Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 237: Incredible

Icy can only do as much as possible.

"I've confiscated your gun." Gently waved and grabbed the gun directly from Wu Fatzi.

Did not give him any chance to refute.

At least so far, no one can rely on the body to resist bullets.

This method even narrowed the fat pupil ’s pupils slightly, took a deep breath, and sneered: "Take it. This gun is for you."

Bing Han took up the gun, his eyes moved slightly, and he went in the other direction.

Wu Fatty exhaled when he saw Binghan far away, his face was a little hazy.

However, he didn't see Binghan's back, it was a smile.

Wu Fatzi looked around, carefully confirmed the environment, and quickly hid in the distance. At the same time, a layer of mold was torn open on the face, and the clothes also quickly fell off and changed into another dress .......

At this time, he was wrong, it should be her.

Even the originally swollen body quickly contracted.

All this happened between the electric light fire, extremely skillful.

"Fortunately, I have learned some odd doors and can easily disguise." The woman shook her head.

"Really?" Binghan appeared behind him.

The woman's face froze and she was already quite cautious.

Why did he find out.

And he was clearly heading southwest, how could he appear behind him.

"Why are you behind me!"

Binghan laughed: "It's just a little blinding."

"I think your companion is here, too?" Binghan glanced lightly.

The woman looked around, and instantly threw a smoke bomb out of that sleeve.

"Not good!" Binghan realized that it was not good.

Sure enough, the woman disappeared after the smoke passed.

Bing Han immediately shook his head: "It was really well prepared."

Then he looked cold: "This way ... more interesting ..."


The first ring is heard.

After the countdown, it ended completely ...

It was a void voice, which sounded very ethereal.

At least Binghan feels this way.

A light led everyone out of this space. Appeared on the top of the snow mountain again.

"People who haven't got the energy body can go back! They have been eliminated." The instructor's tone did not show good or bad, but revealed a coldness.

That's how they came.

Looking at these people now, maybe one day these people will become the same as themselves.

And those who did not come out have completely died in this first ring.

"No matter what energy body you get, that's just to increase your potential ascension speed. The real combat power is the age. When you really wake up, someone will guide you!" The instructor's eyes glanced sharply at everyone.

"I'll give you some hints in this second ring, that is, the post-graduate persistence and physical strength. Of course I have said so much, even if you know it, it's useless."

The instructor pointed at a black stone.

"Well? I didn't see this stone just now!"

"Yeah. We saw a black door."

"Too he can't think!"

Many people talked.

The instructor said coldly: "No need to discuss. At the beginning of the second ring, you will be brought into a special place by this black stone. Whether you can get the years depends on your perseverance."

"If you follow the past experience. It should be two hours later. You should save your energy." The instructor spoke to the other instructors.

Chen Ruofan pushed his glasses and walked towards Binghan: "What level of energy body did you get?"

Bing Han did not speak.

Instead, another man gritted his teeth and said, "I saw him snatching an S-Class energy body!"

Bing Han did not deliberately explain, his eyes were around.

The woman must be around, with her skill and preparation, she certainly won't die easily in it. Maybe it's easy to turn into someone.

What a tricky guy.

Chen Ruofan smiled: "Energy bodies can be advanced. But this means that you have a good start. The real power is energy years."

Bing Han nodded: "Are you old?"

"Yes, that is almost representative of strength." Chen Ruofan seemed to know many things.

"Before I asked you to associate with the eight major guilds, it seems impossible to do it. The change of things is slightly unexpected," Chen Ruofan said.

Binghan smiled: "No, I believe, you have figured it all out."

"Oh?" Chen Ruofan smiled slightly. "You know me quite well."

Chen Ruofan looked up at the sky and took a deep breath: "Some things are always multi-faceted. Despite being precise, if there is not enough power, everything is false ..."

"Sometimes we have a lot of choices for everything, different choices, and ultimately different paths ..."

Binghan's eyes moved slightly and he didn't say a word.


"It's almost time." The instructor with a scar on his face took a pocket watch from his body. There was a crack right in front of the pocket watch, and a bullet was blocked for him. Behind the pocket watch is a specially made photo.

A woman and a child smiled brightly.

"Mission." The instructor exhaled a long breath.

This is something that I have to protect for my whole life.

Now that the world has changed, something must be done.

"If darkness comes, I'm willing to trade my soul for that peace ..." The instructor seemed to remember something ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sure enough, a special energy emanated from this black stone, enveloped Everyone's side.

This energy is like a bubble.

As the bubble burst, the people inside disappeared.

Many instructors looked at this scene and knew that they had a second ring.

"I hope more people will come back alive." Many people who have experienced it also sweat for them.



The noisy sound accompanied the DJ ringing in his ears. You can see many, many people dancing in this flickering environment.

They are releasing this youth, releasing freedom, releasing freedom ...

"Here is it?" Binghan shook his head, as if his head was a little dull.

"Sir, would you like a glass of wine?" A middle-aged man in a suit on the bar laughed with a beard.

As soon as Binghan wanted to refuse, the middle-aged man had already poured a glass of wine and pushed him in front of Binghan.

"Drink," said the middle-aged man.

Bing Han feels wrong. He seems to be doing something, but why he feels his brain groggy.

What seems to have forgotten?

That glass of wine looks more like wine, but it has a strange blood red feeling.

The crystal clear glass of light shines under this lamp.

Staring at this glass of wine, I felt a special temptation-confusion.

The cup is getting closer and closer ...

Getting closer......


Bing Han hit a spirit.

I saw some broken ice in my palm.

Then I remembered that I was still awakening the second ring.

Suddenly looked up, but found around .....

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