Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 245: It's time to fight back

The hole on the first floor was blocked by the crowd with some heavy debris, at least not directly in.

At the same time, some people began to use their own power to destroy the second floor elevator.

"Han brother! The supermarket on the second floor was supposed to sell vegetables and fruits, clothing on the third floor, and appliances on the fourth floor. But it has been ransacked." An extraordinary person said to Binghan.

In the training camp, everyone called Binghan Weihan, and few people knew his real name and ID name. There are some official factors and some personal reasons for this.

Binghan kept his information and did not tell everyone.

Except for Chen Ruofan and a few others, almost no one knew his real name.

No one knows that he is the special player who can control the zombies in the game. If you know, let's not talk about hatred. Many people even associate the reality of this game with reality.

It may even take ice cold as the source of this matter.

So whether it is Binghan himself or the official choose to keep it secret.

"Okay. Destroy the elevator on the second floor so they can't come directly." Binghan nodded slightly.

The transcendent's face was slightly embarrassed: "But Han, we don't have much food anymore. What should these refugees do?"

"Go first to search for any food leftovers, and use our compressed foods to make a transition for the time being. This area seems more troublesome than we thought." Binghan's eyes moved slightly.

Chen Ruofan walked over and pushed his glasses: "We have a 60% chance of evasion, a 30% chance of being killed by the zombie tide, and a 10% chance to fight back."

Binghan smiled and patted his shoulder: "You are still the same. It seems that the ability to calculate is still very good."

"No wonder the authorities have to train us for such a long time. I thought that once we came out, we were invincible. It turned out that the situation was much more complicated. Without training, we would have difficulty facing such complex situations."

A fat man stepped out of the crowd and sneered at the crowd.

"Han, how long can your ice wall last?" The fat man asked.

Binghan's eyes mimic: "17 minutes. There should be 2 minutes and 15 seconds left."

The fat man's face turned green as soon as he heard it. During the training, he heard the instructor say that the tide of corpses originally happened in the closed area. Unexpectedly it has spread. Fortunately, counterattacks have started.

A fight between people and zombies has officially begun.

If there is no initial preparation stage, I am afraid that it would have quickly expanded like an outbreak virus.

Human beings have certain safe areas.

These safe areas will continually move and gradually move closer to the center.

This is done for a variety of reasons.

If you concentrate all at the beginning, there will be many difficulties.

"Don't say anything, please keep your breath as low as possible. If you can hold your breath, try to close it." Binghan explained.

The rest also understood. People in black have received professional training, these common sense are still very clear. These zombies heard sounds and **** operations, and if they were very low, they could hardly hear them.

But who kicks the jar at this time will definitely attract the attention of the zombies.

But no one would joke about their lives.

"3 ... 2 ... 1 ..." someone said silently.

next moment.


With a loud noise, the icy ice wall completely disintegrated.

Influx of zombies.

Everyone suppressed themselves, lying on the ground, dare not come out. Fear of being discovered by the zombies. Only the extraordinary look at the surroundings through the corners.

Huh ~

They took a breath.

This area can't be wanted.

Because this zombie is too big.

Bing Han's eyes flickered and he was thinking about something.

The T camp is a camp to protect humanity. The camp is divided into 1 star to 5 stars. The more these stars represent the stronger combat effectiveness of the stationed humans.

1 star is the lowest camp, and 5 stars is the strongest camp.

What is the purpose of the official asking us to come to the lowest camp? Is it necessary to let yourself converge these 1 star camps to 5 stars as much as possible?

The five-star camp is almost safe.

The perimeter is full of tanks and high-energy weapons, and is guarded by many men in black and official supernatural.

Analyzing these things based on Binghan's previous cognition, there is a feeling that the red alert that has been played is similar. I have a super base camp, temporarily called the five-star base camp.

There are other small base camps besides our own base camp, and all we need to do is merge from these small base camps towards the base camp.

After everyone gathered at the base camp, they began to fight back.

Weakness of strength is to hold the area.

Stronger points can begin a formal counterattack.

But there are still many blind spots. What are the sources of these blind spots, including black doors?

Who controls everything behind?

Zombies seem to be searching for targets, but they have only low wisdom and don't think too much. So circle around.

At this time, the man who was looking for food appeared slowly and lowered his voice: "The food has been ransacked ..."

Bing Han frowned slightly.

This era is simply a cataclysmic resurgence, and many things have begun to change. The places where they were invaded have changed drastically.

"Temporarily lurking ..." Binghan can only choose to wait for the arrival of the helicopter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Time passes by every minute.

However, the zombies around it seemed to have lost their soul, standing still.

The scene was once stiff.

"How long is our food?" Binghan asked.

The man said: "Only two days for our current numbers, at least seven days without them ..."

Bing Han glanced at the people around him and stopped speaking.

This is the first mission.

"I should be able to resolve that corpse. But I need cover to attract the attention of the area zombies."

Bing Han said for a moment.

Originally thought that hiding could allow these corpses to leave, but these zombies gathered around motionless. If you continue this way, you will suffer even more. They are human and need to eat and drink.

Like these living dead, it is impossible not to eat, drink or feel pain.

"No one is going?" Binghan frowned slightly when he saw the people around him silent.

Chen Ruofan shoved his glasses: "Okay. After so long practicing, a group of cowards! I ... go!"

The others looked at each other and couldn't speak well.

The training did give them great control over their strength, but they really feared the creatures they were facing.

But not everyone is afraid, but some people still have blood.

"Okay! In this case, I'm not afraid of death! I just hope that I can still see ... my son alive." A middle-aged man said.

"Count me!" Another man came out.

"I'm coming too!" A woman said hesitantly.

Bing Han nodded: "Rest assured, I will let you live with me to base camp!"

"It's time to fight back, messy!"

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