"Let's take a closer look at this video." Yan Lao pressed the remote control and the picture was freezed here.

As Yan Lao fixed the frame, he put his finger behind the charming woman and could see a hand. It was a vague voice.

"Stare." Yan Lao pressed play again.

At this time the camera seemed to be on fire. But at this moment, everyone noticed that there was a zombie behind the woman, a zombie exactly like the doomsday crisis.

That's Shadow Barbie!

At this moment, everyone froze.

What is going on in this weird scene?

Isn't that the only zombie in the game world?

A series of doubts appeared in everyone's mind.

The old people looked around and said, "I know that everyone just got along and needs to build some trust. So there are things I can tell you. There are things that I will tell you when you reach a certain height."

During this week, you will do some basic training. You will have a special task for you in seven days. Those who are willing to stay can continue, and those who are unwilling can leave. "

Many people looked at each other, leaving to represent freedom. But choice here does not mean that it is not free.

In other words, if you seize the opportunity here, you will likely become the same person as the old man in front of you.

Bing Han knew his purpose very well. If he became the same person as this old man, he would probably be very close to his goal. Sometimes reaching a certain level is not antisocial.

In fact, the opposite is true. Smart people choose to work with the strongest forces in the world.

Win-win together.

In the game world, he can even compete with all players to maximize his benefits. But in reality, doing so is very irrational. At least this is not like fantasy, holding the stars to pick the sun and the moon.

This is a real world with its own rules of survival.

Although it is still unbelievable now, things in the virtual world have an impact on reality .... But now it is an ironclad fact.

Bing Han saw a familiar voice and shadow in the corner, which was Qisala.

He is also at the helm of the Euclidean Group, and many people call him Fan Fan.

At this point he was sitting in the corner, silent.

"Swordsman and Rose should also be here. It's just that they don't know what they are." Binghan shook his head.

Later, Lao Yan talked about some things, all about leaks, and some basic common sense about power.

After finishing the first stage, many people started to return to the arranged address.

As for those who do not want to, they can choose to leave.

However, few people were seen leaving. Maybe everyone is out of an instinct for survival.

They do not have as many people in black, and the power of people in black is absolutely attractive to many people.

This is a good situation ... at least for now.


Bing Han did not go directly to Yan Lao, but waited for Yan Lao to leave before entering, which was also to prevent unnecessary trouble.

Under the confirmation of the man in black, Binghan was put in.

At least they recognize the strength of Yan Lao throughout the country. There are no more than six people at the SSS level.

It can be said that he is one of the most authoritative people in China.

The door was not closed, Yan Lao looked down at the files on the desktop, frowning.

In Yishun Jin, Binghan just stepped in, he didn't look up, but just said lightly, "Come here?"

Bing Han is also indifferent: "Here it is."

He stretched out his fingers and lightly pointed into the air. As if there was a strange power.

The gate closed suddenly.

This is the original director's office, which was given to him after Yan Lao and others appeared.

"Sit down."

The chair seemed to be moving and appeared behind the cold.

Bing Han sat down naturally.

"Aren't you curious about this power?" Yan Lao looked at Binghan with a deep meaning.

Bing Han calmly said, "You can do it even in the air, which is not surprising."

Mr. Yan laughed: "Ha ha ha. It really is a good seed. Adaptability is very strong."

"If you count it, you should be in the top ten of the game for the second awakening." Yan Lao smiled.

"And those second awakened people, including Luo, as you know. It is also among these people."

"Maybe you will be confused. What does this have to do with strength. A high number of awakenings means high initial ability. Growth is strong. At least I was once. Maybe you don't know the relationship. But it doesn't matter. "

"And people who have a second awakening don't need the first stage. You should have started to change."

Yan Lao watched Bing Han, and made two more cups of tea.

Binghan sat on a chair, looked at Yan Lao, and said, "I don't care about anything else. I'm just curious. You seem to have long realized that this game is not easy. Why not just end the game completely from the beginning."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Lao's tea cup trembled slightly.

Although he wanted to cover up a certain emotion, the aura was still: "It's true. This game can't be stopped. Even the forced offline you see now, this game continues to start in another way."

"And all we can do is grab the black hands behind the scenes and gain strength to guard what we want to guard ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yan Lao's eyes are deep, as if remembering something.

Binghan's eyes turned slightly, and he also picked up the tea cup: "It is not enough to block the official people directly. Why gather these awakened people to awaken their power."

Yan Lao glanced at the cold, and smiled: "You kid. It's cunning, and you want to talk to me. But there is nothing to hide. The official is only part of it. If we want to block them, it is enough. We haven't caught the people hiding behind the scenes. "

"Unknown things are the most terrible things." Yan Lao shook his head.

"This time I asked you to come alone, I hope you can help me complete a task, that is to find out undercover in one week's action."

"I will arrange some actions at that time, and if you pay more attention, you will find anomalies."

Yan Lao seemed to believe in ice cold and was kind.

Binghan smiled with a stubborn smile: "You're not afraid that I, like those people, use this power to do wrong? Fight against you?"

I saw Yan Lao shaking his head: "No, I don't believe you will. As for the weapons you need, I've already set you up. Otherwise, it might not be possible for the people alone."

Hearing this, Bing Han's heart was slightly stagnant, and she really knew herself very well.

"Happy cooperation." Yan Lao slowly took a sip of tea.

"Happy cooperation."


After leaving the office, Binghan walked towards the dormitory.

All those who stayed here were arranged for dormitory.

A room for six people.

It is divided into upper bunk and lower bunk, independent and sanitary, without separate balcony.

The cold room is 202.

"202 ..." Binghan looked up slightly at the door number on the door of the room.

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