The higher the climbing height, the colder the body can feel, and the breathing becomes faster and faster.

At this moment, a slightly fat man couldn't walk, gasped slightly, his eyes darkened, and fell to the ground.

"Take him down, he's eliminated!" Said one instructor.

There are some instructors around this group. In order to protect those who are not awakened, they don't even have that kind of perseverance. If there is no one to protect in this snow and ice, the only thing waiting for them is death.

He was accompanied by a medical team member. It's just that the medical team did not follow the team for some purpose.

This first step needs to eliminate some people of poor quality and lack of perseverance.

Some people, despite their poor constitution, can do wonders with amazing perseverance. At least this group of people in black had such a person in mind.

A strong person is not only an innate advantage, but also has a keen judgment or amazing perseverance.

"If you ca n’t keep the first ring, you can leave now. You're only half way now," the instructor said.

As soon as the words came down, some people were talking around.

"Ah ~ this is only halfway. I can't move anymore!"

"Me too. I have never suffered this crime."

A firm-eyed man sneered, "What a bitterness, look at your success!"

Bing Han did not speak, and looked at the top of the mountain.

Maybe something will change in this era of rejuvenation.

I have to seize every opportunity as much as possible.

The instructor looked at these people with a little appreciation: "Very good. If you stick with it, the future will be different. But I said the ugly words at the beginning. You can't stick to this first ring. It's fine to give up. At least not I lost my life. But at the end of the first ring or even a few rings later, that's true ... killed Huangquan! "

The voice fell.

Some vacillating people hesitated and decided to retreat.

After all, if you have money to chic, why suffer from this sin? It's worthless if you lose your life.

This batch is leaving a small number, more people are eager to become the same as Yan Lao.

Float your feet, hold power, and lift light weight.

The balance of power and money is tilting.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts and they know exactly what they want.

Many people's lips have become frozen. The hot water in the bag became colder as soon as it was taken out.

Binghan felt the same situation.


Binghan felt that his body seemed to have a strange energy walking around, and the cold around him began to fade away.

"This is it?" Binghan frowned slightly.

His changes even appeared on his body. His original complexion also began to pale, his eyelashes were stained with frost, and they instantly opened.

His complexion gradually returned to blood red.

Chen Ruofan sees this change in his eyes.

Similarly, some keen instructors also saw changes in Binghan's body.

"This is a precursor to awakening." The instructor's eyes lightened slightly.

Before it started, there were signs of this.

Is this man the second awakened player in a certain area? It looks like the endurance is good.

The instructor's eyes stared at Binghan.

In fact, Binghan's information is confidential. They might be able to call him Han Feihan and call Han Han.

But only a few people knew that he was Binghan.

The smaller the number of the team, the lower the number. From the beginning, the number has plummeted to two tenths.

The more difficult it gets to the rear.

"Coming soon." Many people started to be excited.

When they climbed, they didn't even know how long it took. They could only act by instinct.

Bing Han didn't know why it felt easier to get back, as if a yoke of the body was about to be broken.


Many people pointed at the top of the mountain in front, it was a special place.

The surrounding area is frozen and cold, only a special area is unique.

That's hot!

There is a black gate in the place surrounded by this heat! Around the gate were strange statues of human heads. There is a sense of stone statues on the Easter Island.

And the respective positions seem to represent the Big Dipper.

"You are very welcome to be here." An instructor with a scar on his face clapped his hands.

He walked in front of everyone.

"This first link is very important to you. Maybe the previous lesson has told you about the division of strength, but do you know what the division of strength is?" The instructor said.

When members entered the area, the cold air suddenly disappeared, an indescribable comfort.

"The division of strength depends on your energy age," said the scarred instructor.

"It may be said that you don't understand it. But this first link is your opportunity. Grasp it. You can even increase your speed much faster."

"I'm the instructor who got the A-level energy body in the first ring. If you can't understand, you can say so. None of the 10 C-level energy bodies can beat me. Of course, there is a premise, that is the energy body. The age is almost the same. "

"If the difference is a lot, then it must be the old man who wins."

"The potential of the energy body is to increase the age quickly."

The instructor felt that it would be possible for them to fall into a misunderstanding and sneer: "If you talk too much, you may be confused. But you will soon be clear!"

"All in!" The instructor sang loudly.

Many people entered one after another, as if entering a space separated.

But there are also some people who cannot access ~ ~ These people look puzzled to the instructor.

The instructor shook his head, his face solemn: "Sorry. Those who cannot enter this door will not be awakened."

Many people clenched their fists so hard that they couldn't wake up to this power.

But the truth is so cruel.

It's not what you want to be, you can be who you are.

Bing Han shook his head and stepped inside the door.

At the moment of getting started, his eyes tightened suddenly.

Because a panel appeared in front of my eyes!

Role: Han Feihan

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Energy body: None

Energy years: None

Awakening Type: None

"This is the panel?" Binghan was slightly surprised.

Chen Ruofan patted Binghan's body: "I heard a long time ago that the army-fang set up a black team to protect the entire world."

"Finally opened to us." Chen Ruofan's eyes flashed fiery.

Binghan's eyes turned slightly: "Where are those people abroad?"

"They are in another position, and we will not meet." Chen Ruofan seemed to know many things long ago.

Bing Han thoughtfully, but did not speak.

Chen Ruofan handed Binghan a cigarette from his sleeve, and he also lighted one: "The energy body can be improved by devouring other people, but the difficulty of this promotion is very large, and it is likely to be surrounded. So we need to grab the most Good energy body. "

As the two talked.

A man burst into the wind with a bang: "This ... is actually a C-level energy body!"

He waved his hand gently, and a wind blade appeared, and a nearby tree fell directly in his surprised eyes.

Everyone took a breath.

Then his eyes gradually became hot ...

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