Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 236: S-Class Energy Body

"The C-level energy body has such a strong initial ability!" Many people could not help but swallow saliva.

If this is an A rank like the instructor, it can almost be said to go sideways.

A woman came out and snorted: "Do you think the energy body is so easy to get? A level can't even find much. You see that the instructor just didn't have it, he should be the head of these instructors. A level A can do To this extent, the Black Guards cannot make ordinary people do it. "

"At least it turns out that Class A is also very rare!"

The woman's body ran quickly: "You still begging to find the energy body. If you don't find it within 24 hours, you will all be expelled!"

Bing Han looked at the woman with a deep meaning: "Who is she?"

Then shook his head.

Everyone seems to be beginning to understand the meaning of this energy body.

The energy body represents the speed of ascension, and the age represents the strength of the combat effectiveness.

Chen Ruofan took a deep breath early and then slowly spit out: "Let's go! Find our energy body that belongs to us."

Bing Han did not speak.

A miserable cry came at this time!

"It's a cannibal ant!" Many looked backwards pale.

They looked in horror at the man who had just been eaten in a short moment and had only bones.

Binghan's eyes mimic: "It turns out that's what they call a crisis."

When this group of man-eaters appeared, Binghan and Chen Ruofan were directly separated by the crowd. I wanted to join forces to find a body of ability, and had a companion. However, things are unexpected.

Bing Han kept running, and began to find a layer of frost on his hands while running.

But this layer of frost is very thin.

"Damn." Binghan found himself running into a dead end.

Bing Han looked up at a big tree next to her, and jumped suddenly, grabbing the branch.

Climb up quickly.

The man-eating ants did not seem to be climbing up the tree, but were moving all the way.

Bing Han even saw a person in front of him being eaten directly, leaving only a bone.

"The power of nature is really terrible." A sudden voice sounded.

A fat man stood on the tree, panting.

Bing Han did not speak.

"Otherwise, let's form a team," the fat man began.

Bing Han refused directly: "No."

"I'm slippery with guns," said the fat man.

Only then did Bing Han look at the fat man, and it was not easy to bring the gun in.

The fat man was dressed in black with a mole on the corner of his mouth, and he was wearing a large suit. Wearing a famous mechanical watch.

"Just call me Fatty Wu, I don't care about the name."

The icy ant jumped down after the cold, and the fat man slowly crawled down.

Bing Han didn't plan to bring a towing oil bottle, but he had a gun, but there were many guarantees. And judging from the current situation, the instructors cannot get in.

That is, this is all members.

And Yan Lao also gave himself a task to search out the lurkers.

As the two were on their way, many people ran in one direction.


A man carries several people he knows.

"I just found the S-level energy body, but that energy body actually attacks people! A-level can be the instructor's head, this S-level is even more dragging!" The man's eyes were hot.

Lots of people went in one direction.

"Let's go!" The fat man just wanted to speak.

Bing Han has followed the brigade, shaking his head helplessly. Only a moment later, his eyes moved slightly, staring at Binghan: "Maybe, you are the person I am looking for."

When everyone gathered towards the site, the scene was already in chaos.

It is not the energy body that attacks the people around.

Rather, these people are fighting each other directly for the energy body.

The energy body seems to have no intelligence, only the ability to act.

Just stood there like that.

A person who has obtained a C-level energy body wants to rush up, but is directly kicked off by this energy body.


Although the sound was chaotic, it was still audible.

"Wipe." The rest were choking.

On the one hand, I want to fight for myself, and on the other hand, to prevent being scrambled by others. This seems to be a delicate cycle.

Bing Han did not join in.

At this moment, the fat man was slightly happy when he saw the energy body.

Toward the cold: "I'll shoot later, you go and grab the energy body."

Bing Han looked at this fat man in doubt.

I always think something is wrong.

The fat man took a deep breath and fired several shots into the air: "If you don't want to die, just let it go!"

The rest of his face froze: "How could you bring a gun in!"

Fatty Wu said, "I found it here. But it doesn't matter. My brother wants this energy! Whoever shoots you can't get through with me!"

A person who has obtained a C-level energy body has a fire in the palm of his hand.

The man rushed directly to the ice cold.

At this time, many people turned their attention to Bing Han.

Bing Han's eyes were slightly cold, and he had been prepared for a while, and his body stepped back.

At this moment, a gunshot sounded, and Wu Fat smiled: "Hey, I won this S-Class!"

However, the energy body of this gun did not kill, and escaped quickly!

"Cao! Not dead!" The fat man stunned and rushed up.

Unlike the slowness at the beginning, the fat man's footsteps are abnormally fast.

"Special! It's been put on by this fat man!" Many people realize that fat man is the one who really wants to gain energy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Binghan takes out a playing card from his sleeve!

Suddenly wave!

Like a dart, it penetrates directly into the energy body.

At the same time, the cold feet are full of vitality, and the speed suddenly accelerates. The ground where the toes reach is directly covered with frost!

At this time, Bing Han was chasing with all his strength, not paying any attention to this change.

But the rest saw this change clearly!

next moment!

The pupils tightened slightly.

I saw Binghan's whole body as if it had undergone earth-shaking changes.

You can even see a real cold from his pores!

Binghan's mouth sneered: "It's mine in the end!"

This time completely kill the energy body.


With ice cold as the body radius, a strong breath erupted instantly.

The panel information suddenly changed.

Role: Han Feihan

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Energy body: S-level energy body

Energy years: None

Awakening Type: None

After seeing this scene, the fat man in the distance yelled: "Frustrated! Damn guy!"

Immediately turned around and ran in the other direction.

At this time, Frozen found that he could drive simple freezing power.

"Where do you want to go?" Binghan appeared in front of him instantly, very quickly.

Fatty Wu cold sweat DC: "Brother, misunderstanding."

Bingchi smiled: "I'm sorry, I didn't treat you as a brother from the beginning. You, a familiar guy, don't seem easy.

Fatty Wu flashed his eyes: "Ah? What's not easy. I'm like everyone else, looking for energy body, shock awakening."

Icy smiled and didn't speak.

Yan Lao said he wanted to be undercover, but it was definitely not the person. Nevertheless, this person has a special place ...

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