Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 234: I believe in science

The female instructor was furious.

"In the future ... don't interrupt me without my permission!" The female instructor said coldly.

Binghan and Chen Ruofan looked at each other and smiled.

The female instructor secretly made a few moves and pointed at the projector and said, "I hope you will laugh at that time! There should be no two awakening people in our class. In the game, the second awakening player will assess the chance of awakening It's 100%. "

"But it looks like it's not among you."

"The person who has two awakenings has a big characteristic, that is, the body begins to show some elemental powers before they start to awaken the power. This will be said in the subsequent textbooks, you just have to go and see for yourself."

"Because it is in the newly discovered stage, many things are unknown to us."

"People who have elemental power, we call them the Awakeners. Don't try to connect the TV movies you have seen, this is the reality! There are even many of our blind spots."

"Fortunately, there are a large number of researchers in-depth study of this magical power."

The female instructor turned off the projector: "We call this era the initial stage of the resurgence!"

"Because you can seize this opportunity. Maybe it will change your life. Of course, as long as you stand by the people, we will always welcome you and the door will always open for you."

After the female instructor left, let everyone flip through the books.

It is clear that this world has already begun to discover about this power. However, it has been kept secret. Now with this constant proliferation, the balance of power is beginning to strengthen.

To maintain a certain level of peace.

Bing Han read this book for the first time and read it very carefully.

For unknown things, people are always full of yearning and curiosity. It is this curiosity and exploration that continues to advance the pace of history.

Something recorded in this book has the same existence as the frozen world's original world memory.

"Zombie headshots have a high chance of dying. Other parts may be smashed, and they may still act. Once a person eats these strange creatures, their body DNA will be mutated. Like a furry orc with a full body and no consciousness . "

"They are bloodthirsty, and they gather when they see red. They also gather when they hear sound."

The more Bing Han reads this book, the clearer the outside understanding becomes.

The strange creatures are currently under control, with one dead and one appearing. But where did these creatures come from, they never found the source. All the clues point to a game, at which time many people began to suspect that it was the game company, Doomsday Crisis.

But the people behind the scene never showed up, and everything became a mystery.

So acting now is likely to break the original existence.

We can see the division of strength in the book, from SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, currently divided into 8 levels.

The maximum combat effectiveness is only six.

Of course, all these are current data, and no one knows what the future will become.

Just know that this is the first opportunity in human history.

An opportunity enough to subvert everything.

Almost all of the following six days were talking about these basic knowledge, trying to make these people grow up quickly. But no matter how much they talk about, they can only have a deep feeling when they meet.

And during these six days, a break time physical class will be arranged every day to exercise physical fitness.


Six days later ...

A huge team, in addition to black people, but also foreigners.

There is only one purpose of these teams, which is the highest mountain in the world known as "His Mountain".

The rock surface of this mountain is above 8844.43. This is the earliest data. Covered by snow all year round.

"The first purpose of yours is to climb on the mountain of God, relying on your own strength. There is a special black ice spring on the mountain of God. This is a very special thing. When you successfully board, this first stage is successful On. "

"But I tell you! Before you go to the spring, it is best to touch the spring with your fingers, otherwise you will regret it all your life!" The instructor told everyone in the chilling wind.

Everyone nodded.

They don't even know that the mountain is more than double the original data and has reached a terrifying stage. Even extreme climbers may fall into the process.

But this is a test that all people must go through. If they want to gain power, they must learn to recognize power and awe them.

Bing Han seems to have some speculation, of course, this ice is not necessarily accurate.

"Go ..." A few voices started, and some climbed. Because the weather here is not as warm as the university, it is a bit cold.

Everyone was wearing a thick coat.

This is the only thing everyone can avoid from the cold. Everyone carried some dry food and water. If you can persist, these things are enough.

And at the beginning, Binghan didn't walk directly in front of the team like some "early children". People and soldiers at home and abroad have two paths. Although they are all mountain climbing, there are still northeast and southwest.

So there is no need to squeeze together.

Most first-time awakened players have good family conditions. Some families train people to give priority to development in all aspects. This is the so-called Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng.

There is no absolute thing in the world, and the same environment will also give birth to children.

The roaring lingering mountain wind blows on the face, and many people have purple lips.

As the climbing height gradually increased, the team began to diversify to varying degrees.

"This is the gap." Chen Ruofan strolled and stood beside Binghan, as if he was at ease

Binghan glanced at Chen Ruofan: "It looks like you have good physical fitness."

The two were pretty good in the crowd at this time.

Binghan knows ~ www.readwn.com ~ Over time, the gap between people will grow wider.

"In fact, they have been preparing for this operation for a long time." Chen Ruofan suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Binghan asked.

Chen Ruofan smiled: "Don't come here with me. Some of you can see the trick you and Luoshen do."

"You have long discovered that when zombies attack the city of the sky on a large scale, everyone will be forced to go offline." Chen Ruofan exhaled, becoming a cold air that can be seen by the naked eye.

It is enough to see the effect of temperature difference.

Even a closer look can see the feeling of condensation.

"They didn't want to be discovered some secrets so quickly, so they had to force offline at that time. It was this that gave Yan Lao an opportunity."

"We have always suspected that the entire Resident Evil game is not human, but a kind of non-human being in control." Chen Ruofan's tone was firm.

"Do you believe in extraterrestrial civilization?" Chen Ruofan rubbed his gloves.

Binghan shook his head and sneered: "No ... I believe in science."

Chen Ruofan said slowly: "Take UFO as an example. The UFO fever first appeared in January 1878. Of course, this cannot be used as any evidence. It can only be said to be a point. The starting point of an extraterrestrial civilization."

"If the civilizations of the two planets differ in height, then there may naturally be a gap. This gap becomes an irresistible fighting factor between the two sides."

"Many things may be proven over time." Chen Ruofan seemed to have something to say.

The height gradually increased, and even Binghan began to feel a little chilled and had a short breath. These chills are transmitted to the whole body by the skin exposed to the air in contact with cold air.

The heat will pass, if you warm the palm of your hand, you will feel warm.

Cold too.

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