at all."

There was no snoring in the crowd.

But everyone knew that it was far more complicated than they thought.

Yan Lao asked: "In the game later, the ID called Bing Han alone came to me ... I have no malicious intentions. We also have your information. It is ..." Korean. "

Everyone understood Han as cold.

But Binghan has a feeling that Yan is always looking at himself.

The owner of this body is Han Feihan.

Video continues to play:

Suddenly, weird roses, like rain, kept falling from the sky.

The man in the video shouted, "Rewind!"

Then these roses seemed to be mixed with some kind of power. When they touched one of them, the person was immediately surrounded by the fire, and the fire went up in a short time, directly burning the whole person.

The painful roar remained.

These roses are like a hand, piercing into these men's bodies.

Then there was a sea of ​​fire in the video. There was gradually a figure in the sea of ​​fire. It was a skinny woman with pale face and dazzling hair. Her body was dry and she looked like a lifeless.

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