Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 246: Masked truth

"Action." Binghan's eyes were tiny.

The first team jumped down the stairs.

An extraordinary person reached out a glass wall on the first floor, and lightly pressed on it.

The next moment, I saw a ripple in the whole glass.

"You can go out!"

The man took the lead out of the glass. The others also pierced through the glass.


As they penetrated, the zombies were acutely spotted.

Run towards them!

"I'm here!"

One waved his hand at the zombies, for fear they didn't notice themselves.

They will use their abilities to attract the attention of the zombies as much as possible.

Those zombies ran towards them like crazy ...

"Run! We have succeeded!" They are capable of fighting, but still dare not grow up in the face of such a dense group of zombies.

At this time, the ice cold also appeared from the crowd, and a trace of ice appeared on the toes, and quickly ran towards the corpse.

As if there were wheels under the cold feet, the speed was very fast.

Some of the zombies were attracted to chase by the previous superhuman, so when Binghan went straight to the target, the number was much smaller. But still not to be underestimated.

"Ice marks!" A line of ice lines appeared in Binghan's hands. Through these lines, he moved quickly and flexibly, and at the same time counterattacked the zombies.

These zombies are still a small number of dishes for Binghan.

Along the way, even Binghan didn't know how many were killed.

Seeing that the corpse will be closer and closer ...

The corpse will begin to use its abilities.



The rest of the zombies turned around and chased Binghan.

Even those zombies that had attracted attention flew back in the direction of Frozen.

This is to surround the ice cold.

Chen Ruofan yelled, "Stop these zombies! We need to give Binghan a delay!"

They shot again and took the initiative to attack, but under their attack, the zombies still chose to run towards the cold.

Time is running out.

Bing Han frowned slightly: "I have to hurry up!"

He took a deep breath, his body jerking for a while, and behind him a huge ghostly phoenix.

With the strength of Frozen, it is not yet possible to fully consolidate the entities, but some attacks by the virtual body can still be easily done.

"Hum!" The corpse snorted coldly, rushing towards the ice cold.

The corpse seems to have just turned on its intelligence, so the words are not fluent: "Infect ... human ..."

next moment.

The corpse shook his palm so fast that he made an eagle-like shape and attacked the position of Frozen Chest.

"Go ... dead!" The corpse roared and attacked at the same time.

The focus of the ice cold toes is on the ground, and the ice cold is condensed into an ice ground with a radius of five meters. At the same time, Bing Han's face was slightly pale.

However, after using this trick, the speed of Bing Han has suddenly increased, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

A huge ice gun appeared in his hand, and Binghan held the ice gun like an arrow and penetrated the corpse directly.

It was thought that some embarrassing corpses would be directly killed by Binghan.


The power of Frozen erupted directly in the corpse general, with a loud noise.

"Huh? This is it?" Binghan arched slightly and picked it up.

After the corpse died, two things existed, one was an energy body and the other was a black metal.

This black metal seems to be a part, and some sounds can be heard.

Tick ​​tick tick tick ...

"It's a bomb!" Binghan's face changed.

The body slumped back.


The immense power directly engulfed the surroundings.

I saw a building in the distance, a man in a white coat, a robot arm in his left hand, and a lens in his right eye. Looks like a Frankenstein. The most surprising thing is that this man has a pair of wings behind him.

The wings are very small, just like bat wings.

"Should be dead." He trembled slightly, his body shaken.

The bat's wings instantly became large, and he flew high into the air and headed in the other direction.

After a few minutes.

"Ahem." Binghan stood up from under a rubble, a gray layer.

He looked at a black spot at high altitude, like a human and a bat.

"What the **** is that?" Binghan was slightly puzzled.

At the same time, the surrounding zombies lost the blessing of the corpse, and the extraordinary began to crush directly. These seven months are not Bai Lian. At the same time, they are drawing energy bodies while killing.

Binghan absorbed the energy body of the corpse generals, and further enhanced his strength.

"It doesn't seem to be extraterrestrial power, but a masterpiece of someone or a team! These **** guys." Binghan's face was a little hazy.

Being able to bury this type of mine in a corpse is certainly not ordinary people. And with this strength, direct killing is. Apparently the corpse was not killed. Instead, some people wanted to kill Binghan through the corpse.

Soon under the leadership of Binghan, the area was cleared of zombies.

I thought it would be difficult to deal with, but now I know that I am too underestimated these extraordinary people. Ordinary zombies can hardly kill the extraordinary. Only zombies above the corpse generals have this kind of combat power.

Buzzing ~~~~

The roar of a helicopter appeared in the sky.

"T-League is here!"

Many men in official clothes and guns got off the helicopter. At the same time there are many fighter jets hovering in the air around the helicopter.

"Who is Han Feihan!" A man in a hat and a trench coat asked with a serious look ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bing Han knew that the name belonged to his own body, so he said, "What?"

"We BOSS wants to see you. There are new developments that require you to come together. By the way, we have sent helicopters to pick up these extraordinary people. This time, bringing all the extraordinary people together has made a major discovery ... .. "

Bing Han thoughtfully: "A major discovery ..."


T Protected Area Alliance Headquarters.

A middle-aged man looks charitable, with Yan Lao and others below.

Their faces are very respectful.

One woman holds a notebook in her hand while the other holds a laser pointer.

She used a laser pointer to point at the projector behind her.

"We found an amazing fact from many cadavers through DNA analysis data and changes in various immune functions of the body's cells."

"That is ... these zombies are controlled by someone through technology."

"This is also the case with these infections. These zombie viruses are like body cell divisions that produce mutations at the same time as the division. And painful nerves are destroyed, so it is not painful or itchy. After that, they will spread further with the body virus Attack the center of the human brain. The broad ibuprofen region of the brain and the nervous system. "

The woman's voice fell.

The people around him looked a little serious. BOSS still looks charitable, and smiles, as if listening carefully.

"You said it was controlled by someone? Do you have any basis?" Yan Lao asked.

The woman said, "This is a graph of the power of the transcendent."

After saying this, some straight rises appeared on the screen, and one group of data is particularly prominent ...

That's icy data ...

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