Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 247: opportunity

"What does this mean?" Someone asked, frowning.

The woman looked at Binghan's data and explained: "He is a special being. Originally, in the game of Doomsday Crisis, his ID was Binghan. At present, many people do not know his identity. As shown by this set of data Judging from the content, Binghan is special. "

"It's so special that it can affect the control of the entire plan by the people behind it. So they started to move ahead. Originally, according to our previous analysis, when the zombie in the city of sky entered on a large scale, the data of this game will start to collapse. . This is a bug for a game. It is this month's bug that allows these zombies to appear in large quantities in reality. This theory is an abstract consciousness derived from the four-dimensional theory. "

"Simply put, let something in the game appear in reality through something special."

"But the moment Bing Han led the zombies to attack the city of the sky, the entire BUG was completely different. In other words, the original BUG was replaced by Bing Han, so Bing Han became this BUG."

An older man, wearing a reading glasses, said: "Wait ... you confused me ... I still don't understand what it means."

The woman smiled: "I'm sorry, then I'll talk about it in popular terms, that is, someone is currently trying to block the ice cold, kill him! Once the ice cold is killed, this game can be restarted, and a large number of zombies Technology can come to reality. "

"And it's infinite ..."

As soon as this word came out, everyone took a breath.

Unlimited Zombies!

This is the rhythm to finish the calf.

"However, fortunately, the current cold weather is okay, so this plan cannot succeed. Only zombies can infect humans and seek more zombies." The woman turned off the projector.

Yan Lao was silent.

A man with an English beard said: "Then we need to step up to protect him! At the same time, fight back against the zombies."

The other person stood up. He looked down at the man next to him. This superhuman had only strength and no strategy: "No ... I think this is an opportunity."

BOSS has not spoken at this time, and finally spoke at this time: "Protection is retreating, letting go is born ... try to borrow ice cold ... find out the target behind the scenes ..."

The rest also agreed with this view.


Binghan sat in the helicopter and looked at the ruins below. He didn't know what he was thinking.

This used to be a place of peace, where sin and justice kept breeding and maintained in a certain stable state. Nowadays, science and technology are becoming more and more developed, but Binghan has a feeling that it is likely that this situation is also science.

Creating civilization scientifically can also destroy civilization.

"Someone just wanted me to die," Binghan said.

Chen Ruofan was also in the helicopter.

He pushed his glasses: "If I guessed right, the person you saw is most likely the culprit who killed my brother."

"My brother and I depend on each other, and I make money for him to go to college. He said that he would go on a trip to fulfill his dream, and he would show it to me before he went to a place. I said with a smile that I would definitely make him a lot of money. Dream, let me realize it for you ... "Chen Ruofan's eyes were slightly ruddy, as if remembering many memories.

that year.

He is not the evil helm of the European bloc.

that year.

He is just an obscured migrant, an unwilling fate. He set up stalls, bought newspapers, ran sales ... the sadness of those years was only known to him.

The only reason he can continue to live is his brother. For him, Chen Ruofan sacrificed a lot.

But it was also his own persistence that gave Chen Ruofan more and more advantages. A stream of data was formed. It is called a humanoid computer.

It was just that he did not expect this strange power to kill his younger brother. In order to find the truth behind this power, he wanted revenge.

Kill yourself ... dead ... the other!

Bing Han was silent, he did not speak, watching the scenery outside the helicopter ...


Underground buildings on a mountain ...

Many people are busy.

There are many huge glassware in the building, about three meters high. There are green liquids in the vessel enclosing some special animals and plants.

"Professor Feng, you are back!" A lean man chuckled.

A woman holds a small book in her hand and holds a pen in her mouth: "Resolved?"

The one-eyed Frankenstein, known as Professor Feng, said for a moment in silence: "I was worried about exposing myself, so after the explosion ... I left quickly. It should be dead .... "

The woman nodded: "The wind has been a little tight lately. Let's go to the lab and try to connect the whole game again. With this step, we can build our own world."

Professor Feng's eyes flickered.

This world, he sees too much fairness, so he needs to change the world.

"Knowledge can change destiny, and knowledge can also create power." Professor Feng said something strange, as if there was something in it.

"By the way, what happened to the latest batch of dead bodies?" Professor Feng took out his electric screwdriver and was bullying at his robotic arm.

The woman said: "It should be almost there. But this progress is not enough. The official staff is a little bit. Now we are still in the underground stage. If we kill Han Feihan ... we can build our ideal country."

Professor Feng nodded: "Go and start the switch. If it can be started, it means that Bing Han is dead. If it cannot be started, we must find a way to kill him as soon as possible ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise drag it on, right We are disadvantaged. "

Human civilization is from nothing to light, from light to darkness, to light. This is the reproduction of civilization.

But with his power, he can't directly change the whole world. Since he can't change the world, destroy the whole world and build new systems and rules by himself!

These zombies and the doomsday biochemical crisis are the fruits of his many years of research, but the emergence of the ice cold made this plan exposed to the world in advance.

"Icy cold ... Han Feihan ... you must die!" Professor Feng looked hazy.


Official command.

Bing Han was invited into the conference lobby.

Two men in black with white gloves made an invitation gesture: "Please."

Bing Han's eyes went into the lobby.

The bright lobby is already full of people, dressed in suits and leather shoes.

At the moment Binghan came in, everyone's eyes focused on him. The whole meeting looked very grand. Before he came in, he could see many extraordinary people around.

At the same time, all kinds of weapons and snipers are arranged. As soon as there is any problem, fire quickly.

"Sit down." There was a middle-aged man at the forefront of the meeting, wearing white clothes, with a lot of merits hanging on his chest, and a mild complexion.

Binghan glanced slightly and sat down.

He saw Yan Lao, and even Yan Lao just sat below, so it represented an unusual identity for that middle-aged man. So Binghan didn't say much, just did it.

Just then.

A woman of good physique walked to the middle-aged man in white and said something in his ear.

After listening to the middle-aged man in white, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and he took a deep breath: "Very good ..."

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